Every single dps warrior can throw on a sord n bord and tank 5 mans without a respec, the ones who refuse, even when they get to stack their own deck, just boggles my mind.
They have the power to get all the dps loot they want, with instant grouping, and they just don’t, so weak and sad.
is that a referendum on the Warrior, the player base a tank deals with or the nature of tanking?
Just make a group with a bunch of spellcleave AoE and just AoE everything.
I wont tank (as a druid) for a dps warrior, but that is just me, to each their own,
A few factors here:
Are you tanking those dungeons for tank gear? Or DPS gear? There’s only a few slots (trinkets, rings, belt, maybe dal’rends?) That both DPS warriors and tanks would need to both roll on.
If you’re tanking to get DPS gear, that’s different, and make your group up however you want
Whether I’m tanking or DPSing, if there’s another warrior, I tell them I’m willing to run the dungeon until we BOTH have the piece. Nothing wrong with doing some extra runs to help out a faction member.
There were times (my HoJ for instance) that I passed on the first one so that other warrior person would continue to run with me. I got mine 2 runs later.
I think this is partially related to all of the complaints about people rolling on loot for a role other than the one they are currently filling for the group. How dare that druid who was roped into tanking roll on healing gear!
I generally just heal myself and invite four dps warrs to watch the fun.
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damnit I let us down . Group wanted melee dps because they didn’t want to roll against another caster. Warrior sent tell . Tank gear dropped and he says “Rolling need for tank gear” . Looking at the dps meter I don’t even think he was dps spec.
Most Warrior tanks that don’t invite Warrior dps just don’t want competition on loot. I am one of those and I will not invite a pug dps Warrior unless I don’t need any loot from the instance.
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It literally is this a lot of people just refuse to change roles so they don’t have to deal with this BS.
I’m to the point where I won’t run with a non-guildie warrior at all. Mages are rapidly approaching the same status.
DPS warriors are welcome in my PUGs, after my tank friend has at least 80% of the gear he wants.
My problem with Dps tank that dose not want to tank and then keeps taunting off of you
And it makes healer life harder
yep and if you wipe due to that , the warrior called you a bad tank and says they could do a better job . Never had that happen to me but I can envision that happening lol
There should be another class in the game (playable by both sides) that can tank other than warrior… but there isn’t. Furthermore, there’s only two melee dps choices. I’m perfectly fine with half warriors tanking and half doing dps, it’s just a side effect of the game’s very low choosable class list compared to other MMORPGs. Also it would be nice if bears could tank actual end game content.
Druids tank very well, and Paladins are solid dungeon tanks. Every melee DPS class can melee DPS. Shaman and Paladin are weak, but Druid is solid.
Following the meta this religiously is really bad.
I’m pretty sure only warrior tanks are taken seriously in raid content horde side. I’ve never raided with a druid tank, only in lower level instances when I was exping, like in Scarlet Monastery.
Then Horde side is filled with idiots, as Druids are solid raid tanks.
The first and only time i had anyone complain about damage intake on my non prot spec warrior, was a Shaman complaining in group that he couldn’t toss out chain lightning in upper BRD and lightning bolts because he had to keep hitting the heal button. Bad healer to the T. I just stayed quiet to not start a argument but in hindsight i think i should have told the person that Classic healing isn’t like BFA and tanks don’t have self heals like BFA.
There are a lot of retail players who think they are pros because they run Mythic and listen to streamers, when really they tend to be the worst players.
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I have to say, I always chuckle when I see a warrior begging for a tank or a druid begging for a tank or a healer… Especially in a low level dungeon.