To all horde scum

I have personally wiped you out when I played retail for the last time in legion (was fun tormenting all the blood elves on my paladin) I’ve wiped you out when I first started playing vanilla on northdale, now I have come to wipe you out in classic. I very rarely ever loose in a duel but if I do, I die with pride and glory in the name of revenge. Very skilled, geared, consumed, and talented warlock at your ganking service. Most alliance is bad but I’m one of the only ones that’s pretty much indestructible

Fite me…my name will be Grapesoda and will most certainly be on a PvP server. Best name for warlock yet =]


Uh huh. :rofl:


Vanilla on Northdale you say? Well son I pwned your dad in UO. Next.

Lok’tar Ogar


That game looks like a more advanced version of one of those gauntlet games. Was fun indeed

And good! My dad deserved to die anyway, along with my mom


For it’s time it was so awesome! It’s actually still up. Has had expansions and what not. I played a recent project release a couple month’s ago. It was well done but it was also custom. I just didn’t want to invest the time.

He was a hard kill you’r dad. Very skilled tankmage. If you have half his heart(sounds like u do) you shall be a most glorious notch on my bow. :slight_smile:
Might even keep you’r skull for kitty’s chew toy.
See ya on the field


Its an honor of when I used to drink sodas all the time when I played it for the first few years…don’t drink them anymore tho

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OP is probably one of those Random BG heroes in retail whose biggest PvP feat in vanilla was killing clueless new players 30 levels below him on his daddy’s account, But if you try to call him out he’ll claim to be a Grand Marshall and fumble his sentences in his outraged attempt at defending himself.

Just kidding! Have fun!


Let’s crush the horde together.


Posting on a level 36 alt about how you “crushed all the horde”



Many have tried and yet we still stand!
With the Return of the True Warchief we have a return to the real Horde! You shall be hard pressed to “crush” us.

Victory with honor or death! For The Horde!


Its my forum speaking toon that looks nice enough for it.

Don’t judge me :smile:


I swear by the blood of my brothers, my father, and his father before him I will see you dead you horde scum… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

For honor and glory!!! The Alliance will over come. I will see you on the battlefield my friend.

Ahh now you guys got me all excited… dam the good old days.


Prepare yourself for battle most glorious. You wil be fertilizer for the Earth Mother.


OP is one of those players that rides a Warlock mount in BGs, gets charged by all enemy warriors, then complains at his team for lack of heals.


Only a fool would just ride up to a group of the opposite faction alone, and I never do that. But I have wiped a group of horde that outnumbered my group lots of times.

My most glorious one was when I killed 5 60s with only just me and a mage. We nuked Their healer, tank, another mage and a rogue. After my mage friend died 2 more unfortunate 60s came in and tried to gank me only to find out that I completely obliterated them. The tip of the iceberg is that when I finally died, it took 4 people just to bring me down and as I was walking up to my corpse I saw 10 people sitting on my corpse waiting for me to rez. Instead of being an idiot that would just rez there I just rezzed from spirit healer and hearthed back to ironforge. Talk about so much salt lol


weird flex but ok

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This reminds me of nights after Taco Bell…


Hope to see you releasing spirit soon™.



2v2: 0 current, 0 best, 1550 achievement
3v3: 0 current, 0 best, 1550 achievement

That’s what wowthugger has to say, I couldn’t have put it better myself honestly.