I was beggin to heal SM GY at 30 on my Resto Shammy. People are just to anti-social for classic I think.
Warrior DPS and warrior tanks use WHOLE different sets of gear…those tanks dont understand their class is all. Even fury prot Vs Fury DPS is a bunch of diff gear, youll never see a fury prot using Leather shoulders from UBRS and Mask of the unforgiven as an example.
Would you compete against a not lazy dps warrior?
Sometimes I just don’t feel like tanking. It is more work, I can be lazy and sit in LFG a little longer if it means I get to play my main spec.
Exactly, why take the leather wearing fury warrior playing rogue wannabee who will need your stuff, when you can take a real rogue!?
Somtimes people just want to run a dungeon they have no need 4 gear from. When i do that i dont want to tank sorry.
I would be as brave as to say that 80% of the tanks in classic are DPS warriors who are tanking until they get their pre-bis and never look back at 5 mans.
When these people are done doing dungeons, you will have your pick of less toxic tanks, although there will be FAR fewer of them.
Not me, they are absolute garbage as a whole. Not because they dont do good damage, but because they dont watch their threat. Spamming heroic strike (high threat) like they were solo with no regard for the threat meter at all.
Is this a thing??
I love a dps warrior in my group! He can spam Battle shout ever 2-3 min haha
That’s weird. I have people want to run with me as dps all the time. I guess it just depends if the warrior is good or not? I’ve never not been #1 dps and my runs are always record time kills. Killed Emp in BRD in like 17 seconds.
Imagine going out of your way to not invite a good DPS that’s so petty, how about you combat the tank shortage and go prot warrior?
warrior dps are retards 10/10 times
bless you, OP
tired of players pretending like this isn’t an issue.
Correct, because ya know, it’s MY GROUP and I’ll do what I want with it.
The Tank is always the Boss. Remember that.
“Out of my way” involves advancing to the next DPS out of the 8+ tells I received. Maybe someday I’ll consider that additional 1 second that I shift-clicked the persons name, saw “Warrior”, and moved on to be too cumbersome. But that day is not today. I even invite Ret Pallies over DPS Warriors.
It’s my choice to not invite what usually (I realize this isn’t all) are min/max rage kids who are going to roll on every piece of gear in existence on the grounds of BIS. I get it, it’s BIS even though it’s leather. No, I don’t care. I’d rather the PUG rogue/druid in my group get it instead of you. I’ll live without your DPS.
That’s fine, just shows you’re close minded. Prot warriors aren’t even needed for any 5 mans. I’ve tanked almost every dungeon with Spinal Reaper* as Slam Spec. Have fun being a deep prot warrior who thinks he’s important
Then it sounds like this is a non-issue entirely? I’m fine with that assessment. Truly, I am.
Every day. Maybe once 90% of LookingForGroup stops being “LF1M Tank” I won’t get to be so picky with forming my groups. Based on your assessment, though, that should already be the case given the sheer population of DPS Warriors that are perfectly reasonably able to tank 5 mans. Guess you just gotta convince the rest of the Classic WoW community to accept them, or convince the DPS Warriors to tank… or both? Either way, do what makes you happy – I am
Most DPS warrior’s are afraid to try tanking it with a 2H because of close minded people. I don’t blame them, most people are to lazy to learn the class they play and will look for any reason to blame another person or just avoid them entirely.
When I picture a Prot warrior refusing to group with a DPS warrior all I think of is man they must have forced this guy to be Prot and he’s taking out his frustration on dps warriors. Because I hate to break it to the forum people venting but warrior dps is very very strong.
Maybe once more Prot Warriors bring the correct items to a dungeon and can hold threat on more than one mob at once ill have a change of heart.
Goes both ways. Prot warrior spec is very strong, but as you say, not mandatory in 5-mans. It makes it easier, but you can do a dungeon without prot spec tanks.
Just as the “very very strong” DPS of a DPS warrior is not mandatory for 5-man groups. High DPS makes it easier, but you can do a dungeon without it.
Your argument is my argument.
Actually I’d argue most deep prot warriors suffer from lack of rage and threat generation. Especially early on, I’ve yet to meet a tank bring Oil of Immolation, any time of dmg on hit gear. I know that everyone person is different I’m just giving examples of tanks I’ve run with.
I feel if you don’t come prepared you shouldn’t be hailed as the savior of the realm the all powerful tank.
Same argument against DPS warriors who are just min/max rage kids rolling on everything possible because it’s on some spreadsheet they saw, wanting to be the next Asmongold. Everyone is different, but I just stopped taking the risk because its only penalty to me is an additional 1-3 seconds of time.
If the majority of prot warriors you invite/group with suck, stop taking the risk and tank yourself as a DPS warrior. Everyone else should follow suit. Boom, no more argument. Issue solved.