To the Solo Players

lmao…been here long?
and EVERY expansion they IGNORE the suggestions until fits are being tossed about the stupidity used in the decision making process.
They FINALLY relent END of expansion after doubling down for 18 months and then players like you REPEAT the nonsense “see, theyre listening” lmao.

At a point you learn to pay attention to the warning signs and just complain now instead of waiting to complain a year and a half late, lmao

EDIT…hows that ‘in combat’ bug fix coming along?
We’ve SUGGESTED that flipping thing be fixed for how many years now?
Just had it happen again for half an hour two days ago.
THAT is why we complain.
There…all caught up?

EDIT again.
And sorry. but for CURRENT content the ‘questing’ thing you mentioned is a joke. There are nauseatingly repetitious daily crap to do for a year or so. Hardly ‘fun’.

We’re allowed to complain here guy. Its your complaining our our complaining is whats a waste of time and energy.


This I agree with! Since we did get the level squish and world scaling in BFA did questing become absolutely trash.

You can’t even play thru one expansion before you get kicked into SL. And when you enter SL as a new player do you wonder: WTH did just happened why are we in the maw, who are all those characters? All this since you didn’t get the whole picture from previous expansion.

And world scaling takes away one fundamental MMORPG element and that is to gain power thru progression.
You get that new cool blue item while leveling and ding one level, now can you kill the mobs much easier (not anymore)!


not related, but how did you get your crown of eternal winter? my account is synced with my prime account and ive gotten the 2 other mogs from it, but not that one.

Did you claim it on the Amazon prime website? You have to go and claim each helm one by one! :slight_smile:

yes, i did. it said offer successfully claimed and that it should be in my transmog tab. but it never showed up

Have you tried resetting your User Interface yet? If it’s a UI issue returning your UI to default might help.

This helped people before! Here is the thread where GM answer questions about it:

yes, ive done everything ive known to do. made sure to keep claiming it as well. nothing works. suport said i might have claimed it on the wrong account, buti only have one account, and this is the only account ever used on this computer

Yes and it can’t be wrong account since you claimed those two before!

This was the best answer from a dude in the thread:
Deleting my cache folder and config file fixed the issue for me

also, ive gotten the 2 other transmog helmets. just not the crown of eternal winter. everytime i go to claim it, all it shows as the reward that im getting is the hungering hood of darkness

Maybe a dumb question: You have a active subscription on Amazon prime atm?

Do not the eternal winter show up on Amazon prime as claimed?

Solo has enough content for you to learn your Class/specs. This Solo content I refer is leveling.

The new stuffs you indicate like Mage Towers, Brawler’s Guild, Horrific Vision were new stuffs introduced along the way… somehow, they are more of an experiment. These games didnt exist before especially during the Golden Era of WoW from Vanilla to Wrath.

It means before, the way players do this game is this:

  • level up to max level (Solo)
  • gear up on dungeons for pre-raid gear (5-man)
  • Do Raid and gear up further (Raid- was 40-man during Naxx, AQ and there was 20-man on ZG and AQ)… became (25-man on ICC Wrath/10-man for easier Raid)
  • From Raid, that’s where you face the Final Boss (Naxx40 on Vanilla, ICC-25 on Wrath)

It’s been like this since the beginning. There is no gearing progression on Solo since the beginning other than leveling and from some catch up patch. It is still the same today at modern WoW although Blizz made experimental games like Mage Tower (Legion) , Brawler’s Guild (Mist) and Horrific Vision (BFA). Torghast is from Shadowlands and it is more of a group game than a Solo game. Torghast is 50x way easier and 100x faster as group than on Solo. These experimental games are not considered core games. WoW core games since the beginning are Dungeons, Raid and PvP. And it would carry out on all Expansions including Dragonflight.

You are few. If you can do Horrific Visions 5-masks and Mage Tower, it means you could do dungeons and raid. The ones I am referring are those Solo who makes tons of excuses to group becoz they want to hide how bad they are as a player. I am not really against these bad players. They can improve. Everyone started this game as a noob. My concern is repeatedly dodging dungeons and raid expansion after expansion wont be healthy for them. How could they improve if they wont try? WoW boasts for its dungeons and raids against their MMO competitors and you wont play it? I hope this message I gave you on this thread awakens you to the truth that this game is more of dungeons, raid and PvP than Solo. Every game has a Final Boss. And this game’s Final Boss is on Raid. Good luck to you if you want to remain Solo.

I want to be able to take my Torghast powers and run through Mythic plus and raids with them.

It takes way too much effort and frankly talent to develop engaging questlines, narrative gameplay, and story based progression as opposed to creating a dungeon or raid once and have people grind the same content for random drops for two years. Blizzard realized that long ago, thats why solo players get the shaft.

People will complain about anything it is just how life works.

I play wow even though I’m not a big wow fan, I play wow because I’m not pationate about this game so that I could get angry all the time because of little changes so I play wow freeminded no worries just to waste some time having fun.

I don’t give a sh** about all the crises I see in forum or through influencers, if my class is OP or weak, if I’m winning in pvp or losing, I don’t care about leveling up another class or race I just play casually. Games were supposed to work like this but our love for some games is destroying our fun.

Let’s be honest, the only gear progression in this game is for a raider/dungeoner. If you don’t touch either of that content, you will never have a 300 ilvl. You won’t even touch 270. You all keep talking about LFR this, LFR that. LFR is raiding. If you do that every week, you are raiding. People who never touch LFR or dungeons, there really is no incentive to keep a sub because once the leveling experience ends, you don’t really have much to hold your attention. Unless you actually enjoy ZM, and I didn’t. I hardly touched any of the Genesis Motes crap for the mount farm. I say that to say, gear progression and key farming IS WoW endgame. Yes people want that to change, but if you not doing that then you are finding your own fun until it’s not fun anymore.

I did all the zones with my main Blood Elf. I did three more BElf alts to do all the covenants and then I ran them through more zones. Then I started leveling Void Elves for DF. I’ve got three of them up to 60 and two more on the way.

There is plenty of to if you are a solo player.

Yeah leveling characters over and over. How fun…

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^^ this. Absolutely! ^^
otherwise it continues to increase until im capped and obviously never gets used.


so, i’m supposed to log on once a day per alts and do 3 dailys and log off?

E.X.C.I.T.I.N.G. not one little bit.


People like the OP believe solo/open world players should be satisfied with the table scraps no matter what.