To the "Hardcore-Torghast-Lovers" Crowd

I’d suggest the opposite, that hyper geared players were zerging the higher layers, and the devs reacted by nerfing everyone.


No I agree. I think it needed some tuning. Especially that:

  • Unnatural Power no longer provides immunity to crowd controlling effects at 10 stacks.

I’m not sure how accurate that is so I don’t really know what to say. I’m just stating what Ion said in an interview and what I said reflects it.


A challenging Torghast forces players to learn their class. It helps players improve their game play but presenting them with challenging NPCs that require players to consider all class abilities.

Where is the reward when you are given something without working for it? How will that benefit you? They say, give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Show him how to fish and feed him for a lifetime.


If you want a challenge, maybe try running through it with this character that you’re posting on to the highest levels instead of your M+/Raid-geared character?

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what reward, exactly?

By the way I’m not trying to internetz fightz people on the forums I’m just saying there’s been posts and comments about wanting it to be super difficult when in reality that’s just not going to work.

However TC if it’s technically the “hard mode” part of Torghast, be my guest go nuts, sit there for 38 hours sweatin’ it up nerd style. :sunglasses:

I will admit I haven’t done any real raiding since WotLK but in my experience there is nothing individually challenging about raiding. The challenge is entirely at the macro level of organizing everyone and getting them all to do their part but the part each individual did was fairly simple and easy.

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we can stop talking about this now. they made level 8 as easy as level 6 - pretty damn easy :wink:

its a free-pass now you can stop whining heh

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I done floofed.

Well you should be happy then. The nerfs to Torghast today look pretty extreme.

Although I do like CDs being reset on each floor.

I went into Torghast a Huntard. I came out a Hunter. I learned a lot about my class abilities. The Torghast challenge made that happen.

Handouts are nothing more than cheap efforts that discourage drive, commitment, and work ethic.


Yep I like this change too, posted in the thread saying so. :100:

Yeah I wonder if it’ll drop the exhausted debuff.

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Nnnnno? I was responding to the person who was responding to you?

Even with these changes, at the higher layers Torghast is still going to be challenging.

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No its not. I hope, in the future, they create something like the mage tower again. Just don’t gate a needed resource behind the hard solo content. What was so bad about keeping just cosmetics in hard solo content?

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Oh my LOL I just realised what I wrote I’m sorry :see_no_evil: I am lacking sleep and coffee… I should just go back to bed.

I have no clue on that. :+1:t2: :smile:

You realize you’re talking about a video game, right? Chill out, bro.


It is funny that Torghast is a gear check and yet does not reward gear. So in essence it is a reward for people who are doing raids and m+ and not for a solo player.

Solo content for people who play group content.