To Writers: From a nelf fan

10/19/2018 05:43 PMPosted by Sephiram
10/19/2018 11:50 AMPosted by Ilthen
It's not just because of a recent thing, it's a pattern.

This is what people against our claims doesn't get. You're not alone, a lot of threads have been done and yours is one of the best.

I definitely think Ilthen posted a heartfelt claim and presented himself well.

10/18/2018 03:13 PMPosted by Ilthen
I am writing to connect with you as a long time player, and fan. I admit, I have always identified with Night Elves above all others, ever eager to learn more about their lore and see them represented in game. In the past expansions, however, I’ve begun to feel like I'm being punished for that love.

I especially agree with this part.

Night Elves have been routinely used to start storylines, and then almost always dropped out of the story completely after, and such has been the case for almost all Night Elf related lore since Cataclysm:

  • Garrosh efforts almost entirely directed towards the Night Elves --> Night Elves not involved in Battle Field Barrens or the end of Garrosh's invasion of their lands beyond a token appearance at the Gate of Orgrimmar.
  • Deathwing destroys the "Night Elf District" of the Park in Stormwind --> Left as a carter for years until it's finally rebuilt as a memorial for Varian.
  • Night Elves defending Pandaria and welcomed in to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms --> No part of the lore involving them in the defense of the Vale from Garrosh.
  • All of Tyrande's and the Night Elves' presence in Legion and their history with it punctuated with the idea of seeing them at the Legion's final defeat --> Not even a token Darnassian Night Elf on Argus.
  • Illidan resurrected from the dead at the Nighthold --> Never comes to talk to the other Night Elves, not even Malfurion or Tyrande in person despite their having been around at the start of the story but - as is my point - not on Argus or even the Tomb of Sargeras. Illidan never even came back to talk to the Illidari and the Demon Hunter player personally. His end cinematic of staying to take on Sargeras just served to remove him from the story in preparation for BfA so that it wouldn't have to be explored how Illidan would react to the Horde attacking the rest of the Night Elves again and burning down their capital.
  • And of course now the entirety of BfA starting off with a war of devistation against the Night Elves --> Where previously all indication suggests there would be no follow up with the Night Elves' plight as BfA continued, the Darkshore Warfront narratively is even worse:
  • As we get the empowering of the Night Warrior and the raising of Night Elves as Forsaken --> Probably leading to a dead end narratively as the Night Elves and Forsaken fight over Darkshore indefinitely with no conclusions if the story moves on to other focuses.