Titles keep getting turned off randomly

My level 70 Evoker keeps his title. My level 70 Druid Main does not keep her title. My level 63 Druid alt does not keep her title. My 61 Hunter alt keeps her title. My 61 Demon Hunter keeps his title. My 60 and under toons keep their titles.

I have not done the “Honorary Dryad” quest line yet. I kept loosing my title before getting “World Breaker”. There doesn’t seem to be a real pattern to who keeps their title minus the level of the character.

Still happening.

Confirming the same

Confirming this is also happening to me.

Also happening to me. I am going from thaldraxus to azure span and it will drop in there. All i am doing is flying, dismounting, killing and skinning and title will drop.

I really hope this is fixed with the upcoming reset. It may be a minor thing, but it just really sucks to have a whole reward / customization system like this just straight up broken. I also wish they’d acknowledge it in a post instead of just radio silence. They have to have noticed it by now, as it is one of the more visible issues given that practically no one has titles anymore.

Same here, every time I log

Same here. Every time I log off, my characters titles get turned off (set to the “No Title” setting). Not the most important and game altering bug, but still rather annoying.

Same here… blue pls help us

Titles get turned off on every character on every realm. Whenever you log in they get taken away. As long as you stay in game after setting a title it stays. This is 16 days now FIX THIS!

Dang, blizzard bug fix team must be pretty understaffed or pretty under motivated lol

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Happening to me as well.

Nice to know it’s not just me. Same here!

Odd to go somewhere populated and literally no one has a title.

Still an issue.

Seems to be universal. It’s an annoyance, and not a giant thing in the scheme of things, but it would be nice if someone added it to the Official List Of Things What Aren’t Working.

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I notice this happening every time i enter a load screen or log in. Kind of frustrating

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Pretty sure its titles in general. Im using my Huntmaster title. So thats hunter specific. Other classes are in here as well, which cant use that title.

Whatever title I have applied disappears when logging out. Can reapply but will be gone again after my next logout.

Here’s one more +1 for this. It’s happening with every single alt for me too, regardless of class/spec/level or how many quests they have done. Even the bank alt and just simply a quick logging on and off while sitting inside the city clears the title.

I want to say thank you Blizz. I noticed today my title wasn’t removed by logging back into the game, usually it’s been removing it. You guys are awesome.