To heck with Torghast. I am done with WoW. this is stupid

Layers 1-4 are faceroll easy.

The large number of posters saying the exact opposite must be liars then? Last week Sloghast was enjoyable. Had a fair challenge and made you work for the end result. This week its nothing but high health, high damage, bosses and enemies. Certain classes and healers that have no real silence, next to no stuns and low damage are now forced into groups.

Friends and guildies of mine who struggled through a 6 but could manage, can now barely even manage a three and that is with good rng. Maybe you have a better time, if that is the case, good for you. But it seems for a large majority of the people here and in my community, its trash and we are tired of it.

However, no one can whine about it, because if you complain about anything blizz does, its just thrown to excuses like “you just hate everything blizz does” or “if you don’t like it, leave”, etc etc.

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I’m not sure why players are expecting to just walk into Challenging Layers like 7 - 8 and expect to one shot it. This is designed for players with a good item level and skillset, if players lack this Layers 1 - 4 give the most amount of dust and is much easier to do.

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There’s a middle ground between “You have 30 seconds to get across the zone with a trash gauntlet” and “Your objective is 15 feet up, at the top of the mountain, but you will need to do it on foot with unskippable trash on a path that zigzags across the entire zone”. Blizzard just hasn’t found the sweet spot between “HURRYGOGOGO” and “This will take you at least an hour, and if it starts taking you less time, we will adjust it”.

They are notorious for having 0 middle ground, actually.

See, I don’t get behind this. Because until this week, it felt like clearing all floors was the standard expectation. There were times when it was challenging, group or otherwise, but it was a steady sense of progression with the weekly cap on how high you could go. And this wasn’t the case for everyone. People were still struggling on lower levels.

So why NOW is it expected that we shouldn’t be able to clear all floors?

Mind you, there is a challenge mode for this thing that isn’t out yet. This basic climb there was never sold as the challenge.

Defend the choices all you want, but their statements regarding torghast and the way it launched (after a delay to make sure everything was launched properly) say otherwise.

The expectation was to be able to clear all of the floors that they gate the release of until the release of the challenge mode. The expectation was to be able to do so solo, regardless of spec.

This is failed communication and bad delivery. Nothing more.

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I’m guessing the progression of soul ash initially wasn’t balanced, so making it harder until people gear up puts it line to where it should be.

Just like BFA and horrific visions, no was doing full clears to start until geared and corruption tree was leveled up to mitigate the difficulties.

It will get easier. If you expect to clear all content in the first month, then you’re playing the wrong game.

Also the expectations before a release isn’t wise, game play is always subject to change. This applies to all games we purchase.

You can make sense of it all you want. The changes feel bad this late into it.

Also, I usually do clear all content in the first month. I’ve already seen the entire raid in a difficulty and cleared it. I’ve seen every dungeon and cleared it. I’ve seen the leveling expansion and cleared it. I have literally cleared all of the content in the first month.

All that’s left are replays and higher difficulties. If you think adding health and damage to something is new content, then you are mistaken.

As for the progression of soul ash being unbalanced: Dude, it was literally gated. We could only climb as high as they let us each week. If they didn’t want us to do these floors yet, they wouldn’t have given us these floors yet.

I made sense of it and it makes perfect sense. So you’re the reason why they increased the difficulty then? So you’re confirming that the difficulty increase is absolutely necessary.

I think soul ash was definitely unbalanced and way to easy to achieve. Everyone already had legendaries before we even accessed the raid, which made zero sense because that’s where a lot of classes memories drop.

I have no idea where you pulled that from. Why is my ability to reach the gates prior to this week a reason to hold more people back from doing so? People already weren’t clearing up to the gate. That’s some weak mental gymnastics, man.

They gave us a weekly target to hit by staggering the release of floors. Some of us were able to hit it.

Now they not only gate the floors, but they crippled everyone’s progression unless you’re either a tank or incredibly lucky with anima powers or talented. That AND they raised the challenge on the levels we were already completing.

Soul ash had both a weekly cap and a carrying capacity cap. If it took them this long after delaying the expansion to figure out what they wanted to do with it, then they could’ve at least commented on it. No, this whole thing feels horrible.

How you “think” this works means nothing to me. I’m not appealing to you. I’m appealing to the developers. Maybe they’ll step up and communicate something.

If this is overtuned and they’re working on it, I’ll stick it out. If this is where they want it to be, then I guess I’m done for a bit.

That I agree with. When they try to course correct they have a habit of wildly swinging from one extreme to another.

If I didn’t have to do it for soul ash, I wouldn’t bother. The experience was ok the first time but fast became boring and felt like a chore.

Me too. Up to layer 3 wife and i where having a great time, afterwards, the party was over and she hasn’t even logged into wow in days, Shadowlands wasn’t enough to bring her back, its all chores and work in game, even pvp is ruined for players who don’t do rated, meaning your just fodder in BG’s.

Even collecting things isn’t fun anymore, Not even gold. Like who cares.

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I don’t know what you expected out of this release. 2020 hasn’t exactly been smooth sailing for any company. Obviously, the content was supposed to be hard and was initially a balancing issue.

I expected this release to way worse than it is currently. Same old, people holding high expectations to be disappointed again.

With all the posts on the forums about it, I wouldn’t be surprised if they overhauled it.

For this character, I had my legendary within 2 weeks, that’s way too fast and should have been adjusted. I wish it was harder from day one, then we wouldn’t be sitting here debating about it.

But I’m sorry, I do agree with the changes. They’re obviously want some longevity out of torghast and rightfully so.

I expected them not to ruin the one part of the expansion I was really enjoying.

That’s where I’ll leave this discussion. Because that’s what they did.

Depends on what Class you play, you’ll get a wildly different response.