Right click target frame, “Compare achievements”, number is presented immediately in the UI.
Hold up. You didn’t know the game offered a way to immediately inspect another player’s achievements in comparison to your own? Hold up, you didn’t know that and then formed an opinion about it?
Yeah man didn’t you know? Everyone in Timewalking is a max-level hardcore M+ runner who should always parse in the 99.9% percentile. There are never any new players, low-level players, low-geared players, or any combination of these in non-competitive content. Ever. Underperformers must be punished!
LOL you’re starting to sound like some other sorts in here LOL. No one said we’re getting kicked. But I know exactly why you would need that to be the case because you don’t have an argument for kicking someone who really didn’t need to get 150,000 damage
I’ve lagged behind in Timewalking before. I’ve done nearly no dps because I failed at being a Monk. (How I manage to run out of energy and chi all the time is beyond me, I suck that much.)
I went from 70-80 with zero kicks.
Heck, I even put someone on follow for a couple minutes and told them I needed to afk to help the hubby.
Still never kicked.
The thing here is… everything is anecdotal. Though with as much Timewalking as I run on so many freaking characters (I’m up to like 10, I think), I’m at least more confident in my assumption that this isn’t a systemic issue, but a small one.
I still refer back to the minor changes, though:
Countdown on the yes button
Re-implement the cooldown on kicks
Since dungeons aren’t a half hour long anymore, then fine, make it a 20 or 15 minute debuff.
Well I mean at least we get them admitting that they’re kicking people in trivial content and when it’s all said and done and they have no one to play with they’ll be their own worst enemy in all of this.
Maybe they should remove the kick in trivial content entirely
I’m more surprised at how hard it is now to get people to kick people from groups (LFR, Chromies, etc).
Chromies Codex is a good example of one earlier today - lvl 18 prot warrior joined with a mix of heirloom and timely tourist, clearly farming for missing tmogs. They didn’t have a shield and afk’d at the start, never leaving the spawn. Could not convince the group to boot the person at all.
If anything, groups have grown apathetic to carrying people who want to waste other peoples time. Leads to more people AFKing if there is no punishment. So I’m all for the 30 min debuff - make it longer, 60 mins, AND account-wide.
This I understand. It drove me crazy when I used to run LFR.
I’d say that there should be a longer penalty for AFKing… but there’s no way to prove that. So it can’t be done.
It also may be a reason why they never changed the length of the debuff even after dungeons became shorter runs. Perhaps they are seeing more kicks for AFK or something in their metrics and said, “Then the 30 minutes stays.” I’m not sure. Just spitballing there.
I don’t think you understand.
I know how to check someone’s achievements. I’m saying I’ve never felt the need to based on someone’s dps in a pug timewalking group. Its unhinged and weird.
To believe that poster and others in here I would have to believe literally that I kept getting grouped with the same exact people over and over and over and over and over for a dozen dungeons every single day of the week for probably 2 years to think that the vote kick is only being abused by a few people lol
No one here is naive enough to think that we’re getting grouped with the same people who are kicking people that often.
When It gets so bad and the toxicity in the reason box is so profane that you don’t even want to run the content anymore yeah it’s a problem