Doesn’t matter, both are golf.
You’re the one that brought up
Not me, if you don’t like where that leads that’s your problem.
Not as designed. Thats the point. The Scots who invented golf weren’t building little windmills and tunnels for the balls to go through. Anyone prominent in the sport is not concerned with goofy golf - they’re concerned with actual golf course design.
Goofy golf is technically golf, yes - but its golf for children. Similarly, LFR is technically raiding, yes - but its raiding for people who can’t raid due to time or skill deficiencies.
Another golf analogy for ya - you aren’t getting a Ryder cup for being really good at putt putt golf. That’s ok. You also aren’t getting “Glory” achievements and mounts for LFR. That’s ok, too.
Ah, but ya know what’s different about putt putt and LFR? Putt Putt actually requires skill. Its actually somewhat difficult!
So it’s called golf.
You use an L-shaped tool to knock a small ball across a distance and into a hole.
The number of strokes you take counts toward your score.
But it’s not golf.
And any reasonable adult should have no problem admitting that it is therefore, in fact, golf. Like you technically did, so thanks for agreeing with me.
You haven’t offered any actual proof or evidence yourself only your own “feelings”.
Maybe you can try to offer some facts. Only time you even tried I showed your facts were inaccurate.
Literally posted a link in this thread showing LFR was never intended to receive the mount.
Try again.
Lol no you didn’t.
You need to go to your local grade school and ask if you can sit in on a reading class.
I never said LFR wasn’t raiding - I said its not raiding as designed. Like, the majority of the work the devs put into raids, which is balance and mechanics, either are not present at all or are so nerfed that they can be easily ignored by the players.
Yeah, that’s incorrect. Every time a mount has been associated with Heroic difficulty we’ve had people kick and scream about how it isn’t available to the LFR when it was very clear for a while Blizzard was keeping to this philosophy because they had been doing it since late MoP more or less then carried it forward as an achievement with WoD in HFC.
FFS they made it attainable in Normal mode now and people are still crying when Normal is just LFR without being automatically matched with people.
He got caught and now hes mad. The irony is real
Color me surprised, another one diving right into insults and condescension.
And I don’t care, because my concern was that it be recognized as raiding which, for all intents and purposes, it is. Arguments and declarations to the contrary I can’t help but think smack of the inborn need for validation, as if to be lumped in with the crowd of people that of LFR partake is somehow a great shame and an affront to your pixels in this aged video game.
This is a false equivalence, because you’re acting like you’re doing the same activity when you really aren’t.
LFR is like ordering a non-alcoholic beverage then trying to drink it with other people actually drinking alcohol and saying that you’re the same because you’re both buying from the same establishment. This has absolutely nothing to do with the reasons for being there, the activities being engaged in (especially since you aren’t even drinking alcohol when they are), etc.
Or a more simple one:
Kids ride around on bicycles, they’re aged 12 or so and speeding at ramps, or hardened patches of dirt they pretend are ramps on some abandoned area full of dirt they basically turned into a wanna-be BMX track. These are the normal raiders.
LFR is the kid showing up on training wheels and may as well be wrapped in 50 layers of bubblewrap because his overprotective mom would blow a gasket if he so much as returned with a scratch, so he does nothing but basically rides in circles because he can’t do the jumps. Then says because he was riding his bike, and that they were also riding their bikes it was essentially the same activity. Even though literally nobody in their right mind who observed this play out would say they were doing the same thing past the minor technicality of “riding bikes.” They would generally make a distinction with that.
They are both golf.
Hey, you started it with the snark bucko, don’t get mad.
Ah, then why are you here?
Snarkily pointing out someone being silly and calling someone an idiot are two different things.
But with the eye patch I suppose it’s hard to see that.
Because some guy tried to tell me that LFR wasn’t a raid, lol.
Do you to the local Kids’ Glo Golf and then go tell people you golfed a 70 at the Augusta National Golf Course?
No, because those are two different places.
Again: that wasn’t me. I am saying it is a raid (just as goofy golf is technically golf), just that it in no way resembles or should even be compared to a “real” raid/“real” golf.
Again, false equivalence. Because what you’re trying to describe is literally the same activity, LFR is not the same activity as raiding Heroic by a longshot. The closest thing it has is to Normal because Normal has been made so hopelessly braindead in hopes that players might actually go into a “real” difficulty and nobody takes normal seriously because of that.
Just because the bosses have similar names does not mean they are the same thing. Especially not when one has mechanics that will force a raid wipe for not being done whereas in LFR they tickle you. Actually yeah, I’m gonna go there-
LFR Dragon Soul. Zon’ozz would spawn a ball. The mechanic required you to ping pong this ball between two groups before eventually hitting the boss with it to trigger a period where he was vulnerable and took a lot of damage to beat the enrage timer. This ball could not be ignored because if it was not intercepted and touched the wall, everyone basically lost 80% of their HP (on normal btw, on Heroic this was 100% a wipe no questions asked) and was knocked up, which generally meant the tank wasn’t being healed and was probably dead too causing a snowball that wiped the raid.
Know what happened on LFR if you didn’t do the ONE mechanic of the entire damn fight? Minor knock up, lost maybe 20% of your HP. Literally the fight’s SINGLE mechanic in LFR was made into something you could actually straight up ignore and Patchwerk the boss to death.
I guess an apt comparison would be you going to Augusta National but they made a special little course for you, one that doesn’t even comprise the size of a single hole. This hole is par 20 and requires the use of maybe a single pitching wedge and putter.
You’d be allowed to miss over and over again and still walk away having “won”.
That’s LFR.
I never said it was. Given my whole point was only to say it was undeniably a raid, I have no idea why you would bother replying in the first place but to save face.
Both are raiding. One is easier, no doubt, but both are the thing that they are.
Like blizzard did when they made LFR.