Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

This is officially harassment, right? I told you to stop yet you persist.

Or is it possible that you have a disagreement with someone and can message them about it without calling it some kind of harassment campaign from vigilanties?

Curious how that works.


But they agreed with the vote to kick you, which makes you think.

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Yes, you danced around it. You punished the player you kicked so you could get someone else. You cannot get someone else without punishing the player.

I have no alts.

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If more than 3 votes for expulsion are started in the same Dungeon, it was obvious that they would end up accepting one, perhaps the fourth was the decisive one and they voted me out because they were tired of extensions, I just had bad luck, since generally people do not even read the votes before accepting.



Again, you drew attention to yourself and got kicked.

And also again, why didn’t you try to vote out the tank who was causing all the problems instead of throwing fuel on the fire in chat?

Yeah I’m sure that was it

It’s incredible how they always assume that there is always a logical reason for each expulsion!, when the players don’t even read the reasons before accepting!

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Realistically, when does that happen?

I’ve seen a few cases where a vote kick failed, and there was no 2nd. Either we just finished the run, or someone else left right after it failed.


I would love to live in their realities where there are never bans and it doesn’t affect them at all, it’s very nice where you live, but in my reality bans are more frequent than you think, and it’s not always me who gets banned, they’re constantly banning DPS, remember that we’re talking about ChronoDungeons, not Mythics or EndGame content.


I like how they all like the post at a consistent rate, and the time between likes is exactly how long it takes to change your forum character.

It’s like a toddler discovered astroturfing.

Because I don’t like to push people away, just as I don’t like to suffer for 30 minutes, I don’t like others to suffer either, it’s called EMPATHY, you know? That’s why I always try to help and talk to people, something that seems to no longer exist these days.


theres such an easier way to do it too but he doesnt know how

If you want to adopt the M+ solution to this that’s one thing (where there’s no backfilling without a complete reset, so you either start over or finish the dungeon with 4).

By the way, I stopped using ChatGPT, I will continue using Google Translate from now on, it is faster to respond. jajaja


Primerate, I feel like we are on two battle fronts, you are talking against some and I against others! Haha… in the end there are definitely 2 different positions in this debate, I don’t think there will be much progress convincing the other side of who has a better position.


Are the clones retreating? :rofl:

My first debate in this FORUM and I lost the ENTIRE day! I couldn’t even play! I don’t think I’ll do another debate in the near future! A lot of time is wasted and the community is very divided! It’s like throwing stones into the SEA


It’s a lot of work having to manually switch between 8 different characters to like every post, and obviously has to post at the same time. He’s probably exhausted.


LOL how sad, eh?

All with the same amount of achievement points. lol

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