Just stop.
They already said no and the data supports it thanks to their crappy decision to allow character boosts to 58.
So technically it’s a double NO for wrath as data is even worse for that thanks to the Token.
Stick to Vanilla, ask them for better servers for it because disconnects are trash and chat keeps breaking plus world buff timers are being affected now.
We want a classic tbc server.
Guys, stop liking TBC and/or Wrath immediately! In fact, how *dare* you be vocal for official support a legacy version of the game that you love but is currently not offered. Definitely nothing positive positive could ever come of this and there is no precedent whatsoever, especially within the World of Warcraft community.
So give your heads a shake and instead, please shift your preferences to what Psychachi tells you to like. Because that’s just how things are done around here!
With Love,
It’s just flooding the forums man… At least put it under a mega thread and keep all other duplicates under it.
Keep in mind, I want a wrath ERA. But thing is I know for a fact it wont happen with how future version/event releases for blizzard are going right now. We’ll have to resurge that request once cata is mid way or closing and after panda remix.
They are also busy dividing dev time into Diablo 4 seasons as well.
Nice sarcasm though. But I can say the same thing to you with how you seem to project your opinions just as much as I do or anyone else that gets flak. Probably in your mid to late 40’s feeling a little frustrated I guess.
Are you sure you wanna go with personal attacks, or do you wanna take another route?
Could have done without the targeted sarcasm so you tell me. You made stuff personal before when you removed me after doing 1 dungeon with me and made your judgements on that alone.
Sarcasm is my love language? Haha I thought it was fairly well crafted.
The point though, which I think you missed, is that it’s not about you. You don’t get to decide what other people like. You do get to decide what you like… and hey, great news for you, you’ve already got the version of the game that aligns with your preferences. So why not be supportive of others instead?
I have zero intention of playing TBC (or Wrath) if they got Era servers. I’m very happy playing Vanilla right now, but that doesn’t mean other people shouldn’t be happy too. It takes nothing away from any of us to have a Era-style TBC and WotLK server. It’s not even like it needs any actual effort, Blizzard already did that. They literally just need to turn the servers on.
So yea, I’m gonna call you on your nonsense. I’ts not personal, I’d have made the same response if any other person posted an absurd statement that people should just stop liking a version of a game that speaks to them, even when it has *no impact whatsoever* on their life.
I made my judgements based on the fact that you spend 4 weeks after that one dungeon paying for boosts in ZG. I tend to try to distance myself from people who drive the over montezation of the game and, at the time, that included you.
I don’t hold a grudge though, if you’re ready to actually play the game let me know and I will show you how you find groups. Big hint, it starts with just asking to join, transitions to advertising your group and inviting others, and ends with a bit of patience and chill.
We can still be friends, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to call you on your nonsense 
yo let me get just 1 tbc server
ZG boosting alts with gold I earned through auc playing and intense herbing for a year before taking a character seriously to invest my time into for gearing.
But yes continue to spread bits and pieces without the full truth around here.
I don’t care how you get your gold, the fact is, you’re paying it to skip the game.
If that’s how you wanna spend it, go nuts, Blizzard isn’t telling you that you can’t either by policy or action. However, what you’re doing there, paying to skip the game instead of playing yourself or finding friends to play with, is exactly why we now have things like RDF in Wrath, GDKP, and even bots/RMT. That attitude of impatience and wanting to have it now has a noticeable impact on the game and, frankly, it’s not something I choose to support. So when I reached out to you in response to your laments that you couldn’t find anybody to play with only for you to then spend the next month buying boosts and not grouping, what did you really expect?
Of course I chose to distance myself from you.
Notice a parallel here? I don’t like the way you choose to play but you playing that way doesn’t really have an impact on me because I can just not play with you. I don’t like TBC and Wrath, but a server existing doesn’t have an impact on me because I can just not play there.
I’m not asking you to like me. You just need to stop making your interactions with me personal on every post or comment you find on me. Like some vendetta.
Point is back to the main topic of the post. I am all for ERA servers for all versions. But I am tired of the thread spam on the subject and cant find more relevant threads and the fact remains ERA servers for all versions we want cant come right now.
Until they see a profit in it they wont do it. That’s why they were so stingy about Classic for years until they finally did it. It was just spam threads and reddit posts demanding it until it peaked ENOUGH interest in the community.
What we have here is maybe under a 100 people spam making threads about TBC/Wrath ERA servers and even using alt accounts to post the same damn thread.
I want a tbc classic server.
i dont think so. i run people thru content, often for free and have done so since eq. usually, i even have loot set ffa and turn off my own loot. its a kindness and people are usually really upbeat and everyone treats each other positively. its much better than boosts being sold on the store
i’m only posting on this char. i noticed one person said they have 80 classic wrath friends on their battlenet and none of them are gonna play cata. since theres no era for tbc or wrath, the ones who dont quit, say they are gonna invade classic era.
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If anything, the data “supports” the opposite.
If you wanted Classic TBC Servers, having a boost would be a smart decision, because the people wanting to play TBC would be able to pay to skip the Vanilla content they don’t want to do.
“I just want to play in TBC”
“Here’s a 58 boost”
“Sweet, here’s my paycheck”
This makes more sense than “I want to play TBC but you’re going to force me to grind through Vanilla first?”. The people who prefer TBC are more likely to not want Vanilla first.
You must be new here. This is the only method by which anything gets through to Blizzard. Tried and true, been in use since the Vanilla beta.
well fresh is for everyone and it allows everybody to catch up, so draenei and belfs have the same chances as the rest of the players
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That’s literally not true. If you want a Fresh TBC server, you’d start it at TBC. So everyone would be 58. Blizzard has a payment method by which they can allow people to start at 58, so they’d make characters start at 1 to encourage the payment, but otherwise, 58 would be the starting point.
People who want to play TBC, by and large, appreciate it because it’s beyond Vanilla, when the Dev team had learnt more about structuring quest zones, and flying was thing. So forcing people to level 1-58 before doing the content they enjoy is the opposite of sensible.
That’s why boosts exist.
i dont begruge them making money, nor do i begrudge players for opting out of the azeroth grind, but letting the game store help instead of the community, robs players of interaction
I think you miss the point here.
The “best for players” option for a TBC Era server, would be all characters starting at level 58, and playing within Outland alone.
Reference: MoP remix.