To all the Grand Expedition Yak riders in Valdrakken

What happens when people stop standing around with them :open_mouth:

lol. The sun will burn out before that happens.

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Eh i got both mounts that Npc the travelers tundra mammoth and the Yak farmed them back in MoP so worth it.

Shave that Yak and teach it to hunt!

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A couple months ago they had a transmog toy in trade thingy that you can put it anywhere it only has a 10 minute cooldown now thatā€™s probably going to get nerfed to 24 hours.

Itā€™s nice to put it down in raid when you get a new piece of gear where you canā€™t mount up and change your mogā€¦

Because we all know if you donā€™t look good, thatā€™s a 10 percent DPS loss.

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You honestly have to try to not make gold.

Thereā€™s usually 4-8k available in World Quests every 3 days.

Thereā€™s another 500g x dragon race world quest every 3 days (minus the one or two that get hijacked by the stupid dream surge and only give dream surge currency)

Tuskar Tackleboxes can make a lot of gold fast. Especially in the waking shores, if no oneā€™s farmed them recently, I can get like 2-3k gold in vendergrays in like 10 minutes. Not to mention thereā€™s usually a couple of islefin dorado to get.

Point is, getting the gold together for a grand expedition yak should only take a few days of casual gold farming in DF.

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No need to buy one now, the Ethereal Transmogrifier toy from the trading post is sufficient.

Bruh, and other bruhsā€¦ I tried pve and youā€™re rightā€¦ gold is raining on meā€¦ i may have found a new outletā€¦ thank you!


When they bring in the next gold sink that offers transmog, a mailbox, an AH, and a portal back to your home city.

Which probably should be soon because Long Boi was the gold sink for BfA but there wasnā€™t one for SL.

They nerfed the Yak once because the transmog person used be a reforger but that got rid of reforging. There was a lot of salty people about that because we wanted reforging but could care less about transmog. Transmog as super new at the time so we did not see the full potential for needing mobile transmog.

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Youā€™re supposed to mog each time you replace a piece.

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Yea just dont cry when people dismount lol

Donā€™t need it. Why would I buy it.

lol. Itā€™s a fun game. Some will be standing there for a long time. They see someone walk up, they run away. I like to keep following them till they vanish


Sounds like bs. That many hours of farming and you got no rousing reagents which sell for a lot more than the ore and herbs themselves? Maybe if you havenā€™t put any points at all into the mining and herbing trees.

I forget I have the mammoth and that was wayyyy cheaper. Im not spending 120k on a convenience Ill forget to use. :rofl:

This is a Wendyā€™s.

Thereā€™s people without a yak? I bought one within a month of starting this new account.

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I just got the wrath repair mount for 20k and the transmogrifier toy, saved 100k

If Iā€™m going AFK for a little bit, I purposely summon it so people can use it if they need to.