To Writers: From a nelf fan

Yeah, it would be nice if they delved into NE lore a bit more. Basically, if they delved into the lore of all backstage races' lore.

We don't get much story from most races.
10/22/2018 04:10 PMPosted by Pänic
Yeah, it would be nice if they delved into NE lore a bit more. Basically, if they delved into the lore of all backstage races' lore.

We don't get much story from most races.

Orcs versus Humans since Warcraft 1.

Here's the tissue box, trust me, eventually you'll need it too...
Okay, so enough moping about.

There's really only two options now: either Blizzard shows it cares, or, Blizzard shows it does not care.

Past that, we're going to talk ourselves in circles.

I sometimes wish a vote of no confidence in Blizzard as far as the Night Elves could send a meaningful message.

However, I have no idea how to communicate with Blizzard, when the standard reaction to anything I type up is, "You think you do, but you don't..."
In “Wolfheart”, the Night Elves are out-ambushed by orcs. At Night.

As a veteran of Warcraft 3, this brings me almost physical pain.
10/22/2018 04:33 PMPosted by CaelĂŽn
In “Wolfheart”, the Night Elves are out-ambushed by orcs. At Night.

As a veteran of Warcraft 3, this brings me almost physical pain.

Remember when we had “Ultravision” and were the only race capable of maintaining our full potential at night?
10/19/2018 11:50 AMPosted by Ilthen

Now we have the new Battle for Azeroth Cinematics, quests, stories, the Warbringers, and 8.1, and as ever, the Night Elves are just shown crying, burning, trying and failing, losing everything shown before for no reason whatsoever other than to serve as a module for the story of others.


Sadly true my friend. Decided to stand tall through it all but wow, as they say now "feels bad man"

Anyways, Thank you so much for expressing what many of us are feeling. Maybe, one day with posts started like yours and the amount of feedback given through all the comments that Blizz will give a 2nd look to our Night Elf plight before moral gets any lower (if that is possible at this point).

Have a Fantastic day to all those people supporting us both Horde and Alliance in this. It is very much appreciated.

I must be in the minority of sound minded people who have little attachment to what happens in the story. I expect to have my heart wrenched, good stories often do that (I'm being very kind inferring WOW's story is good).

People who get too caught up in stories remind me of Stephen King's "Misery". Check it out if you don't know it.
10/20/2018 01:41 PMPosted by Tiridan
You have gotten so much to make up for Teldrassil:

-Access to DH, which the only other race that can use them is Blood Elves
-New Warfront based around your zone
-New Armor sets based around the Nelf aesthetic
-New Models for your leaders
-New Customization Options
-Updated Mounts
-Updated Nelf Zone

-Access to DH: So, the Horde gets Demon Hunters in exchange of our City? You know how terrible that sounds?
-New Armor sets: So we have to lose a city to get armor sets.
-New models for our leaders: Ok, when are we destroying Silvermoon or Orgrimmar? I mean, Varok and Liadrin got a new model. Lor'themar is also getting one.
-New customization: When are we destroying Silvermoon and Orgrimmar, again?
-Updated Mounts: That the Horde can use. Man, I will continue losing cities and be kicked in the teeths for the Horde to get new things, too?
-Updated Nelf Zone: That the Horde can use too? Likely theirs? Nah.

And all that is supposed to make us feel good? It failed, hard, then... That's what Horde players expect us to have?

... Excuse me?

They couldn't have introduced better models of skeletal horses? They get to steal the new sabers as well?

*starts laughing, turns into internal screaming*

It's like I'm watching the race get slowly disseminated and butchered, watching their parts get thrown to the masses.
10/22/2018 05:12 PMPosted by Jamalia
I must be in the minority of sound minded people who have little attachment to what happens in the story. I expect to have my heart wrenched, good stories often do that (I'm being very kind inferring WOW's story is good).

People who get too caught up in stories remind me of Stephen King's "Misery". Check it out if you don't know it.

There's a vast difference to a heart-wrenching story and what's happening here. It's complete failure to portray the race and characters as what they are. It's done solely to make the Horde feel good about themselves and how cool their characters are. This is not a Red Wedding. Teldrassil could be considered the heart-wrenching story, but 8.1 shows that it's complete incompetence or hate at this point. This isn't good story. It's not okay story. It's bad. It's ripping apart the previous writer's work and urinating on it.

Small Edit: 'Sound minded' isn't the correct term. It's lack of passion or care you're looking for. I'll move on, I'm just invested. Getting invested in things is good.
10/22/2018 04:07 PMPosted by Turgin
There's really nothing meaningful to the race anymore, and it's a true travesty. The NE's were once a wonderful concept; whenever Blizz decided to go with their new plan of the NE's cannot do ANYthing AT ALL without help, they could have made that story compelling to me, as a player.

Sad but true.

best option here is a demon hunter. See a NE DH has made out well for themselves. We stopped being demons anyway. We run the crew, we control our fate.

bfa screws us having us minions to a boy king or or a psycho banshee....not happy about that but is what it is and at least belf DH's get a few bites out of that crap sandwich too .

But....we aren't pure NE's anymore. We, to me anyway, are illidari.

I have a vision to have an elf army on my account. Both sides all elf races. Horde this is easy...I even have the belf hunter and belf demon hunter. Nightborne comes after I level a void elf first. Alliance went first to make even, 2 each side lol.

I don't hate being a belf. Sure they are stuck with a psycho bipolar Sylvanas. that's' workable imo.

