it isnt, since these things need to be adressed before the damage is done… even the creator of this addon, said in the other thread, he dont want to see these things added, its probably the reason why he left certain features out, but its also a reason we should make sure no else does it…
Sorry my bad, wrong time index, 34:40
Um no, raid addons did that in Vanilla, and no, there is no ban.
well autoinvite was part of quite a few Vanilla addons , there was no issue with them.
Are you worried about people gatekeeping their groups? That will happen with out any addon.
ppl are honestly mad that you won’t be spamming a chat moving instantly, where no one can see what is being spammed w/o scrolling up for 5 minutes compared to an add on that sifts through chat for you and adds a gui to make messaging someone look “nice”
you guys are sweaty, stinky nerds tbh
there is a huge difrence, and you know it… the addon has the potential, to be left to do its things, and essentialy run by itself while you go afk, and you come back to a full and ready group… that type of automation, that in a rather major way circumvents your need to be social, is a serious issue…
No there is no difference and you know it,and the raid autoinvite would fill up your raid, and that was ok.
of 5 healers? 5 dps?
So since you are also against bag sorting addons too, and macros that you put /invite in, I at least know you are consistent.
i was going to explain, but since you cant even quate me, i guess not…
I did quote you, i quoted what I was directly responding too, are you new to forum discussion boards?
If someone quotes everything and the quote includes more than one addressable point, how clear is that if they respond to only one of those points, dont you understand that makes discussions almost impossible to follow, so you then only quote the point you are actually addressing?
I’m not the one with listen issues. Blizzard never said the will break that stuff. They said monitor and restrict.
The automation claim is weak too.
so healbot and decursive are banned? might as well ban DBM because it tells you what a boss is going to do, and gtfo will tell you to get out of the fire so another person doesn’t have to manually say it to you so we gotta ban that too.
I get the point they’re making. There are people who want Classic but "just add or allow this ONE TINY QoL change (or addon).
I have my reservations on certain addons. I do think some of the ones people are talking about are just plain silly but I don’t like going on about it because silly people defend silly things with even more silly responses.
I also get what (s)he is saying here too, regardless of the perceived tone. Newer age gamers are finding out what they’re going to have to do in Classic and gasping in shock. Not everyone has read about how vanilla was and are finding out in great detail recently. They’re finding out that they can’t be lazy and want to compromise.
I think they said an addon that automates play will not be welcome. This was their comment after Omar spoke of an automated addon/system he had for healing as a holy pally back in vanilla. And tbh if he had that back then and we are in the #nochanges realm well then this addon shuldnt be a problem at all. just trolling in that last sentence, but really, its not a big deal with this addon at all imo.
Another swing, another miss.
Nothing anywhere in that video addresses what this mod does in any way, shape or form. Try again, if you must.
He says that there are addons they are suspicious of, keeping an eye on, MIGHT not allow, middle-ground. There has been no clear communication since then.
Auto-invite isnt even a part of the classic version of this addon.
It is a part of the retail version of this addon that all of the masses were duped into watching the video of.
Stop being silly.
MOST of the community is going to find groups 2 ways.
- Discord (they can’t ban that) Are you going to start complaining when you can’t find groups because you don’t use the server discord?
- Group channels on the server.
Considering this there really isn’t a good reason to ban the LFG addon as it’s not a whole lot different then these to other options.
I doubt if many veteran vanilla players will use it. Grouping in vanilla is a much bigger undertaking than in retail. You are going to take over an hour to do most dungeons and the drop you want may come after 20 runs. You simply don’t want a random person you don’t trust grouping with you, who is going to roll against you, when they said they wouldn’t and so on.
Maybe in the early dungeons, but by the time everyone is 50, the only people using the tool will be people no one wants to group with.
This addon will primarily be used so you can talk with people who want to do the dungeon, very few will use the auto portion, and even fewer groups will be successful.
I’m definitely a veteran vanilla player and plan on using it. I had over 150 days /played during vanilla and joined/formed hundreds of groups and raids. I am NOT down with spending hours and hours forming groups anymore. I don’t have time for that and many others will agree.
Plus, Blizzard even stated that what used to be a high pop realm will be the equivalent of a low pop realm today. Picture what trade chat is going to look like… Dozens of spam messages per minute CONSTANTLY!