but its like 6 expacs in 1 game, if every ten levels is qualified for a store boost. oh lets be reasonable , lets say 1 boost at 30, then another at 40 and another at 50. so 3 boosts, with each being progressively more expensive: boost to 30 is $30, boost to 40 is $40 and boost to 50 is $50
At this point I would take any fresh classic server over CATA or that dumpster fire SOD
I think you’re spot on with Era but I can’t help but wonder if that’s not the case for SoD. Blizzard seems to be trivializing that part of the journey in favour of having people catch up to the current phase level cap.
I mean, I get it… but that’s the exactly same reasoning that got us to retail and a meaningful leveling journey that game does not have. There’s a lot of reasons I don’t play SoD, but the trivialization of the world is definitely one of them.
It’s a shame too because a lot of Era players really just wanted the Vanilla game but with a bit of new content to experience. SoD just doesn’t feel that appealing to me as someone who is currently vibing on Era. Which is mostly fine, I have that game to play, it’s just the new content that I would have liked
Circling back to the point though, I don’t think TBC is really intended to be the SoD style either. The world is still supposed to matter, it was an expansion after all, not a replacement. An expectation that started to shift as the level cap moved further away. While Blizzard did lower the XP requirements per level, I think the 1-70 journey in TBC is still meaningful and shouldn’t be skipped. It’s just a part of what makes these versions of the game more engaging than others.
A boost definitely shouldn’t have happened with the OG TBC Classic, but should it if a new TBC was released? That’s where I think it gets a bit tricky. On the one hand, I remain adamant that the leveling journey is super important to these versions of the game, to help maintain that connection to the world and your continued journey through it. On the other hand, a lot of folks would already be at 60 for a TBC launch and wouldn’t have to relevel again.
Of course, I think for those people who really love TBC, that’s not going to matter. They’re 100% going to level a new character and don’t need a boost. TBC:Era doesn’t need to be popular, it just needs to exist.
So you’re back peddling now?
Funny they said “no” on vanilla servers, too.
TBC is offered simply level to 70 and then turn off exp boom TBC.
Same goes with wrath turn exp off and enjoy wrath all you want when cata comes out.
Im sure if blizzard sees enough players doing this they will bring out servers for both versions of the game.
Remember hardcore started on legacy servers before hardcore servers.
The levelling experience in Wath and even more so in Cata is NOT the same as BC. And with account bound achievements already applied in Wrath it is TOTALLY not the same to make an alt in Wrath as it was in TBC Classic.
Or do I misunderstand what you suggest here?
Im saying those that want a wrath server or tbc server need to do what the hardcore peeps did to get the hardcore servers. Start on the current servers show blizzard there is a demand for tbc and wrath.
Yeah their is differences but u still have the capability of stopping at 70 or 80 and just raiding that content. First time around their was entire guilds that did that at 60, 70 and 80.
It’s flooding the forums because there is a demand for a TBC server. The real concern is why Blizzard isn’t opening up a TBC server. There is obviously support for one.
Yes we do. Hopefully Blizzard can get their head out of the sand and put one up early this summer.
I’d love a TBC server and I also enjoy the leveling experience of Vanilla. TBC for me is the best of both Vanilla and TBC combined. So no “58” for me.
Totally not the same. The levelling in HC and IronMan was the same as it was for anybody else. The levelling in BC is NOT the same as in Wrath. For instance: I cannot just go about pretending attunement still exists.
This is totally off your rockers. and this is the last Iøll answer to this thread unless something really outrageous pops up.
The only way to get BC and Wrat Era servers ia asking for them, repeatedly and consistently.
Unfortunately this isn’t really the same experience. The characrter power and mechanics alone aren’t their expansion era appropriate versions and that really throws things off. Like, do you feel that if you were to go to WotLK and turn XP off at 60, you would have the same experience as you get on Era? Probably not… and that’s only two expansions away. Cata comes out and changes everything in a big way, making it very difficult to just go back and pretend that you have the old games.
I acknowledge the point you’re trying to make with Hardcore. I think the difference there though is that Blizzard actually had to do something to make that happen, and so the popularity of a self-organized player mode being engaged with helped Blizzard to feel like there was value.
For TBC and Wrath though, Blizzard doesn’t actually have to do anything except just turn the server on. I don’t doubt that making Classic versions of them to begin with was a challenge, even after they got the ball rolling with Vanilla, but that work’s already been done. Just turn the dang servers on. I mean unless there’s some drastic technical limitation that makes the server browser UI cap out at only three tabs and Hardcore maxed it out, I don’t really see what the problem is here.
Then u can sit at your desk and continue to whine about something blizzard will not give you.
See this is the difference between the players that wanted hardcore they started a movement that blizzard couldnt ignore. The players that want tbc and wrath just think they are entitled to those servers and dont want to do anything to EARN the servers and will continue to blame blizzatd for not having the servers.
listen, i know you dont think this is a viable effort but i have extreme rheumatoid arthritis in my hands. every word i type is painful and requires my full concentration. so as far as i am able i’m giving my best effort, even posting links to helpful data, starring posters who agree and responding to those who dont. i also have an up to date sub and own every version of wow and play them all. i am a wow fan and adore tbc
check this
and those were just the raiders. i only raided karazhan
Is this the thread where I ask for a TBC server?
No? I’m requoting myself, which is literally the opposite of changing what I’m saying.
You still cannot compare. We IronMen and HC addon users wanted something that did not yet exist. We played with the conditions as they were, some of us (me among them) giving up when it became too difficult or even impossible (Scaling and shared kills effectively stopped the IronMan version I played - peaceful = no kills).
We who are asking for Bc Era and Wrath Era are asking for something already existing to stay. That is not done by make believe and pretend games, but by asking for this thing to stay or be reinstated.
Just a final note. I do not sit and whine at my desk. I sit there playing Era and most of all HC. From time to time, during a flight path or other down time (or as now working) I pop into these forums and keep the pot boiling for Era servers.
Either confine it in this post or just a mega thread. It shows the same amount of interest in TBC Era with a mega thread with 1k comments vs 1k separate threads here overshadowing other threads.
So I am not stopping you. Just re directing you guys. Flooding the forum with separate posts just makes the whole situation look bad and unprofessional. Keep it together, make petitions.
we arent a guild or discord group. these are just random people showing up and asking. if their threads are deleted, they’re likely to think they arent welcome here and start posting all over the place or leaving out of frustration
Which is why a mega thread is needed to consolidate these people’s repeat posts. To better gauge the interest.
If many are just deleted as spam then what does that tell anyone? Alts.
well if they’re consolidated in one thread, their original thread would be deleted, so thats not how you determine alts. only blizzard knows if they’re alts. i’m just posting on this char and i havent made a thread about it. i’m just responding to other people