To Writers: From a nelf fan

Glad you decided to post this in GD from the story forum, is a good post and sums up a lot
10/19/2018 02:46 PMPosted by Ferlion
And this is by design. Because people are engaged. You want change, then dont be engaged

I agree.

To me, Warcraft's marketing strategy is a Jane Elliot's "Blue eyes-brown eyes" experiment, where they seek to get you to fall for one faction and hate the other no matter what in order to milk the subscription fee. Goes in line with an MMO that milks the Skinner's Box strategy to keep people hooked.


As you can see, I am level 110 and posting during the time a batch of free 3 day subscription renewals went out.

And, I don't think there's a reason not to share these concerns and such. There is room for improvement, a lot. And while I may no longer be engaged in the midst of it, I see from the sidelines, and I am taking this small opportunity to try something.

I am aware more than anything, that Blizzard is a company that at the end of the day cares more about their bottom financial line. It is a harsh reality one must accept.

But maybe, just maybe, fan to fan, geek to geek, I had the distant hope tempered by lots of understanding of context, that they might care for this. It's why my words are titled "To Warcraft storywriters" and why it establishes first and foremost, that I'm speaking as a longtime fan.

I know it's naive, stupid, illogical and even juvenile. But it's no excuse to at least not even try to be heard.
I completely agree.

I am homeless...

I remember making this guy so long ago.
10/19/2018 02:46 PMPosted by Ferlion
And this is by design. Because people are engaged. You want change, then dont be engaged

This is simply mistaken perception on the dev's part. Good writing doesn't make me mad at the writer, it makes me mad at the characters. Right now I'm just mad at the writers. I'm so not engaged I've cancelled my sub and quit playing the game.

They might think they are succeeding at something, but that is only because they reside in their Horde logo'ed ivory tower.
10/19/2018 02:17 PMPosted by Bruvnondus
The problem is War of Thorns. It's completely unbelievable how inept they made the Night Elves. The Horde just strolling up to the tree and setting it on fire is and will always be pretty cringy.

I think Night elves are being given a lot of screen time in 8.1, so I'm not totally with you on the idea that blizzard has just forgotten night elves. I do however understand the desire for justice with regards to teldrassil, which night elves don't really get.

And undead night elves joining the forsaken... I'd love to say they've got a killer twist up their sleeve that makes that make sense, but I'm not hopeful. I would think forsaken players would be mad at this too, since newly raised undead having absolutely no agency means that the forsaken as a race are just incredibly bland and boring. I HOPE that's not the case. But it's looking like it is.

Yeah, a lot of screen time being beaten up by the Foresaken. Go play the PTR.
10/19/2018 11:50 AMPosted by Ilthen
It's not just because of a recent thing, it's a pattern.

This is what people against our claims doesn't get. You're not alone, a lot of threads have been done and yours is one of the best.

The reason why many of these threads are appearing is not because of 8.1 only, it's because we are tired after so many times like this. Tired of being the Kenny or Krillin of the game just to drive the story of another race or faction.

If we could get retribution or a positive closure, ok, good. But it never comes and we're tired of this.

Night Elves are what brought me to this game. Their (past lore), for me, is the best. I think that, if I were a new player investigating about the Night Elves now, I wouldn't even make one. But their past was awesome. In my opinion, no other race's lore even comes close.

Too sad that Blizz continues this trend with this interesting race.
I have been a Night Elf fan since Warcraft three, and I have been RPing a Night Elf since Cata, and leading a Night Elf RP Guild since MoP. Each new bit of Night Elf lore that comes out has felt like a systematic deconstruction of the Night Elf race. It does not feel like blunders or oversights, it feels like the intentional homogenization of the Alliance, making everyone, Night Elves more than any, to be more like humans.
We had a really cool campfire though
This is a wonderful post that I 100% agree with.
Unfortunately OP, as long as the Night Elves aren't a part of the horde this isn't going to change.
It's honestly a disservice to whoever created Night Elves in warcraft III.

10/19/2018 05:45 PMPosted by Akiyass
I have been a Night Elf fan since Warcraft three, and I have been RPing a Night Elf since Cata, and leading a Night Elf RP Guild since MoP. Each new bit of Night Elf lore that comes out has felt like a systematic deconstruction of the Night Elf race. It does not feel like blunders or oversights, it feels like the intentional homogenization of the Alliance, making everyone, Night Elves more than any, to be more like humans.

It has nothing to do with homogenization, the destruction of their lore is not to change them but has the goal to give the Horde something. It's all done in favor of the Horde.
10/19/2018 05:48 PMPosted by Anillei
This is a wonderful post that I 100% agree with.
Unfortunately OP, as long as the Night Elves aren't a part of the horde this isn't going to change.

And yet, if the NEs joined the Horde, I would quit.

But then, Iā€™ve quit anyway, so maybe that doesnā€™t matter.

But Iā€™m not going to play the side of the genocidal sociopaths.

If the choice is between that or being a punching bag to make the sociopaths look stronger, Iā€™m just going to leave.
10/19/2018 05:52 PMPosted by Tyriellais

And yet, if the NEs joined the Horde, I would quit.

But then, Iā€™ve quit anyway, so maybe that doesnā€™t matter.

But Iā€™m not going to play the side of the genocidal sociopaths.

If the choice is between that or being a punching bag to make the sociopaths look stronger, Iā€™m just going to leave.

