Titles keep disappearing

Problem persists.

Came here to make this thread. Happy to see others are reporting the same issue. My titles keep disappearing every time I log out. Only seems to happen to my level 70 characters. My level 66 alt doesn’t seem to have the issue, even though I log out in the same area.

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This is happening to me very often. I notice it a couple times a day.

That’s what I meant with option two. Maybe it’s an unusually complex bug. Then again, there are an unusual amount of bugs in DF, so it could also be option three. Either way, I hope they get things cleaned up soon, as I don’t like the idea of paying a subscription for beta access.


same things happening to me as well.

I’m seeing the same thing happen on my main and a few of my alts. Some characters haven’t had an issue.

I have lost over 1,200 magmotes today (400 this morning, 800 this evening). I still have the Worldbreaker Membership buff active but the magmotes have reset. What the hell Blizz??

Yup, Same here. I always have to redo the “Huntmaster” title

Happening on every log out/log in STILL. 700 people working on WoW and no one can fix this? Laughable.

This is also happening to everyone, they just don’t know it. I’m mousing over a ton of people and no one has a title on.


I’m trying real hard to give them the benefit of the doubt, thinking that maybe they’re swamped with all of these other bugs, or that this one is caused by spaghetti code and a quick fix will just break other things. This, along with a plethora of other bugs, should’ve been identified and resolved in beta though.

I’ve been around for every xpac launch, and I’ve never seen so many bugs. That being said, the past couple of years haven’t exactly been ideal development conditions, so I’m not sure what to think. We can’t even get a simple, “We’re aware of the problem and working on it,” though.

Bad QC + poor communication = :poop:


This happens to me too and my work-around was to macro a title change into an attack ability.

/cast attackName
/settitle my cool title

It has to be a real title, you can’t just make something up. If you use /settitle without specifying a title, it will only display your name.


It’s happening to EVERYONE. Go run around and mouse over some people, almost no one has a title displayed. Thanks for this though, I’ll use it.

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I think it got fixed! At least for me? I’m not sure what I did but my title is persistent now.

Maybe it is rep related? I am lvl 9 with Iskaara and lvl 8 with Valdrakken :man_shrugging:

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I got the title “honorary dryad” and it’s gone from my list :frowning: