To my american neighbors to the south

If that is true (I haven’t had a chance to fact check all news lately), it’s a very empty threat.

New York City has more cops than the U.S. Army has Infantrymen. The active Duty Army is only around 400,000 men, and of those only about 20% or so are direct active combat MoS’ the last time I looked it up.

i have a hard time latching onto news-shows. my a.d.d makes me drift. colbert keeps my attention.

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I agree. It’s disgusting to watch honestly. They clearly don’t care about protecting or serving anymore, and I imagine most are having fun beating the sh* out of people.


It’s basically one sin against reason after another down here.

Racism, peaceful protests being treated like riots, riots being used as a reason to do the former, our administration…

All against the backdrop of a pandemic! …And the world basically being on fire!


This gives the corrupt elements of the force the perfect excuse to exercise their sociopathy whilst completely defacing the image of those who joined to protect and serve.

An endless tirade of disgrace upon disgrace.


We need leadership to guide us out of this fiasco, There is more than one virus plaguing the US in a negative way… :confused:


see, when it’s broken-down like that, i worry america’s just gonna up and be crushed under the weight of too many problems stacked on-top of one another.

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And who do you recommend?

Remember when people with guns protested outside for coronavirus related things and were fine?

Yeaaaaah if they weren’t white they’d probably be dead if they did that


The United States government has weathered… let’s say much worse than this. The government is in absolutely no danger of collapse, lol


Don’t for get the locust plague and murder hornets. I feel they are getting overlooked lol.


They don’t even hide it anymore. All the streams of actual news media also getting shot and gassed after showing the police they are media.

I think it’s also ironic that the peaceful protest are considered dangerous, yet a month ago when a bunch of white dudes with AR-15s held a capital state building hostage in protest of Corona shut down, the police and government didn’t even bat an eye.


Everyone with the power to make change…

I garuntee you guys, if the police that did that aweful crime was another color, these riots wouldn’t be going on. It really is a shame to see political propaganda. And it really was a shame what happened to floyd.


No, not really. Just a select few that are sadly in every PD that gives the rest a bad rap. But it doesn’t help when officers are wearing riot gear and full fledged masks so nobody knows who they are and can get away with practically anything.


you say that, but the level of incompetence right now is terrifying… atleast, to me it is.


No, really. The country will be fine. The people in it are going to have some problems with their businesses and homes burned to the ground. Government always finds a way to survive.

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It will calm down without the need of bringing in the military. That would be a huge mistake if not actually be unconstitutional.
The inequality and inequity in this society needs to be addressed and remedied. The racism needs to stop. All positions of power especially law enforcement need to be overhauled and root out racism.
Thank you very much for your concerns. :hugs:


People in the 60s were using rioting to try to discredit MLK.

Gosh, I wonder why people are rioting with massive unemployment and police cracking down brutally on even the most peaceful protests in big cities.


The leadership of some states are trying to make change, The unheard are finally having a voice.