Titles keep getting turned off randomly

Basically the thread title. I notice that my title keeps turning off randomly, sometimes happens when logging out and in, it’s happened in the last 10 mins while afking in Valdrakken, and it’s happened while out in the world doing stuff.


I have the same problem.

Tried all the basic stuff. No addons, scan and repair, deleting WTF, Cache and Interface folders, etc, etc. It still turns my titles off, no matter what title I pick.

It happens consistently when logging off and back in.


its been happening to me too! also my keybinds keep changing.

Seems it’s been happening to pretty much everyone. Walking around Valdrakken, I don’t see a single player with a title.

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Wanted to chime in and say the same.

My titles keep getting turned off in Valdrakken in particular.

The same happened to me. I also went to Stormwind, relogged, and my title reset itself.

I too have this problem.

Another +1 for this. Seems like every time I relog it clears the title.

Yup, me too.

Also getting this issue.

Yeah I’m getting this as well. Also my dragonriding abilities keep removing themselves from my bar.

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This is happening to me as well

Also getting this issue.

This is also happening going in & out of BG’s. I’m sure it’s a glitch & they’re working hard to correct the issue.

This keeps happening and it is very annoying haha

Imagine if Blizzard looked at these bug reports

What titles are you guys losing? Is it just one title that is the problem, or does it happen with all of them?

Same issue here. I thought it was Outfitter but its still happening with Outfitter disabled.

(doesn’t matter what title or what character. Titles aren’t being lost, just turned off)

I believe this is stemming from the “Honorary Dryad” Title. I have been trying to figure out why I kept losing my title as well and noticed in my text that it said once "You have lost the title “Honorary Dryad” that I think was awarded from doing a quest in Valdrakken.


On this character, sorry.