Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

someone posted a vid the other day and someone else pretty much said it wasnt good enough, lol.


This is the issue that the trolls will completely ignore while proclaiming everything is fine with the VTK system.




It’s been talked about in every single thread.

Have you ever argued anything in good faith?


Exactly how other threads have gone, for certain…“working as designed”.
The kick may be, but the timeout isnt necessary. It punishes the wrong players.


And not having it also punishes the wrong players. The difference is volume.

Do you want people to weaponize poor behavior to get kicked so they can avoid the deserter penalty, or do you want to deal with 30 minutes on the off chance you get kicked?

You admitted yourself it’s rare.

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Thankfully, this is working as Blizzard intended and designed. Kicking people is not against the rules despite any reason give. That’s how the system works and it, in Blizzard’s opinion, cannot be abused.

BTW OP, nice ChatGPT version of this.

+1 for B-Tag login and posting support.


an equally odd thing is the group kicks because they dont want to play with someone…and someone gets punished even if someone did nothing wrong…but if someone doesnt want to play with the group, then someone still gets punished.

Seems a bit unfair to punish someone in every circumstance, especially when the rules say they can be kicked for ANY reason, including no reason at all.


If the dungeon progressed without any problems up to the final boss, without anyone dying along the way, and just before finishing the dungeon someone says, “No, you did less damage than I would have liked, so you’re ‘useless’,” and then kicks you—how is that fair? It’s not about “carrying” someone; if there’s no valid reason to kick someone and everything is working fine, why kick them?

I want to clarify that I’ve leveled 14 characters to max level, and this type of situation doesn’t happen 100% of the time—let’s say it happens occasionally. But due to the 30-minute deserter penalty, it becomes incredibly tedious to keep leveling that character. It’s like your progress is being halted unnecessarily.

I understand that if you play every class, there will be some you’re not as good at compared to others. For example, I’m a Monk main, but just because I’m not as skilled with a Warrior doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be allowed to learn. Does that mean I don’t have the right to want to play a class I’m less familiar with, simply because it’s not the one I have the most experience with?

Guys, if players get toxic in Mythics, I can somewhat understand it because that’s competitive content. But in a Normal dungeon? These are supposed to be for learning and progressing. Strictness shouldn’t be applied in this kind of content!

Remember, there are many players who are just starting the game and don’t have the years of experience others do. You should aim to be good mentors. How do you expect these new players to learn—through repeated punishments, kicks, or by fighting random mobs in the open world?

Everyone has the freedom to choose who they want to play with or not, but I believe it’s also fair that everyone has the opportunity to learn and be part of this beautiful community that we’ve all dedicated years of our lives to.


I wonder if ‘trolling’ includes intentionally changing someones quote pretending they said something they didnt?


Go do quests.


Who said it was fair?

The VTK system is a player agency tool. It’s fair to the group, not to the individual.


This isn’t new. Vote to kick can be used for any reason so, if it’s happening to you often, you might try looking inward instead of projecting your frustrations toward others.

This game has always been toxic.

People say this, but the game continues to move forward so, not so sure it matters.

Blizzard’s desire to capitalize on the e-sports trend will never be supplanted by the desire of every day players to be able to enjoy the game they pay for. Blizzard simply does not care.

Because every well-typed, well-thought post just has to be AI? Get over yourself. That MVP tag was applied to the wrong person.


Everyone in this game thinks they’re better than they are and they have no tolerance for mistakes and it’s toxic. myself included but this is what blizzard promotes really they made it this way.


Nobody pretended anything. I fixed your mis-information for you :slight_smile: You’re welcome!


Fair point…

VERY fair point…

dude, you are on a roll…

Vote kicks are rare, so if this is the metric by which you’ve decided “everyone” falls under this net you’ve cast, I think you’ve misinterpreted it.

By this logic,
imma kick everyeone from each dungone where I am on my 11 level character,
because I am carrying everyone in there.


OP, this is why players like myself are going solo. this community is super toxic and they try to silence anyone that expresses their grievances.


very very very good point, lol