I personally would like to see the Night Elves leave the Alliance as it literally has no benefit for them and instead serves to weaken them instead.
10/19/2018 05:55 PMPosted by Anillei
10/19/2018 05:52 PMPosted by Tyriellais

And yet, if the NEs joined the Horde, I would quit.

But then, Iā€™ve quit anyway, so maybe that doesnā€™t matter.

But Iā€™m not going to play the side of the genocidal sociopaths.

If the choice is between that or being a punching bag to make the sociopaths look stronger, Iā€™m just going to leave.

I personally would like to see the Night Elves leave the Alliance as it literally has no benefit for them and instead serves to weaken them instead.

At this point, I agree. We exist to make the Horde stronger and so that we can be saved by humans.

But we shouldnā€™t go to the Horde. Make us our own faction again. With Chimeras and Giants.
10/19/2018 05:56 PMPosted by Tyriellais

At this point, I agree. We exist to make the Horde stronger and so that we can be saved by humans.

But we shouldnā€™t go to the Horde. Make us our own faction again. With Chimeras and Giants.

Unfortunately I don't think Blizz is going to do that at all.
All I can hope to see really is that the NElves canonically leave the Alliance but keep the playerbase as it is.
10/19/2018 05:43 PMPosted by Sephiram
10/19/2018 11:50 AMPosted by Ilthen
It's not just because of a recent thing, it's a pattern.

This is what people against our claims doesn't get. You're not alone, a lot of threads have been done and yours is one of the best.

I definitely think Ilthen posted a heartfelt claim and presented himself well.

10/18/2018 03:13 PMPosted by Ilthen
I am writing to connect with you as a long time player, and fan. I admit, I have always identified with Night Elves above all others, ever eager to learn more about their lore and see them represented in game. In the past expansions, however, Iā€™ve begun to feel like I'm being punished for that love.

I especially agree with this part.

Night Elves have been routinely used to start storylines, and then almost always dropped out of the story completely after, and such has been the case for almost all Night Elf related lore since Cataclysm:

  • Garrosh efforts almost entirely directed towards the Night Elves --> Night Elves not involved in Battle Field Barrens or the end of Garrosh's invasion of their lands beyond a token appearance at the Gate of Orgrimmar.
  • Deathwing destroys the "Night Elf District" of the Park in Stormwind --> Left as a carter for years until it's finally rebuilt as a memorial for Varian.
  • Night Elves defending Pandaria and welcomed in to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms --> No part of the lore involving them in the defense of the Vale from Garrosh.
  • All of Tyrande's and the Night Elves' presence in Legion and their history with it punctuated with the idea of seeing them at the Legion's final defeat --> Not even a token Darnassian Night Elf on Argus.
  • Illidan resurrected from the dead at the Nighthold --> Never comes to talk to the other Night Elves, not even Malfurion or Tyrande in person despite their having been around at the start of the story but - as is my point - not on Argus or even the Tomb of Sargeras. Illidan never even came back to talk to the Illidari and the Demon Hunter player personally. His end cinematic of staying to take on Sargeras just served to remove him from the story in preparation for BfA so that it wouldn't have to be explored how Illidan would react to the Horde attacking the rest of the Night Elves again and burning down their capital.
  • And of course now the entirety of BfA starting off with a war of devistation against the Night Elves --> Where previously all indication suggests there would be no follow up with the Night Elves' plight as BfA continued, the Darkshore Warfront narratively is even worse:
  • As we get the empowering of the Night Warrior and the raising of Night Elves as Forsaken --> Probably leading to a dead end narratively as the Night Elves and Forsaken fight over Darkshore indefinitely with no conclusions if the story moves on to other focuses.
  • I do not know if devs consider a way to write the alliance so that our leaders are not stupid or incompetent, something fun for the players of the horde or necessary for alliance players.

    See Tyrande having an infantile surge of rage against Anduin when she, with much more experience in combat, knows that fighting in Kalimdor now does not help the Alliance, is idiotic!

    Just divide our strength to attack an area with a strong enemy presence, when our forces are already very scattered.

    And then, does she go on a journey, to increase her powers, to do justice for her people, only to be beaten and humiliated by Nathanos?

    All this for nothing?
    The Horde players see it more as a ridicule now than as a threat like Jaina!
    Something else thatā€™s bugged me:

    Why Darkshore?

    Itā€™s basically the only Night Elf zone left.

    Why not Ashenvale? Even after our questing, itā€™s ALREADY stuck in a never ending battle with the Horde. We donā€™t push them out or anything by the end.

    Why take away the only zone we have left?
    10/19/2018 06:19 PMPosted by Tyriellais
    Something else thatā€™s bugged me:

    Why Darkshore?

    Itā€™s basically the only Night Elf zone left.

    Why not Ashenvale? Even after our questing, itā€™s ALREADY stuck in a never ending battle with the Horde. We donā€™t push them out or anything by the end.

    Why take away the only zone we have left?

    Honestly, I think an Ashenvale Warfront would have been a lot easier to handle, yeah. Good point.
    Very well written and I agree with a lot of it. The story teller(s) have an agenda and any sort of story coherence has left the building. It's sad really.

    (puts out a large tray of cookies for everyone to enjoy in support of this thread)
    OP, the problem is that you care and the people in charge at Blizz do not. I even think Blizz would prefer it if players did not care about the lore or the world at all.

    Every time they talk about restrictions for the sake of the "fantasy" you can tell its just their own personal preferences and whims rather than anything to do with the established lore.