Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

Are you going to continue trolling or are you going to answer my question that I’ve asked you 3 times?

This will loop back into “you were kicked because of your transmog, therefore, you WERE IN FACT doing something wrong, by having a transmog that other random people on the internet though was bad, therefore you DO deserve a 30 min debuff”.

Notice how idiotic that sounds out loud? People will say that and not get it.


no one hates this topic…lol

I use the mute when I dont like thread topics that much, personally

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You keep responding. I keep responding.

You still haven’t addressed the topic with me. So thank you for proving my point again.

Read back through your own posts. Calling for people to be flagged, etc and then claiming others are the problem is not the hill you want to die on.

Now I remember why yet another Classic hidden alt is on my ignore list.

Back on topic…

Is there a particular reason why people don’t address Mirasol’s “turn it into a 15 minute debuff?” I feel like the ideas we’ve talked about get ignored just so people can belittle us and argue.

The three minor changes that might shut people up on this forum:

  1. Timer on the yes button
  2. Re-implement the cooldown on initiating kicks
  3. 15 minute debuff

Thoughts? Or do y’all just want to keep bickering?

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one of them a while back said he’ll kick just to see if it goes thru. I think i have a screenshot of the post somewhere.
Thats NOT what the vote kick was created for and we ALL know it.


Idk man it seems personal, they had it out for me since they got here. All I want is a vote to kick system which doesn’t give a 30 minute penalty right off the bat :tired_face:


I don’t even know you.

So instead of making personal attacks, you want to respond to the ideas given?

I know. But Mira did have a point: the debuff was for approximate time it took to run a dungeon. They don’t take a half hour anymore.

This is factually incorrect.

What does that have to do with the question you’ve been asked several times and for some mysterious reason, won’t answer?

That’s some grade school rationale.

What do you feel that has not been addressed?

Why? I wasn’t wrong in anything I said.

This isn’t an alt. It’s my main. I have higher level alts. What does that have to do with the topic?

Remember when someone says something is true because a blue says so is called “appeal to authority” fallacy. Xbox is the best console because this post from a Microsoft representative says so!


Why do all of your brains work the same way


You don’t know me, but you did just that. Why is it ok for you and not him?

This is an on-going problem on several Blizzard forums.


I do and have repeatedly discussed possible solutions to that in this thread.

  • The debuff is supposed to be the length of the average dungeon run. That is no longer the same as Wrath when they were longer. Maybe 15 mins would be more appropriate and fitting with the original intent.
  • The kick cooldown needs to be double checked to ensure it is working so that those who often kick find themselves unable to do so for a while.
  • Follower dungeons for all at-level dungeon content.

For some reason though people seem to prefer to focus on misrepresenting the Social contract, attacking other players, insults, etc. It is concern trolling, not an attempt to honestly find solutions the Devs are likely to consider.

We know that blizzard is not taking away the tool that lets players decide who they want to play with. We know that the debuff is not going away totally or it encourages people to troll to get kicked instead of leave.

So do the 3 suggestions I listed make sense to you?


same person, most likely

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Tbh that is one of the better solutions.

Although does it also apply for voting or just initiation?

Oh please. We’ve talked about the dungeon queue cooldown that already exists in other threads and why the debuff is unnecessary… If people choose to ignore it, that’s their problem.

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To reply to someone is now childish? Really?

Literally nothing on the actual topic. You four bestie just keep making personal attacks. Like you just did again.

It’s yet another one hiding on a Classic character that hasn’t done anything but add toxicity here.

And you have once more proven my point: I gave an entire outline twice now of things we could all be discussing on this topic and instead of addressing them, you chose to come at me once more and ignore the actual topic.

I have tried numerous times now to discuss with all of you the ideas laid out for this thread topic. Every single one of you have ignored these ideas and a conversation on them to harass and belittle others.

WE are not the problem here. YOU and your cronies are the ones who will get this topic closed. Because none of you will talk about anything constructive.

Back to the ignore list it is then. I gave you a chance. You chose not to take it and continue trolling with your friends.

Literally ALL of us have. They choose to ignore the ideas and harass.

Right here— although this one has more annoyance in it, because all of this keeps getting ignored. And numerous times before:

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total dishonesty from that poster lol.
We have offered lists of possible changes that dont remove the system itself but tweak it to make it less punishing for innocent players who are kicked and that one knows that fact.

  • limited votes per daily reset
  • remove or lessen the timeout
  • monitor accounts and alert GM if any account is showing an abnormal number of kicks to determine if they are trolling other players.

those and lists of others they pretend they never saw in here lol
easy to do when they derail, get a thread removed / delisted and can PRETEND those discussions never happened


(Fuzz posting on main now)

That looks like a shorten suggestion to me.

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lol…thats the problem here. They like to accuse others of trolling while they troll and bait…while WE have been discussing possible changes to the system to help with a particular issue they seem to thrive in…kicking players for nothing theyve done wrong…a point theyve shoved down our throats ten thousands times, making sure WE are aware that bliz allows that behavior in defiance of their own social contract that tells us how to treat other players.

as I said above, we’ve offered a list of possible tweaks…

and they’ll just keep derailing until, as per usual, theyve run the thread so far off course that a mod locks and delists it instead of dealing with the trolling characters here

Im alerting every time I see it.

It’s not a systemic issue that requires a major revamp. But we gave been discussing minor changes this whole time. You just never see it.

That cooldown should have never been removed. I won’t see any affect from it being re-implemented. But others might.

That is something I’ve seen. And I’m not sure how they get that immunity.