Tmrw's Patch size

I learned that 5G towers give you Covoid from there.

My dad is actually Blizzard and I can confirm.

The patch is uge and uge things are coming the best things i know who is working on this patch and they are the best of the best.

I don’t think I can handle a patch that big…

Hey now, thats Mr. Small green smelly creature to you!

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As much as I want this, I doubt it. Only because it’s only a 2-hour window and because there was a blue post that said PVP will end “soon” … not today.

Look carefully at the post regarding PVP. They specifically say, “With the last days of Battle for Azeroth almost upon us…”. My bet is still the 29th.

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During maintenance down time tomorrow, everyone make a post about it being pre patch. If we say it so many times it will become real eventually.

Well, if we say it every Tuesday, we are bound to be right eventually.

Downtime for the prepatch would be a good portion of the day, typically big patches like that have downtimes that reach mid-day when they start at like 6am PST

Did it include anti vaxx, deep state, and flat earth info?

This is what has me hoping it’s tomorrow oddly enough. Most resets are only an hour but the past 2 or 3 resets have been around 4 hours each. Maybe they were prepping so that they can drop a surprise on us? Not getting my hopes up, but I think it would be really cool to spring the scourge invasion on us with no warning.

The shortest patch announcement to release time I can remember was I believe at least a couple days even then

Prepatch isn’t tomorrow.

It also said “check back for more updates as we get closer to prepatch”, also implying not this week.

And before that patch it was probably a week and before that a few weeks. Like I said, not getting my hopes up but it’s a possibility.

Prepatch won’t be until two weeks before xpac launch based on the dev post today. It’s not coming anytime soon.

Why are the barber shops hiring doctors?

There is absolutely ZERO chance of that. It’s a tossup between 29th and 6th.

Also “Every person I talk to” means nothing unless they work for Blizzard.

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What??? :rofl: With today’s end of season warning 2 weeks at the latest.

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You’re right.

None of the people were arcane mages.