To all the non twinks out there

lol maybe you shouldnt ask for help from people you are toxic towards spam emoting in bgs while you do 5x damage

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Yep. This. Too many people put no effort and just hit that queue button.


What if twinks had an option to turn on a “normalizing template” that would then allow them to queue with XPon folks? Would twinks go for that?

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who wants to spend 10k+ each time they get into a new “bracket” to face fanatics that love to make the majority miserable because they can win easily on a leveling phase? for a couple of casual bgs here and there?

twinks are not selfish btw


I bet a lot wouldn’t mind it. There’s definitely more options than just straight up separation but I guess Blizzard wants to take the easy route. And everyone knows how much of a Blizzard fangirl I am but this just makes me /smh

10K? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I’m levelling 4 toons atm, no twinks. Enchanted looms (Surprise, you can mail them to different chars on your account ~regardless of faction~ as you surpass the need for them at 110 or so) cost me nothing other than a small amount of time to farm mats on my max enchanter. Having the sense to fill the last couple slots with at least greens that are level-appropriate as you go is basically free as well. Dungeon blues even better.

I’ve never minded facing twinks. Full-on premades of twinks, yeah it sucks when you draw that straw but how often does it really happen? The only thing I really mind is when I inspect my group and see 3-5 empty slots and several whites on multiple people. GTFO of here with your naked !@#@$. In the current iteration of this game it has never been easier (and CHEAPER) to be at least viable for pvp. Not everyone has the time and gold to be bis every bracket (I don’t) but I’m so tired of useless punching bags queuing up for pvp naked and hindering my group.

TLDR: There’s no excuse for showing up wearing wet napkin armor. 10k isn’t needed to have acceptable gear either.

PS: I am actually going to miss you twinks both on my team and against; made me challenge myself to play better. Meanwhile I’m still in a 32 minute queue on my 72 priest :unamused:


stopped right here and just confirmed you made all that wall of text for nothing, every non twink and twink knows looms enchanted arent even close to real bis gear.

try again.


You don’t need to be bis to be viable :rofl: I bet you’re one of the guys that queues up missing armor slots and then wailing about getting one-shot.


keep sneaking emojis to actually sound funny or smart bud, twinking is sad and loom enchanted doesnt make you a twink acting dumb on purpose only makes you look silly and bad.

good luck out there with your twinking community.


Of all things to attack someone on, emoji use is a pretty weird one.


These comments get better and better amirite mr twink or so we are called XD


My goodness, I’m done with you. Clearly reading isn’t your forte either. I’m not a twink and never have been. I’m just a fan of pvp while levelling and I’ve not had any issues with fighting twinks in my simple looms. People like you are a bigger problem than those big bad twinks. Negative attitude and no doubt a morale buster in a bg. But keep reaching out, somebody will hold your hand and cry with you.


That’s not what I heard here


According to the crazy worgen me you and mauden are twinks. lulz


These days if you aren’t in whites, a few sad quest greens, and a handful of empty slots, you’re a twink. :wink:


2 minutes on my KT shaman, 8 on my Maghar hunter.

You have a funny idea of what an hour is! pinches cheeks

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More than one bracket. More than a few hours in a day.

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Dude… twinks are STILL getting blamed for 1-2 shotting people.

Was just in a level 30’s bracket AB, and a MM hunter was killing people right, left and sideways, and here comes the “oh good we are against a twink pre-made” my response “twinks can’t queue with exp on anymore” his reply “well they found a way around it!”

The blame game will never end I don’t think, because of the endless amount of hypebole on the forums over all the poor levelers being picked on by twinks.
I will never forgive myself for the complaining I did.


The echochamber is really big. It’ll keep happening even though twinks are no longer a thing. People are conditioned by what they hear now, not what they experience. Sad state of affairs.


No, just no!