To Writers: From a nelf fan

10/24/2018 12:03 AMPosted by Avondriel
There has to be a point where you just say "F it" and drop WoW.. sure the game has been around forever and it HAD a cool world to it but Blizz has decided it doesn't like what WoW is and that's when you just have to walk away.

I have been a fan since 1995, warcraft 1 and 2 was a bonding experience I shared with my dad when I was little. I was a pre-teen when Warcraft 3 released, and the Night Elves servered as a model for me in many ways. WoW has influences a lot of aspects of my personal identity as it was developing in my Teen years.

While I am an adult, and fully capable of leaving, it is difficult. This is the meat of Blizzard's responsibility as creaters. You're playing with peoples childhoods, you're playing with people's role models. This franchise, this story means far more to me than it does to any of the writters, and I am not alone in that regard.