Would be interested in freeing it up in exchange for gold? Must be like in the title (no special characters) If so let me know
I hope you are able to get that name. I too am looking for the name Shawn or Sam on Turalyon.
i suspect i will not. i recall putting up a similar message about a year ago and getting no replies.
rather strange. went to send an in-game mail to character of that name, game couldnt find recipient. character also does not show up on the armory (which i had assumed just meant they were low level
so what gives?
if its low enough level and/or hasnt been active for sufficiently long if you put in a ticket blizz will free up the name for you, worth a shot.
All the character names in a Battle.net account automatically become available after the Battle.net account remained inactive for two expansions. Blizzard Customer Support will not help with releasing the name of a character for you, even if the player who has the name has stopped playing.
Guess I will have to just wait and hope
The name is probably on a low level character on the opposite faction. Also it could be still connected to an active account, which won’t let you have that name unless they delete t hat character. As for blizzard freeing up names, they don’t do that anymore. It’s an automatic thing after two expansions of inactivity they are freed up.
Need character name Hi please