The game is designed to be played with friends, if you don’t want to fight premades just play battleground blitz. Also what’s the big deal about premades? 5 mediocre players are still just 5 mediocre players,
The game was designed you mean. not anymore. With every passing year the game becomes less and less about group content even the idea of solo que m+ is being thrown around.
Mediocre yes. But they stack a ton of advantages before the game even begins that the chances of a team who didn’t do all of that before hand beating them is extremely low.
those being
choosing your # of healers
choosing prefferable specs of healer
choosing what flavor ranged dps you bring and how many
Having a pre determinted plan with everyone already in agreement
having everyone in full gear
having everyone have consumables
having everyone use those consumables at the same general time.
A pug team could potentially set this up but not with the amount of time given to prepare not anywhere close with that amount of prep time.
Some things on that list are straight unobtainable in a pug like # of healers or spec of healer.
Just to name a few.
Its not hard without cognitive disonnance playing part to see how 1 team being able to essentially customize their entire raid and 1 team not is not fair… at all but some people would say that it is.
And thats before we even talk about the process of que syncing and dropping on split pops and how it breaks the game and causes 10v40’s but you know we’ll save that for a diferent time.
Type /ps emote to turn off the emotes. You still get the voice.
Okay when I do premades it’s normally me saying
‘/g anyone wanna do some bgs?’
Then I invite whoever says yes and I click queue. The vast majority of premades I see I absolutely destroy.
Why don’t you just do ranked? I’ve never understood why so many people don’t like ranked. Players complain to me about playing skirmishes and random bgs because they think I shouldn’t be allowed to play unranked cause I’m too good playing against people trying to learn. Their words not mine. My question is; if people are unhappy about unbalanced premades, why don’t they play ranked where it will be balanced and they’ll be sorted against players in their skill level? If someone is bad at pvp and they do ranked; they’ll queue into other bad players. I’ve never understood why people care so much about random bgs. Random bgs are inherently unfair. Some teams don’t even get healers. Some games both sides don’t even start the game with the same amount of players. Just play ranked and let people play with their friends in randoms.
Sounds like OP is talking about regular BGs, not epics. 8 in a row sounds like a lot, but probably different premades? Or he wasn’t waiting some random extra minutes and somehow ‘syncing’ with them. lol
Telling new players to head straight to ranked and telling people who have been on the game almost daily for 5-10+ years plus straight to go into randoms is kinda backwards yeah?
At this point, I’d say this is 100% Blizzard’s fault. If premade sync queues are allowed, then all players should be able to join epic bgs in a raid. If they’re not allowed, a blue post should clearly state that. Instead, they’ve chosen to do nothing and let players turn on each other.
No? I’m a multi season elite mage who got to 2700cr in ranked bgs in 3 days, when people play random bgs, they play against me or players like me. I see high rated pvpers in random bgs several times a day. Why would a new player find that more enjoyable than playing ranked with other new players? If they play ranked they’ll get conquest to actually get better gear and they’ll learn how to actually play the game well. It’s also way more fun to have the game not just be one side dominated the other. Because ranked has mmr; rarely does one team just destroy the other team in bgb the way they do in random bgs. I personally have a few high rated friends who I know do random bgs all the time. When we queue together we normally win the game in under 5 minutes or graveyard camp. How is that fun for new players?
See how backwards that whole situation is? Veterans of the game are now living in the least competitive or should be least competitive mode and new players are expected to head straight into rated with 0 experience as if thats the ideal space for them to do so with peoples rating on the line and all the toxicity that goes along with it.
If the game was functioning normally the sweaty veterans would be in high rated competitive and the new players would be in the low stress random bracket where nothing is on the line. It’s very clear which bracket is supposed to be the casual bracket.
The one with all the rewards and titles attached to it? or the mode with absolutely nothing but 500 honor attached to it?
Also im not really sold on this idea of “oh just put people who have never pvped ever against multi glads and they’ll get better eventually dude” Yeah not really especially if there is nothing teaching them how they lost. I think the chances of just quiting and never touching pvp again are higher in that case.
I’m saying that random battlegrounds are simply unranked battlegrounds. I don’t always want to play ranked. Sometimes it’s fun to play with my friends or just play casually to pass time without having to worry about being locked in and sweaty.
I don’t really think it’s backwards at all. Unranked brackets, like in all other games, have no mmr system so players of all skill sets can be grouped together. Therefore players should play ranked if they want to play against people of a similar skill level.
The players at the bottom of the bgb are in general not high rated or very good players. Players are where they deserve to be in general, and if high rated players starting owning in a low mmr bracket, they’ll be out of that low mmr within 3 or 4 wins in a row.
I don’t really think it’s fair to have the unranked game mode be the de facto noob bracket because we already have a noob bracket, that’s called the 1400 battleground blitz part of the ladder. Why can’t we have an unranked bracket where I can play with some of my friends of varying skill sets without playing for rating?
I am tired of these premades. Trying to cap honor but taking a little longer. Truly cannot wait until season 2 starts so I can just BGB and do 2s. Done with epics because of it.
I’ll speak in the spirit of fairness.
You can’t just take out the option to group queue, some people do sometimes want to queue a few games with friends and don’t group queue nonstop on a schedule.
I’ll never understand why not just form an rbg group instead, however removing the option to group queue in an mmo seems like a contradiction.
Just make 4 or 5 stacks queue into each other, if the system can’t find a match, well, guess they’ll have to wait for a bit.
That option exists for up to 5 people.
It’s the exploit to get more than 5 people in a queue together thats the issue.
This thread isn’t about that though.
I see you edited your response. Yes, people are talking about queue syncing.
As for getting mixed in with high rated or geared players, I think it’s fine as is. The problem is when there are premades (especially queue synced premades) as it stacks one team only.
That being said, I the queue system for random BGs might already try to put grouped players in the same game. Anecdotally, it seems like this is the case based on the games I get into when queueing with 2 or more friends.
As for players brand new to PVP, I believe they are in their own queue until Honor level 30. Which is great. After Honor level 30, you should be fine to be thrown in the mix.
This thread isn’t about “syncing” or “exploits”, there’s plenty of threads about that.
I mean If I could turn off so the enemy does not see the emote “Eloise makes some strange gestures” without losing seeing the emote on my screen I would.
Tried this. It just bought up the menu and it didnt have an option from what I could see to turn off the emote. I dont care for the emote, just the Unreal Tournament sounds (mistakenly called it Mortal Combat)
This has been suggested a few times by multiple players including myself. The premades complain “about” the increased Q times. I’ve seen this while in a premade about the Q taking longer than 5-10 minutes.
Fair enough
Then read the rest of what I wrote and ignore the syncing/exploits part:
Also, you are the one who brought up premades:
Okay settle down there. Nobody is listening to Nickelback on looping repeat.