To All Prot Paladins

Min maxers for sure play tanks people will gravitate to the tank that does the most dps. Because dead mobs equals faster runs. If whatever youtuber / streamer says this tank is the best it does the most damage a bunch of people just flock to it.

What are you talking about? The absolute tryhard of the tryhards do things like class/spec stack and do very much attribute utility along side raw output numbers. It’s why subpar specs are sometimes seen in early boss kills because you needed some niche utility to handle a mechanic.

Tanks are FOTM within their own spectrum just like healers are…or am I to believe everyone and their brother suddenly found monk and warrior tanks the bees knees last mythic+ season and oddly enough all the top ranked DPS consisted of rogue, mage, hunter, and DH? All specs that had insane burst damage as well as immunities and/or cheese mechanics.

Divine Toll is living on borrowed time. I know this. And I’ve made my peace with it.

Absolutely. I like 'em because they wear plate armor and can self heal. Playing them makes me feel like a hero, because heroes (mostly) don’t die.

Yep. 16 years of Blizzard’s balance should of tempered most of us against picking the ‘flavor of the month’. For my part, I went for things that were appealing visually to me or made sense story wise. If the power is cool, usable etc. and intersects with given lore, like my Monk and Ardenweald? Sure it was a bonus; but the deciding factor? No way. My Warlock is Revendreth, even though people claim Scouring Tithe is the best.

I mean in what world does a demon loving, self-serving Warlock ever go to Bastion?

It’s kind of like the demon says, when you bring Light’s Heart to the Lock Hall in Legion.

“Master…? Is this a trick? Are you tricking me?”

“Class stacking” the fotm roles is a dps thing, where the min/maxers reside. That’s my point. I had 4-5 DPS’ers volunteer subtlety rogue alts for Zul progression, because those dudes were min/maxers, aka the DPS.

You don’t stack tanks, you pick the best one until there’s a new best one. But that best one for all of WoD, Legion and a portion of BFA was druid. I apologize if I’m not up to date on recent tank DPS fluctuations that cause shifts in the m+ meta, imo m+ not having the ability to represent a larger portion of classes makes it less desirable content for people who don’t switch mains. But right now in raids, prot paladin have 100% SOTR uptime with divine purpose. If they have good damage on top of it for m+, that’s fantastic, enjoy the ride. But I do not think Blizzard has a remotely acceptable track record with tank balance and have no reason to believe that they will target certain tanks for nerfs.

Sounds like PvP happened.

Damage seems to be the only thing we excel at. We’re pretty well rounded when it comes to everything else. Our mobility is of course potato.

So if we get nerfed, it’ll probably be our damage.

Well, once i play as a Prot Warrior, i’m yet to see other classes tanking.

prot paladin reporting!

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And actuality, I am loving Prot Pally tanking compared to WoD Blood DK or Legion Vengeance Demon Hunter.

Plus I am giving this character to live past Battle for Azeroth, haha

Venthyr is the best covenant for raids and is 2nd to Kyrian in M+.

If you only do M+ then pick Kyrian. Raids, pick Venthyr.

The real reason DT is so strong in M+ and aoe tanking in general, is because those extra shields proc the passive of Avengers Shield. You throw all those shields and while each hit is meh damage, 30+ bounces in total damage gives you an absorb shield of like 30k.

I want the Kyrian ability so bad. But I prefer the Venthyr vibe and transmog. Decisions :frowning:

It’s been a fairly even split between paladin, DK, bear, and DH in my experience

While I’ve enjoyed Protection Paladin for quite a long while, I would understand a nerf for sure. While it was only Heroic De Other Side, I was able to tank the final boss and keep both myself, my friend (warlock) & pug member (rogue) alive and beat it.

While that may not seem impressive to some, as it was only heroic, I’m not overly geared yet. Limited playtime so I’m only 170 in bags, 166 equipped.

I could also stand to see a few less Prot Paladins running around who have all the wrong stats, all the wrong talents, etc. Essentially, FOTM rerollers that I noticed in the final month or so of BFA.

Go Venthyr then… because Divine Toll as well as Prot Paladins in general are about to get the nerfbat.

If they make DT feel bad I think I might cash out. It’s pretty much the only thing I find fun in this expansion

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Cyberpunk in 7 days. Prepare yourself.

Shut up. We’re not op

Abandoned my Guardian Druid. It is by far the most boring spec I have ever played in this entire game.

The damage it outputs is also terrible.