To racechange or not to racechange... Help me decide!

This is the longest I’ve even spent in trying to decide on wow services purchase. I’ve been thinking about this about 3 weeks now. Yes, seriously.

So… The race I am thinking about changing to is Night Elf. But why? Let me try to explain.

This character is my oldest character and my first true main. I played her from BC to Cata as a Night Elf. In cata, I went through my “Horde phase” and turned her into a blood elf, and, when my guild went belly up, I decided to make her a Human. Then, in MoP, I changed to her current form - Draenei - and I have basically loved it ever since.

But I’ve always missed being a Night Elf and I believe that they most accurately represent who I am as a person - a nasty tree hugging hippy - lol. But seriously. I love, and have always loved, Night Elves. …Even though Blizzard turned them into pathetic Soy Boys (which I hate) and then killed off 99% of them (which it will probably take Blizz another 10 years to have them rejuvenate their tree).

There’s something very attractive about returning my old main back to her original glory of being a Night Elf.

So what’s the problem? I also love being a Draenei, lol.

Racials and balancing doesn’t really matter to me at all.

So what do you think? I need opinions. Maybe I’ll tally it all up and go with the winner.

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I wouldn’t have changed out of Night Elf in the first place.


I don’t know if this would help, but I remember changing my Night Elf hunter to a Draenei as well.

I also remember running the Well of Eternity dungeon where it transforms you into a Night Elf and it made me realise how much I missed my hunter being a Night Elf. They have excellent animations and they look great in the armor. If you miss being a Night Elf then go for it, and make an alt Draenei as a different class?

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Well that is a problem because Night Elves are the true hunters and the best race. So you should definitely come back to the moonlight.


It’s just indirect sunlight! /flips table

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Whatever, Mother Moon is waiting for your return. Don’t make her wait any longer.

Edit: Also, don’t insult my intelligence. Elune doesn’t need some petty sun to make moonlight.

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Theres nothing nasty about being a hippy. You’re supposed to love earth, and mother earth and breathe her in. And the trees. Nature. That said I would go Draenei. That gift of the naaru racial is insane. Heals?

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… why would you want to be anything BUT a Draenei?

You’d lose your /WAGGLE

Totally not worth it.


How incredible! I totally forgot that that dungeon did that! I’ve been looking for a way to test it out for a long time, but making a test character has always been too much work for that, lol. Thankyou

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The answer is Orc of course :slight_smile:
Seriously though, between those two i would pick NE. But i legit cannot stand tails on an awesome transmog so… im biased.

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I was just about to say that actually! It annoys me how their tails clip into the bows.

Plus Shadowmeld is super useful :slight_smile:

… who in their right mind would want to be an orc?

Isn’t shadowmeld made moot with hunter’s feign death? Like… you don’t really need it.

not really no. You can use shadowmeld when FD is on CD or to hide if you’re going to be gone longer than a few minutes. After 6 minutes, I think it is, of being in FD you are auto forced out of it. Shadowmeld lasts until you cancel it. Also useful in pvp when guarding objectives because it allows you to get the drop on a would be ninja.


Why do you say that? haha

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  1. As a joke
  2. Because why be a tough grizzled orc when you can be a sleek, graceful, and beautiful purple elf who is every bit as tough as an orc?
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I actually really like the tail waggle. The tail waggle and Gift of the Naaru (even tho I said I dont care about racials) are what is making this such a hard decision.

I am going to go do that dungeon after I finish my Nazjatar dailies, though

IF I were Horde though I would probably pick Orc, though, @Floplag

You know the horde has night elves now too right?

Well… cheap knock off night elves, but still night elves.

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I love night elf lore the most in all of wow, and especially love the designs of their buildings etc.

That being said the male model is absurdly ugly, the arms are way to long and torso is pencil thin. Physically I love the make Draenei imposing look, you can’t go wrong with either race imo. But if it’s between female models night elf females are amazing.

I wouldn’t change personally. Waggle is win. Oh and by the by, Horde is never ‘just’ a phase :wink:

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