To heck with Torghast. I am done with WoW. this is stupid

That’s perfectly fine, but telling them to quit? I mean come on.

Well, it’s important to recognize when you’re just gonna have a bad run.

If by floor 3, you still have awful powers, save the effort and reset. That’s basically the “roguelike” way. Get garbage early, just reset

If you’re not having fun then why is quitting not an option? Why subject yourself to something you clearly don’t like? That’s why all these whiny complaining threads make no sense.


Depends on the class/spec. For my 155 prot warrior, I walk through the entire thing unphased. For my 179 mage, it’s a real struggle.

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Torg sucks solo. I hate it. I hate soloing it mainly because I rely on kiting and after stack 10 if a Mob ain’t dead–I will be.

Meanwhile everyone who gets excited about Torgs are Pallies who are like bruh what are you saying it’s so hard to die in Torg.

Then back on me as a mage–If a Mob looks at me funny I suffer 3K AoE dmg.


This 100%.

Tank classes get mobs with less hp. As prot I can 2-4 shot most trash, or pull 4 rooms then just Ashen Hollow + Wings and it all dies.

As ret? 1 pack at a time.

I have a theory about torghast that I am curious about.

I happen to like it because it reminds me a bit of old school rpg dungeon crawls. I’m wondering if the people who dislike it are more attuned to the modern gogogogo style of current WoW dungeons and other timed content like M+, Visions from bfa and other types of content that promotes fast style play like arenas.

In any case, it’s just another example of how divided the player base is. I remember people complaining about the timer in visions and not liking being rushed and now one of the complaints I see about torghast is it is too long and boring.

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


Missed my point, not surprised.

Tupacshekar? thuglife bruh. #cringe


So, just to try and get caught up: OP is leaving WoW because of Torg? Okay, bye now. You’ll be missed.

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Buncha kids in this thread whining about not getting legendaries nailed to them when they hit 60, sometimes you have to work for your gear. Torghast is fine, working as intended.

I like the idea of Torg a lot. Feels very cool. But just playing it as a Mage where I have to look at the pack. Pick my CC, know the kite route, and know how fast I have to DPS before I pull whereas if I played a Tank I could feel heroic and epic is the biggest problem I have with Torg.

That and it takes me about 2 hours to complete anything above lvl 4 because of my downtime and slow pulls.

I liked torghast up to layer 5. layer 5 and not being able to get past it is the huge issue with me. over 20 times I have ran it in every single way possible with every single hunter pet I have and watched dozens of videos and still can’t get past the 5th floor bc the boss is way too strong and downs me as if I am nothing is what is getting me so pissed off. I too have to cc everything, trap mobs, work my way around corners etc and spent two hours working my way to the 5th floor and last boss and for nothing… but none of it matters when you can’t beat the boss because he 2 shots your pets and 1 shots you when your pets are dead and you can’t revive them. it makes it hard to catch up when you can’t get there and pass it.

Lol the “gitgud” players with their alts or 60’s with 160ilvl, calling others kiddos

Sitting right now at 1.8k ashes, no need to run torghast, waiting for my BiS, tried to give it a shot to the layer 6 in solo “cuz content”. Last boss was pure garbo, scrubby anima rolls, that boss just oneshot you at the end, 40mins on that layer, 0 mechanics from the bulky mobs, just smart pulls, for the boss, even with the 90% dmg reduction buff that he gets you can drop the boss to 8% in two rotations, then, get AA’s 20k each…

Higher tier of the week is boring, not difficult, does not bring anything new to the table, it’s just a waste of time. Want to talk about:” but but bring some people in?” Yeah add an hour more to the run, boring, tedious, doesn’t require any skill. FIX IT

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The boss is on the 6th floor, you died to a gate keeper

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So to you, it’s totally fine that a fresh dinged tank has a considerably easier time than a mage with a 35 item level advantage even when they’re on the same floor?

Some classes straight up have it way easier than others


Yup, unless your pushing for realm firsts, why are you pushing so hard? Roll one of those alts, get inscription going, make some gold while prices are sky high. But most of all, take your time and enjoy it.

Don’t waste your time with trolls

Why sure…they got to make sure they tear out your own thought process and just follow orders…otherwise how could they get you to kill for them.

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You’re complaining about L5.

My destro lock was getting smacked around at the same ilvl in a L3 a week ago. You have it good by comparison.

PS: I know they nerfed Torghast. Still… I doubt my lock can do L5.