Thank you… I never mind sharing my ‘yak’ thank you for your appreciation … you are welcome anytime.
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Don’t farm DF stuff. Farm Legion or older. You’ll make way more. DF ores and herbs are dirt cheap.
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It only costs one token. Come on man.
points? Wait wut?! omg…
Can’t afford it! And even if I could I am not buying a 100,000 yak Escalade.
I’m in this post and I like it.
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The Yak is by no means the Escalade of mounts with vendors…that would be the Long Boi…the Yak isn’t even close too a Navigator…
You are welcome
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I want to buy the KIA version
It’s the Brutosaurs that camp outside the Auction house that baffle me!
Confession time: I have a yak, but sometimes I’ll just use someone else’s if there’s one nearby, rather than summoning my own.
Well, if mines up you are welcome to use it. Just (edit) offering.
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