To All Prot Paladins

Prot pally needs mega nerf to damage. No reason they should be doing 25k+ dps on ae pulls. I don’t think i’ve seen any dps even do 20k on an ae pull tbh.

At this point I think you’ll end up running mythic+ with 5 prot pallies.

I fully expect Ashen Hallow and Divine Toll to have their damage nerfed this Tuesday.

I expect a lot of things to be buffed and nerfed either on Tuesday or a few days before. Gonna be a lot of salt on the forums.

how the hell does ret suck? ur wog is a pseudo loh rn. Not not mention loh itself and bubble. Wings is overtuned and the kyrian covenant ability is ridiculous aswell. Ret is far from sucky

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It’s probable Tvia, but I’d also say it’s not going to matter to true Prot Paladins. As long as they retain the ability to hold aggro and do their job, most of them don’t give two craps about damage. A lot of them also remember the dark times in Classic as well.

If those players survived all of that, then I’d suggest that the people who play Prot don’t do it for damage reasons. They do it because the class is very well designed and fun. So if anyone flees the class it’ll be the FoTMs who think it’s OP.

We’ll probably see a resurgence of Demon Hunters then. xD

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Pretty much. People will always gravitate to the tank that does the most damage.

That’s just how the Mythic meta tends to go.

At first I thought this was a PVP complaint post… then read it was a PVE post…

… Do people really complain about others PVE performance? Thought the PVP complaints about another class or complaints about their own class is what makes changes.


This is what I pointed out in the Beta.

Blizzard can’t as much as the OP wants, just do a mass nerf of covenant abilities with ease like he wants. As a matter of fact, the system is such that if they do, Blizzard stands to lose more than they gain. So personally I feel like buffs to other classes are probably more in order, or the redesign of crappy abilities.

Here’s why I say that. This is the logic of most people sadly.

  • Fairweather Pally goes Kyrian.
  • Blizzard nerfs Kyrian.
  • Fairweather Pally goes Venthyr.
  • Blizzard nerfs the Venthyr Covenant.
  • Blizzard decides they went too far and buffs Kyrians.
  • Now Fairweather Paladin goes back Kyrian and is penalized.
  • Fairweather Paladin throws hands up and cancels subscription.
  • Blizzard loses a sub, partially by making Covenant swapping so bad.

Again while this won’t matter to people, playing for story, LFR, and casual heroics; Blizzard will have to be very careful with any nerfs they do to any class, because people are already establishing a time-investment with their covenants. It could conceivably blow their expansion and wreck it early if it is done wrong.


when you’re looking at the bench because you’d rather be a certain spec or class or covenant, yea

Low blow my friend! Low blow. Lol


0 Blood DK?


Paladin was the first class I ever made. in fact this character is the first character I ever made. You Fairweather paladins play it cool now. Tanking is finally fun again…


Have you tried Venthyr on ret or prot? Its absolutely disgusting.

Tbh I prefer the Ashen Well over Divine Toll. DT is funny because lolshields.

But if you are tanking 2 packs and someone accidentally pulls a 3rd? Ashen Well. Never leave full hp and the mobs just melt. As ret you’ll throw a HoW and if it crits, well goodbye to whatever you targeted.

Prot without the covenant abilities is in a good spot. These 2 abilities in particular are just pushing us over the top by how good they synergize with our kit.

I actually wanted to go Maldraxxus because their story and zone was awesome. But the hammer and the absorb are kinda bad. I wish it just copied your next spender instead of casting DS on a Templars Verdict for ret.

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More like Fairweather the pally sucks it up and doesn’t unsub because he is legit addicted to this game and is going to stick with it thick and thin.

Also Fairweather the pally should stop expecting that OP stuff won’t get nerfed and if you live by the min max meta you die by the min max meta…and hey if you want to argue “many” people enjoy being min max meta slaves then it only stands to reason that Blizzard is allowing them to have fun by changing things up and allowing them to chase it

you’re not sounding objective here Galabris. there’s nothing to min/max when it comes to tanks. not like they have metrics that can directly compare them to other tanks encounter by encounter the way dps does. theres no difference between not dieing and not dieing “harder” after all. and as prot you just stack item level cause stam, strength and armor are absolutely bananas for mitigation - its not even a big song and dance deciding what gear to wear.

its dumbed down for mediocre players, exactly what blizzard thinks of us, and the ideal so many inferior players latched onto when tank damage(vengeance) was taken away from us at the end of pandaria and when resolve was taken away from us at the end of WoD

tanks aren’t a target of blizzard min maxing BECAUSE blizzard doesn’t care about tanks. and because the competitive playerbase doesn’t care about tanks. just be happy that the precedent dictates that if prot pally’s kit is ridiculous for this tier, there’s no reason for us to believe Blizzard will nerf anything about us. and because of this, the role of tanking has become the most fairweather, and there’s nothing wrong with that, if you’re gonna play the role that doesn’t have metrics, you might as well play the most overpowered one. it’s not that big a deal to most tank dedicated players, as much as you’d like to shame them for switching their tank main.


