Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

Then move on with my day the way I do when other people in trade chat don’t respond to me.

Real life is different than some fox avatar in a 20 year old mmo. Surely you’re aware of the differences.

But as someone else tried to do earlier with the court analogy: In real life you have the right to face your accuser.

At the same time, saying “I don’t want this guy in my group any longer” isn’t an accusation.

Great, do that now. Like right now with the way the system currently works. You can just do that now.

And the best part is it doesn’t invite as much of the retaliation, the retribution and the harassment that your suggestion would.

Both jury votes and ballot votes are in the real world, Primerate. And you’ve already admitted explicitly that you want the threat of retribution, your argument’s over for anyone with the will to read.

Thanks for that, by the way.

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If real life can’t be brought into the conversation the there’s nothing to ground any arguments to at all.

You threw the baby out with the bath water.

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You should try to be less passive aggressive.


I can’t help it because it’s literally translating everything I’m writing. So, if it’s sending a lot, it’s because I’m writing a lot in Spanish to be translated! And since it takes me a while to respond between one reply and another, I try to cover as much as possible in a single response! Haha.

Sorry, I can’t type as fast as many of you! I take my time to provide a response with more depth and reasoning. :slight_smile:



I don’t think you know what passive aggressive means.

Take your time. A language barrier is a perfectly acceptable reason to get a bit behind in a forum speaking mostly a language you aren’t fluent in.


I like your A.I. responses. It gives me something intelligent to read.

I can’t since I can’t initiate the conversation. Maybe they respond and we have a productive chat.

This only looks at the successful vote side: what about a poor vote? Now I’m in a dungeon with someone trying to sabotage me, I should know why.

Yes, and WOW is not in the real world.

I don’t think the possibility defending one’s actions is as odious as you think it is. My argument isn’t over because I like accountability - the same we had for years in WOW before LFD.

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Your grammar isn’t the best, I wouldn’t be making fun of anyone if I were you.

Because it’s absolutely true and even has been said by people posting these exact threads.

No. They don’t.

But it still doesn’t warrant overhauling a system that doesn’t need overhauled. If it were a systemic issue, which we all know it isn’t… Blizzard would have addressed it. They have the metrics, they know what they see. They saw people leaving after the first boss for that dumb trinket, watched the pattern and then fixed it within weeks.

Since Blizzard has said not one word and hasn’t made changes concerning how it works for all of this supposed vote kick toxicity… that tells us there is no systemic issue.

Yes, jerks exist. The entire reason the system exists is due to degenerate behavior. And the entire reason people get the debuff now for being kicked is because of worse degenerate behavior.

There is no “fix” that people will not exploit. This is the lesser of evils and has been since Wrath.

I will support Snowpine’s comment of a timer countdown on the yes button just to shut down the nonsensical “hur dur people only hit yes!”

And I do believe this needs reimplemented. Other than that… the system does not need changes made to make life worse.

Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.3.5 (2010-06-22): The functionality of the Vote Kick feature in the Dungeon Finder will now behave differently according to a player’s history with the system. Players using the Dungeon Finder who rarely vote to kick players from a group, or rarely abandon groups before a dungeon is complete, will find that the Vote Kick option will have no cooldown. For players who frequently abandon groups or vote to kick other players, the Vote Kick option will be kept on a cooldown. This functionality will adjust itself as a player’s behavior while using the Dungeon Finder changes.

Sendryn stop bullying the OP and just leave, you’ve been doing this all day.

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I think what people are actually saying and what you’re reading in your head might be diverging.

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No, I’m… very certain it is. We’re not talking about some magical in-universe system. It’s a voting system real human beings use to tailor their experience.

I don’t think that’s odious at all.

This is what I think is odious:

You can DM anyone from the group and politely ask.

Or, like you said, just

You don’t know right now when a vote to kick you doesn’t pass. You don’t know that someone’s “trying to sabotage you” if it doesn’t pass.

Too be fair on that one: even after the deserter change, people still bailed from Ara-kara runs after the 1st boss. The issue didn’t actually fully resolve until M0 was out (which is when it would have fixed itself if they did nothing).

Needing to answer to the group or player for actions taken against the group or player is odious? Personal accountability really is a cancer to the median wow player lmao