i hope you all are staying safe. i’ve heard about the riots and the current political nightmare your currently going through (i’d say military nightmare, but i’m not 100% sure what’s going on). i’m worried for you guys, i hope you all can get your problem down there resolved. stay safe you apple-pie eatin, baseball-playin, red-white-and-blue crazies.
It wouldn’t be such a nightmare if the military were permitted to break up the riots. Not the protests, the riots. The ones burning down cities.
Here in arizona I’m more offended Jake paul was here for a bit in scottsdale
Scottsdale is ritzy anyway. You should expect people like him to be there.
Yeah you can just go ahead and call it that at this point.
see, that’s what i don’t understand. i heard the military was deployed, but then i hear these riots are still on-going so… i’m a little lost on that.
Oh I’m well aware of Snotsdale.
I must say it’s a bit impressive that mall got raided. For those that don’t know. That mall is ridonkulously huge. 3 floors rather than the more common 2 floor mall
The military was deployed in D.C. The states have almost entirely limited their riot response to civilian law enforcement.
It’s not as bad as i’m sure other countries media is making it look. Most of the protests are peaceful. They only turn into riots when police instigate by pepper spraying, gassing and shooting people who are not even rioting.
What’s going on is a majority of peaceful protesters, many of them being targeted and beaten/shot by police. Many of these encounters are being recorded. Then there’s a smaller group of looters taking advantage of the protests to break into stores, burn things, loot, etc. Happens every time there’s ever been protests.
The last I heard of it, Trump asked the nearest National Guard unit, which is from Virginia and thus under the command of the Virginia Governor, for assistance with maintaining order in DC. The Virginia Governor basically told him to pound sand, so Trump called in the Active Duty Army to maintain order in DC.
I’m at work so I’m not able to look up and see if there is any news beyond that but that was the only direct Military involvement I’d heard the last time I did a round of news binging.
Trump is threatening to use the military on other states if they don’t do it themselves. The thing is, trump can’t really do this. Only in DC
Pretty much this. This is a protest against police brutality and accountability, and how do the police handle the peaceful ones?
By gassing and shooting them of course. Because American cops don’t know how to manage anything peacefully.
really i just watch stephen colbert for my news. when his jokes are’nt funny and they’re about a serious topic, that’s when i know the crap has hit the fan. (yes, i’m watching a comedian for my news. yes, i’m a bit of a degenerate that way)
Canada has racism too.
Today he was charged with criminal trespassing and unlawful assembly, not looting, but something is something.
We’re Americans. We’ve survived worse. We’ll survive this and be a better country for it. Still, your wishes are noted and we thank you for them.
The peaceful protests being attacked by police is a direct violation of the First Amendment and probably several thousand other laws and needs to be prosecuted.
…this is unwise.
Good. I have nothing more to say other than Good
was more talking about the riots miss, not the racism (though yeah, we gotta work on that.)