To warriors tanking that don't invite dps warriors to their dungeon groups

That’s the difference between you and me. I’m unlucky with rolls. And usually the person that wins whatever item I’m after leaves at the end of that run, resetting any potential progress I’ve made.

Removing other warriors from the equation makes everything a lot easier to hold aggro too since most of them are clueless about AOE.

I get that, but either way, I don’t really care to handle the fuss of tanking. And no sense in making a fuss if they don’t invite especially if they party leader.

I’ll go quest grind. But luckily the guild I’m in is pretty cool and we run stuff often, so I’m right where I want to be.

You don’t need to be geared or specced for tanking. I’m 31/20/0 with not a single piece of tank gear outside of the blue shield that drops in BRD and a 1h mace. I seem to do just fine so long as the healer isn’t garbage.

Any level 60 with a half decent sword and board that isn’t in all greens is certainly capable of tanking.

It’s just most choose not to because they are lazy and want to get carried while they half afk, eating their bag of stale doritos and chug gallons of mountain dew while watching netflix.


I don’t disagree with you, but the number of healers and others who come to these forums specifically to complain about exactly what you’re talking about is staggering. It’s just not worth the trouble to me.

Or be happy for the person who won the roll.

Its a video game not real life.

Stop being a baby.

That has nothing to do with the players being warriors. And everything to do with them being bad.

Its super easy to pay attention to your threat as a dps warrior so you dont pull threat. While staying top dps.

Or have a brain like almost everyone else has said and don’t invite competition into your group. Fortunately tanks have the upper hand on lazy warriors…tanks choose groups…groups choose dps. And alot of groups won’t take a warrior dps if the tank doesn’t want one.

It’s literally common sense. Best way to get loot? Eliminate competition.

If you complain about not getting gear and your group composition is 4 warriors and a priest, it’s not a matter of being a baby. It’s a matter of stupidity.

IT never makes sense to over lap loot in a group unless you have no choice.

It’s better for everyone. IT’s also why personal loot in retail is great.

These are bad healers. I have healed non prot-spec tanks while not being heal specced myself, at 60, successfully.

The baseline stuff in those classes (warriors particularly) mean you can get the job done, well, with zero talent points spent. Assuming there as a brain behind the keyboard.

I’ve tanked as a holy paladin with a shadow priest as my healer, healers on the forums are just babies.

How did this post get so many likes? The entire premise is ridiculous. Warriors are easily one of the best dungeon dps, and one of the worst dungeon tanks.

I’d wager most dedicated fury warriors like mine is dont ever have to tank anyway. It’s just guild runs anyway. Subjecting yourself to pugs instead of socializing and making friends is self defeating in classic.


No, you’re being ridiculous. Warriors are the most sought after dungeon tanks, despite your opinion. I guess everyone else is just dumb, and hasn’t realized the error of their ways, unlike you the smart guy.

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Just started a warrior alt with a friend. He’s rolling tank and I’m rolling dps. Auto invite to tank group. Can’t wait to faceroll dps and make more people like you upset.

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ill bring dps warriors on my runs as a tank even if i lose the item it gives me a reason to come back and run it again. i dont get people who want to gear up super fast just to sit in IF and cry they have nothing to do


my war group, 4 warriors and a priest, grinded ARM for a few hours. At one point Ravenger dropped 4 times in a row and we all got it :man_shrugging:

No one cares much about losing rolls to warriors for items that are replaced in a day

But did you have any protection dps though?

I bet you’d need on dps gear if it dropped. I don’t see the problem when it’s in reverse

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I’m a tanking warrior because I love tanking, but this mentality is absurd. Warriors shouldn’t be forced to tank if they don’t want to. How about letting people play the game the way they want to?

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I’m not so petty as to be afraid of competition for plate. I mostly get whispers from “dps” holy priests anyway on my server, so warriors are few and far between.

However if they were to roll against me on specific tanking gear like a shield, or 1 hander they only need for off spec. That would not fly. In return I don’t roll against people for dps gear.