To the Premades ( 8 in a row )

Yeah, I had someone make an alt to come yell at me about spamming emotes.
I told him it was my addon. It does that and unreal kill sounds.


Sounds unhinged

Because you say so ya? Why even have a friends list, this game is solo only

I mean if you just look at the current games design as compared to something like wrath. Its pretty ovbious.

I think people who keep saying “oh muh mmo its an mmo” are likely listening to nickelback on loop.


People wanted solo modes, they got solo modes.

Grouped content didn’t go anywhere though, it still exists. And is still popular. As is people’s friends list

Smaller than its ever been though.

Most people the second they didn’t pretty much HAVE to engage in group content they didn’t.

Like rated bgs? dead
3s? deader than ever
2s? Inundated with cheese comps and deader than ever.

shuffle? More popular than the other 3 combined and multiplied
blitz? not quite as popular as shuffle but still higher than the other 3 grouped options combined.

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Yea it makes it very accessible. Know who also plays solo content? People who like grouping when their friends aren’t around.

I play blitz all the time, it’s fun a mode that I don’t need to get 9 other players with a specific comp to play.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to play with my friends in BGs. There’s a reason this still exists, people still like playing together

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People who play the game as a full time job and are on nearly 24-7 would rather play shuffle than 3s.

Believe me its not because they don’t have the option to play 3s its just cause they dont want to. Nobody wants to fight sweats in voice playing a pre determined busted comp when they could just play shuffle and by and large get a random team comp which is usually far more fun to play against than the same cheese comp at 2.4k in 3s for the 50th go around.

And also cause they’ve realized its a waste of time to que 3s until the end of the season cause blizzard cant be asked to fix 3’s mmr meanwhile shuffle and blitz have decent mmr.

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Like I said, solo content is accessible and easy to queue. Also inflated, and big rating numbers make people’s brain feel good

Rated content should be easy to queue, it was always awful how they implemented the lfg system. It’s too bad they went the solo route instead of the making their queue system tolerable route, but it’s obvious why these modes are popular

Random BGs are already easy and accessible and the only modes to actually play with friends. They aren’t taking that away

I don’t think they are oblivious to how bad their pvp community is.

Anything that involves the playerbase doing the right thing to any large degree usually goes bad sooner rather than later.

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What’s exactly bad about it. Players use the tools available to them to make the best out of an abandoned addition to the game. The epidemic of queue sync is a problem created from Blizzards lack of care for the side game we involve ourselves in.


The game should be exactly the way I want it to be, with no regard for how anybody else plays the game.

If the enemies are too good they should be nerfed, if anybody is playing with friends they should be forced to split up. Because I don’t have any.

I should be able to queue solo with zero effort on my end for game knowledge, gearing or mastery of my own spec and win all the time.

The fact I can’t turn my brain off and win every game is why PvP is dying. Instead of trying to better myself as a player I will just come to the forums and cry relentlessly without addressing the fact I am a burden on my team and nobody wants to play with me.

The game should be exactly how it was in my warped memory of it 10-20 years ago and the fact I have fallen off and others have overtaken me and I have failed to adapt is everyone’s fault but my own.

WoW is my sandbox and I want to play it like Zelda or Skyrim because I have main character syndrome and think just because i’ve played it for X amount of years, I know better than everyone else. Even though I don’t have any achievements or ratings to back my asinine takes up.

I am so intelligent and everyone else has bad takes because I am a 1400 hard-stuck forum pvper with a million posts. This is the true PvP.

Not only am I completely oblivious to the fact that I am the problem, I also think I have all of the solutions.

Do you know how many times blizzard has entrusted this playerbase with any sort of power and how quickly its been completely abused?

The amount of times the players have just abused blatant bugs to their own advantage instead of reporting it like they should?

Numerous examples of people finding any way at all to find something not working as intended in the game and abuse it which there is always going to be things not working as intended its just the nature of code. ther will always be bugs.

The system works fine if everyone would use it the way its intended to be used.

The system tries to match premade vs premade. People drop ques to get around it.

The system only allows 5 to que in a premade. People make multiple groups of 5 to get around it.

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The PvErs do this as well. Should we view them in the same light you do the pvp side?

Yes correct. Blizzard inability to rope in and contain the current issues is a them problem not us though.

Which from what I’ve read and even posted here and in general, account wide deserter stacking with a daily or weekly reset.

edit: I’d also like to note. I send them lots of clips during each expansion of abuse of toys and other exploits. The hyper ocean exploit being the biggest one I pursued them to fix. 11 months and a whole new expac to fix that one btw…unacceptable

Yes absolutely the pve side isnt any better.

That is like saying blizzard is expected to clean up a mess that somebody else made not them.

But ultimately even if blizzard did do something why would it matter any more than what they did in cata which is the current random system we’re under? They made a decision some amount of players didn’t like said decision and decided to find a way to go around/undermine that decision.

So who is to say that exact thing wouldn’t just happen again?

Bugs will always exist but if everyone just ignored them because very rarely do they impede day to day gameplay then they wouldn’t really be a big issue.

But unfortunately people just cant be trusted to do the right thing.

They are the game masters of this world we play in, of course its up to them to clean it. They are chosing to ignore a wound. A wound that is spreading and damaging the host, pvp.

I didn’t play much cata, so I don’t really have much I can say about this.

This can be said about every facet of life. But what you are saying all together I agree with fully.

I don’t really know what you tried to say here lol

You’d think it would be up to the playerbase to not create messes left and right like children as well. Especially given the average age of the player on this game is in the averages of 30-50 and very… very few below that. I am on the extreme low end at 21.

There are a lot of people in adult bodies but with children’s minds. Especially at the gym you have people still acting like high school bullies well into their 30’s. Filming people just trying to get the sets done so they can post it for clout like anybody cares.

A self inflicted one.

Bob will always argue in bad faith. People don’t care about people in premades. It’s the fact that it’s game after game the same people.


Well, it’s having an impact on an already shrinking game mode. Epic BGs are my go-to for just all-around fun, but now there is just no fun to be had. Like others have said, it’s just unchecked griefing at this point.