To Everyone Who Says Frostmourne Isn't a Frost Weapon

Yes. A Libram written from information given by Dread Lord demons.


So. Are you saying Blizzards track record with lore is always spot on and no contradictions what so ever happen? Or are you just being a contrarian because you just dont like me?

I’m saying that Blizzard may have decided that the Nathrezim have one extra lie to their lie tally.


Or Blizzard sucks at writing which is much more likely because their lore is full of holes.

Even if that’s true, the fact is that Word of God is Word of God. The old canon is wiped away when they write new stuff; and write they have. Frostmourne and the Helm of Domination were forged by a smith in the Maw on the Forge of Domination.


No it isnt. You cannot change history. I really dont want to go into religion, but just to put down your “new testament overrules the old testament” is complete and utter bs.

And no, they werent. They were demon-forged and demons cannot go to the shadowlands. Thanks for playing but you lost.

They already have. They went from saying the Nathrezim invented Necromancy, to making undeath its own power in Warcraft’s cosmology.

They said that old gods went to the Emerald Dream to heal, then changed it to going to the Shadowlands to heal.

And the Shadowlands? They’re new too.



No they havent, they are trying to add onto a story that they dont know.

The shadowlands, also, are not new. If you cared to actually watch Blizzcon it was stated up on stage, “it was there all along”. They are just trying to tie it into the story and failed. Its a complete mess and even people that arent really into the lore know the lore is messed up.



I bet what you are linking doesnt support what you are saying.

Ok, so what’s the real scoop behind the eredar/draenei story then? At this point, even though the NEW lore directly counters the Warcraft III manual, we’re still going to run with it.

Chriz Metzen

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That in no way means they are changing history. It just means they dont care what the past says, they are running with this new lore even if it doesnt fit. Thats all that says.

why that before i open this thread i knew very well who was be here antagonizing and being against the idea of frostmourne a 2H weapon NOT being a frost weapon, strange isn’t?


Its strange that it was directed towards a few people. It also has nothing to do with 2h, just the ability of the sword which you do not know if its the swords power or Ner’zhul.

Its also a demon-forged runeblade, created by the Nathrezim which created other runeblades and other powerful weapons. We also know that you do not need the Forge of Domination which is just some retconned lore trying to be forced into an area that it doesnt fit. We, as in the players, created Shadowmourne which is a rival blade to Frostmourne on Azeroth.

Dreadmoore very well knew what he was doing, and I knew it too, and a bit. Its not that strange if you had followed the events of other threads where Frostmourne being a frost or unholy weapon was being discussed. I find it hilarious that they just skip over everything else Frostmorne was created to do and jump right to “frost weapon because it says frost and its blue”. I can call a dolphin a penguin but it doesnt actually make it a penguin.

Frostmourne the bridge builder! Greatest Frost weapon of all because now I don’t have to get wet. It’s a very important scene to remember now that we know the true strength of the blade’s bridge building skills. This is probably the only good thing to come out of Reforged. Super solid lore expansion. :ok_hand:

4th spec Construction when

make Bridgemourne the legion artifact

So what if it has some frost abilities? It also traps and corrupts souls, and raises dead. It’s more unholy than frost and always will be, because the Lich King himself is a necromancer on steroids, and that’s the only thing he ever had going for him. An ex-shadow council warlock turned into an even more necromancy-based being. The blade and the armor also originates from the Shadowlands, which are a realm of the dead, which also has about 0 to do with frost, and again is very necromantic.

Stop beating this dead horse already, Frost is not going to get 2handers. I hope they don’t do it just to spite you.

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but the dolphin, just as the penguin are “water creatures” :thinking:

you can spin all you want but yeah, frost mourne is thematically, a frost weapon, demon forged or not


Wow, completely missing the entire point.

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It’s a cursed blade with ice on it, it is not just a frost weapon. It is mainly an unholy weapon since it turns living to dead. It should be called unholymourne.