This is mostly untrue.

What is true is tanking itself has been very much dumbed down and the floor ceiling is so low it’s quite hard to tell an actually skilled tank from a mediocre one. The rest though is very false.

Tank DPS and utility is very much a factor in all facets of content. In fact, it is the main areas tanks are judged on worthiness because threat is irrelevant. Unless the fights have very niche mechanics that more or less mandate a particular class/spec, it will just come down to who either brings the most damage or who brings a particular utility spell.

My entire point was to refute the notion that true tryhard min max meta slave types are actually going to quit because their FOTM spec got nerfed. I say this with literally 15+ years of experience on my side. Look at how hard people whined and railed on the whole covenant system and the whole ripcord nonsense…you can check in on several of the more vocal ones and find they are still very much active. It is literally the playertype who is so…invested…in this game that no matter what Blizzard shovels out they will play it and play it so hard that before things even launch they’ll have all their crucial decisions already made and just be going through the motions.

What won’t last? Being a good tank?

What makes you say that?

Its divine toll, if you have 5+ mobs you can throw 5 shields at them however there is a conduit Ringing Clarity that makes it so like 60% of the time you can throw 3 more shields. For a total of 8 possible shields.

Now these avengers shields all 8 of them bounce around and hit every other mob too. If you have avenging wrath up good luck dps you aren’t catching the tank on dps on this pull.

Oh and to top that off this is on a 1 min CD too.

Now the problem with this it makes it so Kyrian is the only viable choice for Prot Paladin makes picking other covenents so bad.

Wait, whats wrong with Havoc? After maybe 50-75 dungeon runs so far its the only spec thats been able to keep up with my damage as vengeance lol.

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We’ll see what happens. I suspect one man’s definition of “OP” is another man’s definition of “I feel like the grass is greener over there”. Haven’t seen numbers. Paladins could be OP. But maybe it’s not OP at all, but rather just one person feeling vindictive and or spiteful because they perceive that others are being enriched, and they want to be enriched to the detriment of others.

Alternatively it could be a case of the other abilities just sucking so badly that something like the Paladin and other abilities; appear OP because of their simplicity, fun or viability. Impossible to determine which of those it is.

What Blizzard decides to do, they will do. Players will accept it or not. But as with any time investment, they will have to be careful especially if they decide to punish players for changing. I say that because if Paladins are OP, it’s something that should of been addressed on the Beta.

Changing it after the fact, will simply render choices moot, and lead to what is called frustration of purpose. That’s never a good thing in a game, but in an expansion where our choice is a big thing it will mean everything. This is why I suggested in the Beta that players should be able to Champion a second, third and fourth Covenant once they completed the renown grind for the first one.

That would make the sting of losing mogs, mounts, etc. for changing covenants a non issue. A simply “Choose the Covenant you will work with this week” would of sufficed if there was fear of players constantly changing Covenant powers as well.

But if you nerf a covenant or power, and then force a system on players that removes rewards the player already earned as is the case now? It’s bad design and bad game-play. I don’t think it’s similar to anything we’ve seen in game yet either Galabris, because at least in past cases you got a consolation prize of keeping your gear or rewards. That’s not the case here.

I think losing that too is the thing that will push some people to finally say “Ok. Screw this, I’m out.”

That in and of itself is bad as the expansion deserves to succeed.

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“try hard min max meta slave types” dont play tank. And if they did, of course they’re not going to quit when their current class becomes weaker, they’ll just play the next great tank. Theres nothing wrong with that and theres nothing wrong with being a min/maxer. But this idea that tanks are even capable of being FOTM is outrageous. Druids were the best tank for 6 years. But I’m not going to pat myself on the back for “sticking with prot paladin” during some sort of dark age.

Also DPS can be a metric, especially for m+, but not utility. If you figure out how to utilize your abilities to cheese boss mechanics, you’ll do it the same way every time, as will anyone else on the same spec, and there’ll be no way to separate individual performance levels of that utility. KRSI was the great tank metric to go by in WoD, and sadly it didnt last.