Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

Well this is awkward.

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They know why they are being ignored. Just like theyre doing with you right now they’ll keep you going for three days repeating the same nonsense over and over again to get YOU to repeat yourself so they can flag bomb you for ‘spamming’.
Totally not worth bothering with 99% of the time.

S made a point above that I could agree with IF it would work, so Im not entirely closed to discussion with them…I check their posts a lot to see if theyve actually calmed down and want to discuss the TOPIC…but usually not.

blizzard KNOWS the system is being used by trolls. Precisely THE reason why theyd have to state “for any reason”…to remove any responsibility on their part to deal with it.

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Vote kicked a healer that kept early pulling and wiping the boss then get whispered that he reported me… Need more vote kicks because well, he deserved it. :slight_smile:

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that sounds like a good kick. Being disruptive, causing wipes intentionally and not stopping when told to.
I rarely see healers get out of line, they usually do their job, but I have seen a few not healing at all and just doing DPS…always priests for some reason.


I have a bad habit of yanking threat from tanks. Darn dragon aggro.

So why does a repeated vote kick give someone immunity? And why do we have to deal with toxicity for this?

People claim we need protection from vote kicks and apparently it already exists. And, as expected, it ends up doing more harm than good.

I didn’t either until a couple of people on the forums decided to test it out over the span of a couple of weeks. Which I don’t condone said experiment. But at least we learned that.

Let’s take a look back at reality, mkay?

Dungeon finder was introduced. Then the vote kick and deserter system was introduced. That was abused and the debuff was changed to kicks as well as leaving. That happened in the span of months. So did implementing the cooldown.

Then silence on everything and no changes until people started leaving after the first boss over a trinket, which got us all screwed with the debuff regardless of when we leave.

Then M+ got its bans due to Blizz metrics.

But you know what they haven’t touched? How the VTK system works. Which tells us it’s not a systemic issue and their metrics know this until something changes.

Do I still want to placate the obsession over this topic? Yep. But minor things. Not major overhauls or deletion of the system.

Look above. Protection from kicks ends up with people having to deal with hostility.


Well I had some kind of bad experience with literally every player form certain servers.

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If I eat buff food o have a weak aura that goes, “I’m eating rawr uwu”
“I’m done uwu”

I have gotten kicked. Lol ah well didn’t need to play with them anyway. Guess they didn’t want a carry.

some years back players from Tich seemed to cause a lot more problems than most from what I could see. Someone in here back then said a lot of trolling sorts are over there.
I have no clue, personally, can only base opinions on what I see and can confirm

Tich is one of the mega servers. Much more likely to see problems from realms where there’s a lot more people.


ah…I see…didnt know that part. Makes sense.

Mine is Barthalas due to the ping issues.

Seriously 300+ ping.

Barthalag and the rest of the OCE realms aren’t fun to play with because of the lag.

To be fair though I’m sure they feel the same way.

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We’re used to it. One of the countries with the worse internet connections, and we’ve adapted to it.

I reported a group of players cycling thru players till they got a mail armor wearer.

I reported them and the GM said they were likely better than I was that I should get used to getting removed, it’s part of the TOS.

They ignored me.

So I created a group with a healer and tank, and cycled thru 61 dps players (cata Faerlina). Before we cleared the que.

I got many DMs from players, but never contacted by GMs.

They literally don’t give a crap here. They refuse to change it.


This is absolutely not something a GM is going to tell anyone.

The support article on vote kicks has been posted numerous times in here. I suggest checking it out.

GMs do not contact people in game any longer and haven’t for a very long time.

Because until a systemic issue can be seen, they will not change the lesser of evils.


I’m confused a GM didn’t contact you, but a GM told you something insulting?

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as far as the kick timeout, thats what these threads are about. offering ideas that might be used to remedy some of the abusive behavior by trolls


Oh they do. I’ve seen it in chat a few times. They are really annoyed with the ping.