To Dragonbane Keep quest not activating

Can we a Blue Post about if this even works or what we need to do to start it? Seems kinda absurd that its non stop posts about things being nerfed after other players already got some kind of upgraded gear and yet those wanting to do I weekly quest are expected to wait for hours on end and ‘guess’ if it is even working?

Be better.


I’m gonna try and wait this out for the entire hour, just to see if it starts at the top of the next hour, even though I was here for the last one and nothing happened. Currently been waiting 53 min.

There is a timer now on the map that I either never noticed or was added–so hopefully starting in a couple minutes on my server.

Can confirm, if you see Boss waiting, wait until the top of the next hour and it should start. At least that’s how it just worked.

If Blizz could clarify this IT WOULD BE NICE! :roll_eyes:

I was just able to complete it–started about 1 min after the timer ran out–first time it started so happy its done but yea, should be able to Ask the Boss how long until it starts imo.

So I took everyone’s advice. I waited until the timer ran out and then it started. So I’m able to do it as I type this. You cannot start it after it is already started, which I think is wrong. If Blizzard wants to fix that, that’s up to them, but if you want to do it, you have to watch the timer and be there when it runs out like the minute it runs out. Anyway, happy gaming everyone!

Still not working. I’ve been there the minute the timer was up for both phases/both spots on the map and nothing ever happens.

same. me and a few guildies all have the same issue of it not starting.

Same for me. Been broken since i first encountered it. No mobs here,. Just green NPCs. This is what you get for rushing delivery.


The timer requirement is poorly implemented at best. Remove the timer. Let players engage the quest on their own terms, not some broken timer system.

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i have a feeling that if the quest gets done by other before you get there then it you cant do anything till next reset. you have to get there before it gets finished even if there is time left

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Bugged for me. Tried starting it multiple times. It never starts.

Yep. Still bugged and won’t start. Beef is very cute and I am happy to give him scritches, but it would be nice for the quest to start.

For me to complete it (both in and out of my log) just make sure you’re there before it starts and up until the end of final boss.

The first time I did it in a raid grp and it didn’t count (for the quest log at least - cant remember if I still got loot or not). Then I did it in a 5-man party, from start to finish and got credit and gone from my log.

Also, it starts once every hour on the hour, or about 30sec-1min after the hour. Just make sure you’re at the right spot on the cliff with the wagon.

Been trying all day to get this stupid quest to start. I’ve done everything everyone says is working for them and nothing. At this point I am going to miss out on this by reset. Why are there so many damn bugs like this still and no hotfix?

We’re trying to do it on Stormrage and it’s not activating. What a waste of time (12/4/22, 20:08)

I have been standing on the cliff for 25 minutes and it never activates.

My alt can’t get this event to show up, I’ve activated the skip, my main is level 5+ and has done this already.

As someone whos got it too work the event seem to has 3 poorly communicated phases

Pre-phase; this is the inbetween time where all the npcs and frog wait on the hill, you want to get to the location about 5 minutes before this timer hits zero to find a group and make sure the npc have all loaded to your phase.

Main phase; after the prephase timer ends and boss says theyre ready you can pet the frog and he should start hopping towards the citadel, youll get the usual scenario prompts. Follow these up until killing the final boss, if you were there to kill it you should get credit for the quest and the loot box auto added to your bag.

Post phase; this is where it seems to be having the problem. After the main phase has been completed once by anyone on your server/shard it will not reset or run a seperate scenario for the next set of players so it can be ran the entire hour like the map description implies. It is a one time run for that server thats why there are just a bunch of friendly npcs around if you show up late as the keep is now captured by the friendly drakanoid forces.
So if you arent there in the first 15 minutes (horn timer showing 45 minutes or less of invading) your chances are pretty much 0 and you have to wait the 1 and a half+ hour for the next one as it finishes its timer and loops back into the pre-phase timer.

It seems to be an intended design since it functioned that way the last 2 months of beta, but the description for the events or a horn on the map to show after its already been completed for the server should be added to explain all the steps.

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The microphone on the map with the timer keeps moving and the NPC (the friendly NPC’s) are in different spots. The “to dragonbane keep” is a weekly quest, I’m assuming? But you can do the event daily for a reward it seems.

Yesterday I just came in the area the timer was still going and I ended up in the last part of the scenario. I didn’t even get a chance to go over there to help kill the boss and it ended, I got credit and I got the reward box, so this event is not working properly. If blizzard comes here and says it’s working as intended, then I don’t know how they think this is working as intended. Keep reporting it as a bug because it’s obviously bugged! No player should have to sit next to a NPC and wait hours for this thing to start and you shouldn’t be thrown at the end of it out of no where. It’s broken!

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