Title: A Serious Issue with Dungeon Vote Kick System and Player Toxicity

What I want to know is the reason why follower dungeons are included in this nonsense… getting kicked should not bar you from the NPC experience…Blizzard is way to lazy for the amount of money people are paying to play this game…

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Because you get white knights like people in this thread who will defend this crap design until the end of time.

Because lazy coding. And frankly, if I was the coder I’d have done the same. The issue is so low on my list of complaints that I wouldn’t be able to see it with an electron microscope.

Secondly, “White Knight” reason. Because it’s meant to be a punishment. If they made it trivial (like all those asking for it to be reduced to 15min or less) then it’s pointless. People seem to forget this underlying bit. Sure, it’s not fair and it’s pandering to mob rule, but frankly, I prefer it to being beholden to asshats who would AND HAVE held groups to ransom in the old days.

I got my first vote kick in a while with the debuff and it really doesn’t feel good. Playing healer in a Normal dungeon. I was the second person kicked from the group and I believe the tank just had some sort of issue and kept deflecting blame onto others. I’m surprised the other two people kept voting yes. First guy was kicked in Dawnbreaker for “afk” even though he was just having a hard time learning where to go. I was kicked for not dying fast enough, I’m guessing based on the whisper I received from the tank afterwards.

It’s really not a good feeling to have that 30 minute debuff when you don’t believe you did anything wrong. I like to think that I spend a lot of time in game helping people without any tangible reward, but a bad group and there’s a very tangible punishment.

Lame =/

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I’m just going to point out that plenty of people do stuff that others find to be wrong that they don’t happen to agree with.

Whether you think you did right or wrong doesn’t always matter.

Yeah, then you add in morales and it all goes his way.