Alliance side I can't do this as easily. At this time I can't roll a pure NE and like it. I like some RP to my chars. the crap in BFA...I can't RP well. And I can be creative. Like in skyrim, extensive RP rolls for Bosmer chars of vengeance against the high elves and their puppet human regime.

Skyrim allowed that flexibility. This BFA story though (so far....slight hope in 8.2 or 8.3 they can turn this around maybe)...I can try to RP a better fulfilling way but the story is just so oppressive it slap me down hard every step of the way. Even the WQ's would imprison me.

tell me again, oh wise 7th commander, why I am killing that ferocious beast who eats the same enemy who burned my city? Why am I not, you know....rounding up horde to feed to it?

See to me a night elf a with massive chip on the shoulder this is what I'd do. take prisoners, find really creative ways for them to die.
10/19/2018 09:05 PMPosted by Ilthen
Without at any point whatsoever condoning violence, rudeness or nastier actions towards Devs or fans, it does feel sometimes that the Devs and many people in general are overly dismissive of criticism to a story


In that none of it is real, there are no Night Elves, Dwarves, Goblins or 'Worgen'

People who get way to obsessed about things that do not exist may have larger issues on their plates than worrying about people who are 'dismissive'. You want to get yourself all worked up about how Blizzard does the lore? that's your prerogative, it's also the prerogative of those who dont share that obsession to point out that those people are in fact melting down about the story equivalent of Alice in Wonderland.
10/22/2018 05:53 PMPosted by Pointyends
10/19/2018 09:05 PMPosted by Ilthen
Without at any point whatsoever condoning violence, rudeness or nastier actions towards Devs or fans, it does feel sometimes that the Devs and many people in general are overly dismissive of criticism to a story


In that none of it is real, there are no Night Elves, Dwarves, Goblins or 'Worgen'

People who get way to obsessed about things that do not exist may have larger issues on their plates than worrying about people who are 'dismissive'. You want to get yourself all worked up about how Blizzard does the lore? that's your prerogative, it's also the prerogative of those who dont share that obsession to point out that those people are in fact melting down about the story equivalent of Alice in Wonderland.

Question: Do you go to threads about the problems with Azerite gear, GCD's or loot drops, etc and tell them to chill out because it's just a game and they shouldn't take any of that seriously?
10/22/2018 05:53 PMPosted by Pointyends
People who get way to obsessed about things that do not exist may have larger issues on their plates than worrying about people who are 'dismissive'. You want to get yourself all worked up about how Blizzard does the lore? that's your prerogative, it's also the prerogative of those who dont share that obsession to point out that those people are in fact melting down about the story equivalent of Alice in Wonderland.

10/22/2018 06:55 PMPosted by Murdra
Question: Do you go to threads about the problems with Azerite gear, GCD's or loot drops, etc and tell them to chill out because it's just a game and they shouldn't take any of that seriously?

Stories shape a culture. People, especially young people look to stories to shape themselves. It's precisely why so many of them have morals behind them, Disney movies and fairy tales of old and nearly every story ever written, every film filmed, every poem spoke, every song sung, has SOMETHING that can be taken away from it. A moral, or an experience. Because people latch onto those things, and use them to model themselves after. We are all the hero in our own hero's journey, and that includes you, even though you want to pretend like you're too good for it. You're not fooling anyone.

"Everybody acts out of myth, but very few people know what their myth is. You should know what your myth is because it might be a tragedy, and maybe you don't want that."
Just dropping in to say I agree and keep this discussion going in hopes that someone important at Blizzard sees it.
10/22/2018 09:32 PMPosted by Galarion
Just dropping in to say I agree and keep this discussion going in hopes that someone important at Blizzard sees it.

Over 100 likes on the OP, they bloody well better see it.
10/22/2018 10:16 PMPosted by Akiyass
10/22/2018 09:32 PMPosted by Galarion
Just dropping in to say I agree and keep this discussion going in hopes that someone important at Blizzard sees it.

Over 100 likes on the OP, they bloody well better see it.

Honestly, I doubt they’ll even open the thread, let alone read it.

And, since they all play Horde, even if they read it, they wouldn’t care.
As upset as we all are I think it's important to remember that the devs are all humans. It's easy to dehumanize them simply by looking at them as one big studio. I'm sure most would like to make things better. Just gotta keep the criticism civil and constructive.
10/22/2018 09:32 PMPosted by Galarion
Just dropping in to say I agree and keep this discussion going in hopes that someone important at Blizzard sees it.

Also bring on the Nightelf paladins (elune/lunar infused warrior priests) much better than rolling a human Paladin.
You put a lot of passion in this post. +1
10/23/2018 07:48 AMPosted by BrĂ nna
As upset as we all are I think it's important to remember that the devs are all humans. It's easy to dehumanize them simply by looking at them as one big studio. I'm sure most would like to make things better. Just gotta keep the criticism civil and constructive.

See, here's the thing.

I would say that for mistakes that affect the game in general. Azerite for example.

But what has happened to night elves seems outright vitriolic, as if they actually actively hated night elves. That might not be the case, but what really shows here is the bias in favor of the horde and the Wish fulfillment characters that are Sylvanas and Nathanos.

When they decide to completely disregard a playable race in favor of the Mary Sue couple and in order to give the Horde stuff, then all I can see is their bias, self centering and lack of professionalism in action, not people trying to do their best.

So I have no sympathy for them.