To all the non twinks out there

Good afternoon , I hope all is well. I hope you’re playing WoW and having a wonderful time. I wanted to take this opportunity to speak to all the non twink PvPers out there.

We need you.

As someone who twinks and also BGs while leveling , I’ve been on both sides of the fence. I’ve been GY camped and I’ve done GY camping myself. Truth be told- it’s not fun for either side. I always enjoy the challenge of leveling through bgs , vsing twinks and having to outplay because I am so very undergeared. On the other side of the same coin it’s an awesome challenge playing a twink and trying to 3v1 nontwinks fast enough to assault before the GY spawns. The point I’m trying to make is I love to Bg and PvP is what keeps me coming back to this game. Whether I’m the twink or not, I always manage a way to have fun bging.

Splitting the brackets is a problem with huge consequences. Let’s be honest- wow isn’t near the giant mmorpg it was in the past and as sub numbers continue to dwindle, those of us playing need to support one another.

If you aren’t a twink- make one, try it out. You may be surprised how fun it can be to get BiS and NOT have to have it all be replaced in a week. There’s a certain feeling of accomplishment in finishing off a twink and completing a build.

To be honest, the patch has brought many awesome changes, from the new allied races to the epic-quest-reward potential, but the battleground separation has killed this game for me. Just as it did last time it was implemented.

I have spent hundreds of hours and millions of gold on my twinks. All for naught. I can’t have fun sitting in hour + queues.

Let’s come together and bring back PvP. Let’s find a better solution. We can do this !


You gonna sponsor these folks? The ones that are going to make your ideal gaming experience a reality? You may find a few takers.


As someone who at first doubted the horrendous state low level bgs were in until he was GY camped himself in full heirloom armor and rings without enchants and bis leveling gear, I would hesitate to say it has been for naught. You probably got a ton of HKs compared to what a rated pvper like myself would get, queing for rated bgs at the max level.

Think of your investment as having paid off, bringing misery upon other non-twinks who wanted a break from leveling through quests and dungeons.


That is not everyone’s mindset. Not all of us take great glee in roflstomping nontwinks. I preferred being a hard counter to opposite faction twinks. Would I love to get together with exclusive twink teams? You bet. Unfortunately in past it has never been a thing that pans out. :frowning: It’s been tried.

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I completely understand that.

That there are twinks out there who have a more-balanced stance. That they did it to face other twinks.

Unfortunately, the vast overwhelming majority of cases are bgs where both sides have a few twinks and the non-twinks are farmed over and over again. It is the reality of the situation.


I think splitting brackets is the simple, quick-fix solution. Another solution would be to rebalance the gear so that maybe the difference in effectiveness between twinks and non-twinks is maybe like 15%? It would probably also require balancing all the specs at each bracket, too, though that probably should happen regardless of itemization.

I don’t know, though. I don’t really like talking about specific, nuanced changes to make the situation better since I’ve never built a twink character to know which items and effects go in to the process as the biggest offenders. However, I do know what it feels like going up against them as a casual leveler, and it is a terrible experience that discourages my participation entirely.

Hearing about the separation encourages me to queue for BG’s while levelling again.


Games were much better balanced and enjoyable last night. The queue times were super fast. Everyone was levelling their new races and it was awesome. That, plus the gorgeous updates to AB and WSG all added up to a really great lowbie BG experience.

I am excited to spend more time in BG’s while levelling now and I am sure more people will do the same now that twinks are separated again. I am not too worried about queue times.


Like I said in another thread, just how many twinks are leaving because of this queue split that also said they twink for the competition and how levelers should just learn to deal with it and… PUT IN THE TIME(Get it? Because now their queues are long and they have to put in the time.) and turn off their XP and get all that sweet gear before joining back into BGs… and not to join BGS in questing gear with some missing slots.

To be quite honest, I’ve only been twinking BFA for about 3 months, and only Twinked in WOTLK before that. The vast majority of my PvP is always been at max level in a rated setting. 2550 arena rating at my peak in 2s and 3s, as I focus more on my career and life outside of wow I don’t have the available free-time to keep up with the gearing Rat-race that is max level atm.

Probably not many. People threaten unsub over everything. “NERF PALADINS OR I’M QUITTING!” “REEEEEEEEEE!!!”

Queues will be longer, and I will still queue. :wink:

Lol you’re simply wrong. Are there twinks who just like stomping kids? Obviously, just like there are maxed players in WM camping corpses.

If you think the main outrage is put in time you’re wrong. Time isn’t the issue, BUT WE DO WANT TO PLAY GAMES. Being in a queue for 4 hours doesn’t exactly leave time to play. As for coordinating other event with twinks, that’s been going on while BGs weren’t split also. They will continue to happen, but they don’t happen every night, and for some less popular brackets they won’t happen at all.

This is just another nail in the coffin for this game having any sort of unique builds. Cookie cutter builds aren’t fun.


There is nothing but cookie cutter left, the rest was already pruned? Low level PvP just has zero balancing done to it, and combining that with twinks and huge gear disparities created problems. If there’s not enough twinks to make queues active in xp-off then that’s a twink problem because it was a twink generated problem in the first place of having to have split queues because of abuse.


I can’t stop reading these posts. What a gift this day is…


Until BLIZZARD fixes the ACTUAL issue with how they process the Q times and their screwed up algorithms it will not matter if they separate XP on and off - all people BG’ing in low lvl BG’s will be faced with longer Q times. I have nothing against the separating of on or off I have HUGE issues with sitting in a Q forever . Given how many people are playing at any given time you can not say that there is not enough of horde or alli Q’ing to form a team an yet one can sit in a Q for 30 mins

I implore the people that are as upset as they say they are to cancel their subscription - as I have - and state it in the reason for unsubbing. I sincerely doubt the potential for giving feedback on these forums, as I’ve never solved anything by submitting “feedback” here.

Revert the change. Killing off one of the remaining fun parts of this game is not the right move.


Sure, maybe in the lower brackets. Higher brackets are facing large queue times.


have fun with your hour queue times non twinks you deserved it

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Listen to this trash.

More people putting effort into their characters before they hit queue is a good thing. There’s BIS, and there’s pretty damn close–and that pretty damn close is cheap and easy to achieve. Both of which do very well in BGs assuming the player understands mechanics. Whether Blizz fixes this is or not, whether you fully ‘twink’ or not, you’re gonna have way more fun once you start deliberately building and putting in effort rather than just queuing with whatever you accidentally equipped.