Summer is finally here which means way more time to do the things you want to do. Maybe becoming more active and involved with RP on WrA is one of those things?
If so then we have the guild for you, the East Azeroth Trading Company! Happening this week, self defence training from a troll and his dinosaur, exploring new frontiers in the name of science, a friendly game of Kobolds and Catacombs, and hopefully normal apple picking. Send in an application to join the fun and excitement of EATCo today!
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How’s everyone handling the heat? I’ve never been one for summer but it doesn’t stop me from sitting in front of a computer with a fan point-blank beside my face to enjoy some roleplay!
And you should too! EATCo’s the best place to get a bunch of weekly roleplay events that will hopefully distract you from the sun deep-frying the earth, Hope to see you there… And stay hydrated!
Hey hey hey~ July is finally here and it’s only getting hotter! Do you have a guild to call home yet?
Consider making East Azeroth Trading Co. your place for business and fun!
Not only do we have a large, active rp community, but we have events almost every day! Come enjoy some expeditions to unknown and dangerous locations, fight off and protect yourself against the Villain of the Week, or learn how to make gold as quickly (and effectively) as possible!
If any of that sounds exciting to you, consider checking out the East Azeroth Trading Co.!
Hello WrA forums!
This is my semi-regular / infrequent bump to this thread to entice and garner interest among you to join this guild to take part in activities and join our community of cool people.
Activities such as last night’s attempt to clean up oil in northern Kul-Tiras that’s been out there for years only to be interrupted by a foul muck-monster trying to protect it’s underwater filth nest.
Or perhaps this coming Monday where we have to impress a group of hozen. Why are we impressing hozen? Because it’s important to one of our employees, that’s why!
What’s that? You don’t like impressing hozen or fighting monstrosities? That’s alright, we also have plans to acquire Unicorn hides! Don’t worry we aren’t planning on hunting down a unicorn to drink it’s blood to stave off death and take over some magical high-school. That’d just be silly.
Anyway, thanks for reading, consider joining us, and have a great day!
EATCo needs YOU!
No, really, we do.
It feels like the mountains of paperwork are endless here, and someone needs to be handling the fun stuff… like, uh… vampyr hunting! Or playing Kobolds and Catacombs with your coworkers!
Plus, a new month around the corner means a whole new month of adventure, opportunity, and, of course, profit.
Hello! Hello, it’s been a while.
EATCo had a brief break from roleplay and events for a while, but we’re coming back into full swing! Our officer ranks are filling up, our events are filling our calendars, and our campaigns are starting up fresh again!
To give people an idea of what we do allow me to make a very reduced summary.
We make money, we kick butt, and we explore new ideas in all fashions.
We are a neutral guild accepting all peoples of the Horde, The Alliance, and folk affiliated with neither.
Our community has been around for years and we are still alive. How? We have a terrific community of writers, role-players, and people.
If you’re looking for a guild that is heavier into RP we would appreciate your consideration. Thanks for clicking this forum thread and checking us out, have a great rest of your weekend and a lovely upcoming week.
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To whom it may concern,
Greetings and salutations to you all. I would like to take this opportunity to formally introduce myself.
I am Atimosk Stewart. Formally High Executor in the Deathguard and now the New Security Director for EATco.
First off I would like to thank my fellow Directors and the Stakeholders for allowing me this opportunity to take on the important task of leading the Security division. As a career Mercenary and Soldier I fully intend to make the most of this task.
For starters I plan to initiate a series of new training seminars and practical demonstrations to give our security team and others an opportunity to crosslearn new skills and talents for use both on and off the battlefield. Furthermore in the coming months I intend to start a new meritorious system to recognize those that perform exceptional deeds and feats for the company.
To that further end I extend a welcome and an invite to those out there seeking either a change of pace, a fresh start, or to take their martial career to the next level. If any of this seems appealing to you then EATco may just be the fit for you.
See you on the front lines!