To all the people that think that flying "ruined" world PVP

Except it does. Leveling you are correct you are likely to be out in the open world quite a lot. At max level and particularly now with BG’s you’ll primarily be in some instanced content except for people gathering mats.


I remember battlegrounds in vanilla significantly reduced the occurrence of large scale wpvp and small encounters also became rare. I think the argument with TBC flying is that it gave an option for players to avoid wpvp while traveling, but it still happened. You could not always fly to avoid wpvp either given the location and circumstances you may not be out of range, or need to land to survive dots put on you.

The real reduction in wpvp during TBC would have been the arena and it’s rewards just like the battlegrounds. Also, consider resilience gear made it foolish to engage a pvp geared player in your raid gear.

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i miss halaa battles =(

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I feel like it wasnt as big of a killer. You only needed to play 10 games per week to gain points. Most people i know only had about 20-30 games per week. I still did a lot of bg and world pvp at halaa.

Good point. The wpvp areas still had some action and I recall the same with the capture points. Just the people claiming no wpvp are not mentioning why besides flying mounts. It also happened where farming was present just as it does now in vanilla post phase 2. At least with the designated areas in TBC there was a reason for large groups to engage again.

If Classic reflects Vanilla, then Honor destroyed WPVP in Vanilla long before flying because that lead to death squads and FP camping.

BG’s killed participation entirely. Prior to honor, the world was vibrant and alive and there was war but not the absolute insanity that persisted after honor was rolled out.


Yup pretty much this. The honor system was the best pvp system of any game created by people. It was (and still is) a true show of skill. Only the greatest pvp’ers of all time will hit r14. And nobody will clear Naxx until 2024. Modern gamers forgot what a real raid is. Back in vanilla everyone was hardcore and the game was even more hardcore than even the most hordecore of gamers.

Layering ruined everything. If it wasn’t in the game at launch guilds would still be progressing on baron. And everyone would be having gentlemanly duels, bowing first of course, with the opposite faction out in the world.

As Horde, yes

Also they give gear and titles for honor, so the most efficient grind is what the vast majority of players are going to do.

They could buff honor gained in wpvp by a huge margin, literally making it the best way to farm rank, even if you dont have a constant stream of kills, but then the minority faction on pvp servers gets farmed at every 48+ FP, farming the open world becomes far far more dangerous, etc.

Odds are the whining would be louder if they did that.

Phase 2 introduced some BIS and people went ham for it, even though they didn’t have a clue how far they’d have to go. Stack that with realm population increases. It resulted in player migration problems that Blizzard were late to remedy. The influence of PvP rewards will diminish over time, but not sure if the state of wPvP will be in good shape.

Flying was a problem, but in BC we did have the option to PvP in the oldest zones. We could PvP at opposing faction cities until Cataclysm introduced flying enemy deathballs in areas where if you mounted up guards would dismount you. The best PvP zone was the no-flight zone of Quel’Danas in BC. It’s no mystery why wPvPers would opt out of flying zones after people dropped their 60% flying mounts for 270% ones.

You’re really attempting to over simplify things, but in this case you’re wrong my friend.

Flying on a flight path only goes so far, it still requires the player still travel by foot or ground mount to the final destination.

With the flying mount instead the player can now skip not just some zones between but 100% of the content between him and the objective point.

Blame the elite raid guilds of vanilla for the honor system we have in Classic. Any time Blizzard did anything that was not catering to them, they made noise…lots of noise. They even complained about the 0.5 tier sets…

The biggest mistake was not introducing aerial combat. World PVP in the air.

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So I don’t have to land at a fp with 5+ frothing, sweaty, unemployed, Cheeto stained fingered, sweat pants wearing, triple chinned, greasy haired, stranger things shirted, no friendship bracleted, 2 liter soda sippin, pimple laden, zug zug fer the herd nerdz? Yes sign me up for flying.

Priests, mages, and warlocks did it all the time, in TBC using things to make them fall slower.

Or…you could reroll PVE since you are soft.

Speak for yourself. I LOVED phase 2. It was absolutely amazing. Bar-none the most fun I have had in this game BOTH in Vanilla and Classic.

I still find and love world PVP. Flying did not help world PVP at all as you could now get away. World PVP was there in TBC but little additions starting with BGs, flying and eventually all servers becoming normal servers killed it for the most part. I ran a guild with a huge focus on world PVP in WOTLK/Cata so yes it was there but it was never the same as “phase 2”.

He IS on a PVE server and he’s complaining about PVP. LOL how his memories of that one time he was camped must haunt him.

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lol yikes somebody’s butthurt pvp happened.

Man that is a fantastic post. Totally not out of bounds in terms of how World pvp actually was in vanilla and totally not polarizing. You compare driving a Lambo with 2 people in it to driving a lambo with 16 people in it and then complain there is not enough space in the latter example.

Phase 2 was bad because blizz removed layering and suddenly there were +10k people in a world that was originally designed for 3k max.

Flying is awful and will always be awful because not only does it ruin world pvp it actually ruins the players interaction with the zones and its npcs. You do not have to be engaged, you do not have to think or do anything besides remembering that after a certain point you just die if you are out of bounds (same as in water btw). So unless you like swimming in classic (which noone does!) you are basically doing the same thing with flying.

And its hella dishonest to compare classic ph2 with actual world pvp in vanilla. Even on bad realms (like mine!) where the horde dominate us numbers wise, world pvp is actually getting to a point where its enjoyable again. Because of AV and BG queues you can go out in the world and have decent fights. And the situation now is much more akin to what it was than the original ph2 launch.

Flying sucks, and it will always suck. Stop trying to force your awful retail agenda on whatever is left of the original vanilla experience that classic tries to emulate.

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