To the people that play wow alone

I totally agree with you , mop was the peak of wow for me personally , it’s hard to say if it was because i wa younger , my friends played back then or the game was simply better(which it totally was ) or maybe all of the above

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dunno the difference, never had friends anyway

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I enjoy both. It’s fun to run dungeons and BGs with friends. Other times I like to chill and solo quest to absorb the story and ambiance of the zone.

This is a fascinating thread with many similar stories. I used to lead / MT back in BC. Back then I loved raids, dungeons, and BGs, and sat in the same room with 2 roommates playing.

Today I play entirely alone. I still remember the last time I grouped with my friends. It was a mother lode 6. Our Druid couldn’t keep up with heals. Our shaman butt pulled an extra pack. No one liked the affixes. Everyone got mad at each other.

Three people were gone the next day, and the rest of us in a week. The game is too competitive, and people are too mean to those with lower skill.

So I play alone. BoD was my last raid in a guild. Now I do solo pvp in classic and love it. My pace, and I inconveniences no one.


Yes because other people always eventually take away joy.

My time is my time when I play alone.

Solo is the way to go really. WoW is enjoyable for me solo because of the world Blizzard has created – it’s fun to explore and play through at my own pace, and not be sucked into the swirling vortex of endless competition that characterizes the multiplayer aspect of this game. So I skip that content (and frankly any content I don’t like, regardless of whether it is “needed to power progress”) and find that my time in the game is more rewarding, more relaxing and more enjoyable.

Others are different and very much enjoy the WoW ratrace, and find it energizing and motivating. To each their own.


World quests, leveling and legacy content fulfills me sufficiently to keep me subscribed. Gave up on running visions at cloak level 8 on account of how much I suck. :confused:

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I play solo most of the time and enjoy it but I have a couple friends with I chat with in game. Though to be honest I am teetering on taking a break because corruption is truly sucking any joy out of the game for me.


I play alone 99% of the time. I’ll group up to complete a multiplayer quest if needed. but that’s about it. I came back for a month and have had a good time getting Pathfinder 2, the cloak, and gaining entry to the new factions in the Vale and Uldum, (Not pursuing rep with them though…)
No dungeons or raids though, haven’t relearned my keys and rotations well enough yet.

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  • Exploring.
  • Random combat. (which is why I love the scaling concept so Im not one shotting )
  • Farming ore and herbs (spent hours at a time farming ghost iron ore just to relax)
  • Finding random world drops (hidden, off trash, etc)
  • Farming raids and dungeons for mogs and pets
  • Quite bit of questing is enjoyable, especially in old content. Will enjoy it more once the leveling changes happen, I think.

A regular group can be fun, but even a regular weekly group of five can have drama and scheduling issues.

Much like any small group can.

Not even a little. This is a horrible time to be a solo player because pugging is awful and LFR is pretty much unbeatable because of Nzoth.

I play alone and thoroughly enjoy it.

However my motivations for playing and what I’m looking to get out of it make playing solo very easy. The vast majority of my playtime is between 3-6 am on weekends so I’m really just looking to kill a few hours before I start my day and playing WoW is much more entertaining than tv.

I also stopped caring about advancing my characters or what sort of gear or items they have many years ago. I log on do a few world quests or level a character for 3-4 hours then log off for the day

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I play alone a lot and it’s pretty fun idk why specifically but it actually rocks. I talk to people here and there sure but if you’re not able to have fun alone then what’s the point? Restricting yourself to only play when others are on? If you only like playing with others and not alone, then you find other people fun, not WoW. There should be a balance IMO like all things

I did have one close friend though IRL that quit WoW a few years ago

I mostly play alone now, because all of my close friends have gone away, and I haven’t had the time to invest in making new connections with my guild (some of the members I’ve guilded with for years) until recently.

I find the game considerably less enjoyable without a personal connection to the players around me.

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Yup this is exactly how I am & feel as well.


I mostly play alone. When I play with other people, they just want to rush rush rush. I like taking my time and reading quests and whatnot. I also want to play and learn my character for myself; I don’t want to be given crap by people I don’t care about because of not having the right stats or corruptions or whatever.

The only stuff I do with other people is RP.

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I’ve always played alone. I started in BC. I enjoy leveling characters and exploring the world although they’ve made it much harder to do now. But I’m still enjoying myself.


I’m still in the same guild I was in Vanilla, a few people still play now that played then and I’ll group with them on occasion. But most of the content I queue and do alone 95% of the time now, didn’t use to be that way.

As a middle aged gamer, my days of raiding are finished. I play solo and work on old content for transmog. I have many alts for that as well and I also enjoy doing world quests and trying new specs I’ve overlooked.