Titles keep disappearing


Both my level 70 toons keep having their titles “vanished” …

I’ve noticed this happening just to the four characters that I’ve gotten into DF and to Valdrakken with the only thing in common between the 4 being that they’ve flown to Valdrakken and used the crafting tables.

I do hope they find the fix for this soon, folks work hard for their titles and should be able to wear them to their hearts content.

It seems to be something with the Dragon Isles.
My two characters in the Dragon Isles? Titles are inconsistent.
My alts still in Org or Oribos? Titles persist as they should.

This has been happening to me too. I’m glad to see it’s not just me having the issue.

It’s been happening to me as well. I thought it was just the ‘Isles Racer’ title bugging out until I came across this post. Hopefully, they’ll fix the title issue soon.

Odd that at least a week has passed and this is still an issue. There are three possible explanations:

  1. Blizzard is unaware of the problem
  2. Blizzard is working on a fix
  3. Blizzard doesn’t consider this a priority


This issue was temporarily resolved. Titles are disappearing again.


Titles are also removed when clicking off or otherwise losing the profession equipment buff, which may explain them being removed on logout.


Can confirm this has happened to me too but idk where it happened. Also while not title related my poisons keep being removed every time I zone in and out of instances, could these two problems be related?

I can confirm this; my warlock keeps losing his every time the profession equipment buff(s) he uses go.

Any word on this, getting a little annoying having to constantly set my title again

Happening to me too. Annoying.

Still happening to me as well, there is a lot of stuff that is triggering my title to come off, including removing profession equipment.

Yeah my title keeps disappearing as well. I checked the known bugs list and it appears if that’s what we have to go off of that Blizzard is not aware of the issue. Or they are but the person who updates the known bugs sticky post has not been informed that it’s a known bug officially.

I hope they fix it in the near future as it’s clearly not working as intended.


There’s a fourth explanation. It’s entirely possible that the issue can’t be fixed through a hotfix and will require a full patch release to address.

They also may not know what’s causing the issue yet, too.

Still happening, but previously i was having all my poison’s drop off my rogue in similar fashion but that has been fixed since last weekend. It was quite annoying having to reapply 4 poisons constantly.

Same here…

My title disappears, so do my buffs…

Same. I dont know if it’s specific titles or not but every time I relog Isles Racer disappears and I have to set it again.

Still going on, please fix this