To Blizzard and Players. How about a Boat?

As the title states, would any of you like a boat mount?

Wait don’t go just yet. Allow me to show you the wonders of said boat.

Imagine you’re in “Thousand Needles” being chased and then boom you release your flying mount and start plummeting to your doom. Just when all is lost, BaBam!! you click your parachute toy (Not currently in-game, but uh Blizzard and Players how about a Parachute toy) and you glide safely to what’s this "Thousand needles, with all that water. You suddenly realize you can’t swim, the CD timer runs out on your chute and you plummet to the waters below. You start to drown and also you realize that this place has deadly piranhas (uh, not currently in the zone, Hey Blizzard swear this is the last time, but can we get deadly piranhas in-game in this zone).

Suddenly you click your mount button as the people chasing you also fall in the water, but what they don’t realize is that you have TADAH!! you guessed it a fishing hat. But wait this is no ordinary fishing hat, you click it and BOOM!! Ba-ding…putt-putt Vroom!!! It’s a Boat!!! Yes and you get to zoom around all in the water and then turn around and run over those pesky bad people chasing you, and also this boat comes with, turret guns that work. So you could just have people zip zip zooming all over Thousand Needles in their boats doing fun ramp tricks and shooting each other. Now tell me who does not like this idea. I mean what could possibly go wrong?

Also, all sound effects are TM by me.

Seriously though is there a toy, or any type of mount that even remotely lets you zip across the water like this? Or is there an event that I could get a boat and use even for a little while. I just feel like there are so many zones that would be so much fun and meaningful if we had new ideas, events, quests, boats, planes, trains.

One last thought and I’ll let it go. If you had to say I don’t know came across an event that blizzard was hosting called “Pick a Mount” and they had an option of say a tree (eh kinda cool), a Book (zzzzzz…), or a BOAT (with turret guns, life vest, fishing hat, you can even fish off of, and explosions Micheal Bay style) which one would you pick?



In regards to Thousand Needles, there’s the River Boat option:

Or there’s the Thousand Needles Boat Bash, an event that is actually coming up soon, I think.


Dont mess with me now…can I ride this boat. Hahahahaha!! I’m going to check this link out. Thank you.

If you’re an engineer, you can also make a boat!


YESSSS!!! oh if I could give you a 1000 points to Gryffindor I would. Super thank you for this hahaha!

I can’t use mine because I am unable to get off it. I had do a ‘character stuck’ to leave it.

Are you referring to the goblin hover thing? If so it sinks sadly. I was hoping oddly enough that it would hover above water.

I want a flying submarine.


Does the boat work as a boat? Floats etc?. Is it timed like I can only use it for say 5 mins, or can I use it as long as I’m in the zone? Also can I fish off of it and drive it around in the water?

There are several boat mounts that allow you zip along the water as long as you have the water walking mount effect equipped. There is also the fishing raft toy that lets you zoom along the water. You can even engage in combat on the raft.

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A small sail boat, fishing boat, speed boat, and yacht. These would be fun. :grinning:


Can you elaborate when you say there are several boating mounts. So just to clarify if I get the effect certain mounts can be then used as boat mounts? Like for instance that hover craft mount?

@Mehlisah: So apparently I’ve done the quest before and lost the pirate hat. I talked to the NPC and they gave me a new one. They did ask me how I could lose a whole boat, but I didn’t want to tell them I lost it in a game of Asante. So now I’m puttering around TN and after that going to apparently get a water walking effect so I can try other mounts. I do wish this one would let me pan out further and allow me to fish off it, however. I’m cheesing right now so it is all good haha!

They’re mounts. I doubt Blizzard will ever add “mounts” that engage in combat outside of vehicle quests. You can always add your own sound effects though.

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I have the fishing raft from Nat Pagel but it’s so positional glitchy, esp starting off from shore. A 2 seater boat would be awesome! :rowing_woman:


sounds like a niche mount with very limited use.

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Oh I see so any mount then. You know I’m not sure why this has never crossed my mind. Also yes, I am going to add my own sound effects haha. Thank you for this.

Well I have these:


Not even going to lie, it would be for the purpose of just messing around and fishing off of. One of the posters pointed out a pirate hat that summons a boat. I was able to pick it up and now I’m in TN riding around on it. So I’m happy. :slight_smile: :smiley:

Sounds fair. Should be rewarded from a fishing questline. You got a deal. But I’m just a player. Lol.

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I feel so stupid now. Why did this not cross my mind. If it works just like I’m hoping I’ll just use those mounts and put the water walking effect on it. Hahaha.

Now about that parachute…