To everyone that’s upset about that the slime cat isnt in LFR

Lmao, you’re a LFR player. You have only 1 heroic boss kill, and nothing on normal currently. it’s funny learning about the people bashing LFR, are in fact LFR players.


If normal is easier than lfr, then you won’t mind players doing lfr to get the mount right? Since it’s harder than normal.


2/10 cuz afraid and posted on alt

that’s the easiest block of my life lol :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


AH yea, i understand. Knee jerk reaction for being so wrong. I see it in children all the time.


I don’t care where you get the mount from man, I ain’t here to gatekeep.

I’m just saying that a Normal pug is better than LFR.


Completely fair. However, people often do get upset at changes that are made from PTR builds (as some currently are for changes in dragonriding) and I can’t really get mad at them for being upset at what they see as a “downgrade.”

I think it’s fine that higher levels of raiding give you more/better rewards, but during this content drought, I think many casual players believed that the mount was going to be “their content.” So being told that it was just another thing added for the more “serious” WoW players just takes a lot of the thrill out of season 4.


Yes, but you don’t define raiding for everyone, Blizzard does and they call it Looking for Raid for a reason.


well sure, they can be mad. i’ve seen last minute changes to my class & spec before, and i’ve never really gotten upset about that. they’ve also reworked achievements in PTR’s before so, this is nothing new tbh.

That happens in PTR builds all the time, that’s why it’s called a test realm :nerd_face:

They’ve also used the terminology. “Looking for raid difficulty”.

It’s a very common one.

Some people don’t consider qued content raiding.

I am one of those people that don’t consider LFR raiding.


I never claimed to define it.

However Blizzard clearly agrees with me as LFR doesn’t give mounts


I mean gatekeeping the definition of raiding is pretty cringe my dudes.
But I guess when you tie your personality in to a game it can be hard to see the forest for the trees.


Memories of Fel, Frost and Fire I think was queued in an LFR-esque manner, wasn’t it?

My memory might be shot.


There isn’t any gatekeeping in this game.

Assuming people tie their life worth into this game is pretty cringe my dude.


I am not sure. Hence my question lol.

Mine too so cheers lol

Cool, its called a raid in the game, your opinion doesn’t trump the game

If blizz wants to say its not raiding, then they should change the name as well, til then its still a raid no matter how much you dont like it


They really believe they are superior. Like, seriously believe it, and you’re right, it’s directly linked to their personality and ego. The mount is available to them, because it justifies their self image of being a normal difficulty raider that is superior. It’s actually delusional.


I don’t consider guild groups as raiding - their groups are already preset and made up and they just invite and go straight in, like queued content. They should have to PUG and put together a whole new group every time they run in. You’d be all against that because getting carried would be harder and there’s nothing that sets you apart from any other pug hunter.

Did you know, anyone can get in on a mythic raid? Afk the whole time? All that matters is gold - so in reality, no rewards should be from ‘group content’ anymore because as stated by you and others ‘it’s too easy’.


I never said my opinion trumps anything. Stop being a Karen.

It’s called LFR because it lets people with very limited splay time still experience the story.

They obviously agree since they removed the mount and there isn’t anytime a mount has been awarded for LFR.


Well you’re entitled to your opinion but it’s not one that Blizz shares.