I just wanted to congratulate you guys on doing so amazing. The way you killed us so fast while communicating on Discord was truly inspiring. I loved all your laughing macros that you created as well. You all are truly the best of the best.
There should be an achievement for players that do what you guys do.
If I’ve learned anything from this experience, it’s this: Why play vs other discord pre made groups when you can be a God vs non discord groups.
really sucks man. i hope they all get banned one day or have some of the gear removed or something. they are Griefers basically. how blizz doesnt see this is beyond me.
If blizzard would do something people wouldnt complain in the forums. By the time someone complains in the forums they been facing the premade problem for weeks or months.
Here is a pro tip - you dont have to be in this thread.
It’s as simple as not allowing group Q in random battlegrounds. I don’t care if Billy and his buddy Shamir want to play together. It’s destroying the PvP aspect of the game I love.
Guaranteed 90% of players that do this were either bullied in High School, are being bullied or live pretty bad lives in general (hence the level of toxicity). Wouldn’t do this if that person was sitting next to them 100% lol
If they are spamming it at you, maybe take a screenshot or use Snipping Tool and make a ticket for harassment. It’s low hanging fruit and almost not worth the hassle but I’ve done it against a player (disgruntled that I killed him 1v1) and the player received a warning (apparently)
Just to clarify, is that the one where for EG it goes :
“Eloise makes some strange gestures.”
Cause if it is, I have an addon called Pvp Sound that does that on kills, but its more for me which says like “Eloise is Godlike” but appears as above to the enemy, it also plays mortal combat soundbites just for a bit of entertainment value
Yeah I think that’s just an automatic addon mate. ‘Pvpsounds’ I’ve had a couple of wispers about it but once I tell them its just an addon that does it and its not meant to be ‘toxic’ but for my own entertainment its usually all good.
You mean the ability to group that has been in the game as long as battlegrounds have existed? Good luck with that
Oh look, a thread complaining about premades that isn’t talking about epics. For that silly DH in other threads that says nobody complains about 5 man groups