Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

As I mentioned above some of these same names in here that don’t want any accountability with the vote kick are very much for having more of your account information on this forum for so-called accountability. Quite a contradiction if you ask me LOL
They want accountability as long as it doesn’t include themselves


It’s more likely they’ll feel like it has to be legitimate if their actions are exposed. People might ask them to defend why they did it.

Sure, I’d be fine with every vote but would start with the initiator at a minimum.

If you feel like kicking someone for arguing instead playing then sign your name and initiate a kick.

I know what you’re asking for. Restating it doesn’t change that you want it because you want to punish people who initiate VtK’s you don’t agree with it.

And that’s exactly why you’ll never get what you’re asking for.

If you disagree with the VtK, vote no. If enough people see it like you do, the vote won’t pass, and that’s the end of it.

It’s more that we don’t want your vigilantism.

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I’m subject to the same accountability you are in dungeons. If I’m doing something the group doesn’t like, I can be removed too.

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There are middle grounds. But, like I said, your gotcha moment where you said I’d have to be fine with LFG was met with… agreement:

Fight toxicity with more toxicity. You should kick them before they kick you.

You’re not answering my question. You’re telling me what you think it will do, I am asking you how your suggestion is supposed to achieve this. What changes for the person because of the supposed accountability?

This is certainly a reason I’d vote to kick someone. I didn’t join an LFD run to watch two grown adults bicker about why they do or don’t deserve to be in the run.

I want transparency and openness if you’re going to negatively impact someone elses gameplay. That it might lead to an uncomfortable chat where you have to defend your actions then I think that’s completely fine.

I get you want to lurk in the shadows but I’m generally against it.

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LOL LOL the same vigilantism that would occur if they had more of your account information on this forum as they’ve proven with their behavior without that information.

As I said they want accountability for everybody else but not themselves lol they’ve made that very clear in here

I would vote kick you in a heartbeat if I had a chance.

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That’s fine. I’ll go next.

Sign me up. Let everybody know that I voted to kick that it was me. 100% for it no arguments.

Why bother responding when you’ll ignore it and keep asking:

Great, then vote them out.


Its actually pretty strange to me that anyone would be in favor of a 30 minute penalty against a player who is simply trying to gear in random queues. Such a weird hill to die on…

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What are you blathering on about?

The system as it stands has equal “accountability” whatever that’s supposed to mean, for everyone

I’ve asked you the same question multiple times. You’ve dodged it every single time.

I gave you a free platform to express the point and you’re incapable.

I’ll even do it one more time, Prime.

How does accountability make people vote to kick more reasonably?

It’s about control and abuse of other players. If it was literally about just getting someone out of their group they wouldn’t care about the penalty at all. The penalty exists because blizzard thought it was obviously something that would help but as far as players are concerned we just want it because we want to get a kick out of costing someone half an hour of their game time. I’m not stupid it’s easy enough to figure the motivation out here as far as players go

You asked directly and I answered here:

To avoid the friction caused from the above when faced with the possibility they may have to answer for their actions.

It’s been explained multiple times in this thread why that system is the way it is.

TL;DR: if getting kicked is a way to bypass deserter, players will exploit that to leave without getting deserter.