Some people’s minds can be changed while others are ready to die on their hill.
Ironic, isn’t it
feel more like blind obstinance than any ‘stand’ even pretending its trying to be honorable, lol
I wouldn’t even say blind. Obstinate is what I was describing. I see them on every forum I post on.
fair point. I guess Im still trying to give benefit of doubt even now. Probably isnt blind, likely just obstinance that is fully aware of it being wrong and not being willing to cope with that
Theres a reason for that. its been a topic of contention in here for years now. Ive just been adding it to the tickets ive been filing the last week or so
The irony is real given the crowd you perpetually show up with in here…harassing everyone who responds in any thread youre all in. Getting tiresome by now.
The irony lolol…you demanded that I stop responding to you then you CONTINUE to HARASS ME with trolling responses …
which is a total lie…ive never told any of you to leave a thread…YOU on the other hand imply it VERY often towards others in threads youre in.
the projection, lol
going for irony?
You demand I ignore YOU, but you CONTINUE to make HARASSING responses to my posts.
ifyou want the courtesy of being ignored, then return the favor…otherwise, no…sorry.
yes, friend, I was. I couldnt care less what your post says…blizzard reps told me directly to come to this forum to discuss my thoughts about the game
Again…youre good at calling people liars…aka trolling.
lol…you all put way too much energy into defending the behavior for anyone to actually believe one isnt involved with the behavior.
You blame the people who have been giving logical feedback, while supporting someone who is trolling and will get your precious thread shut down if he doesn’t stop.
youve given no logical feedback that is anything more than ‘becuz bliz says so’…NOTHING in any of your posts considers the human being who has done nothing wrong worthy of being kicked.
Your entire argument…all of it…revolves around blizzards allowing themselves to be scapegoated for bad player behavior in how they treat innocent players when they kick them for no good cause.
Because nowhere did anyone claim they hate the topic and this isn’t an echo chamber no matter how much you try to push everyone else out to further a narrative.
irony is so thick its laughable given how your side literally always tries to pretend youre being harassed when anyone disagrees with you so you can getyour echo chamber. Ive seen you all do it in the btag threads dozens of times lol.
You cant even be consistent in your incessant demands that I ignore you, pretending to be harassed, while YOU CONTINUE to harass me with your insulting posts because you think my having you ignored means I dont know youre doing it.
Well, youre off ignore now, so when you respond to me, I respond to you.
It’s not a systemic issue that requires a major revamp.
lol…youre talking to the wrong person and you know it.
Ive said 100 times the timeout and kick need TWEAKED and you know that as well.
Havent asked a single time for a 'major revamp" and Im 100% you know that as well given youre clearly hanging on my every post.
But good job going overboard with the hyperbole to ask for VTK to be removed in the only thing it’s in: trivial content.
you mean like the hyperbole where you say you NEED our btags because a couple posters upvote their posts on alts in here from time to time? lmao…that kind of hyperbole?
You’ve literally claimed you don’t even run queued content with pugs anymore. And seeing as how I have Classic Troll on ignore, I have no idea what you’re talking about.
lol…I see you only take in what you think you need and ignore the rest.
What I ACTUALLY said is I totally stopped healing in CURRENT content over rancid player behavior…literally kicking players who didnt do anything wrong…ironic, isnt it. lol
I also said I do break out a healer and heal leveling dungeons when I get into the mood…I added to that that it doesnt usually last more than half a dozen runs before the make me regret it with the childish kicks again.
IFyoure gonna talk get your details straight.
Can you show me where anyone claimed you were running with the exact same people? Or what that has to do with the conversation at all?
point >>
The gaslighting is real.
whats ‘real’ is the blatant hypocrisy in the fit you tossed the other day DEMANDING I ignore you while you post one harasseing response after another harasssing response to me…very hypocritical
I was thinking something like this as well, we have to select a reason to report everything else in-game.
There’s a severe lack of empathy in this thread—too much, in fact. All I see are comments like “The system is fine; anyone can be kicked for any reason.” How can you be so cruel to people who haven’t done anything wrong? It’s a pitiful attitude that reveals a lot about who you are as human beings.
It’s not just about the game. In the U.S. (and the world) there is an increasing attitude that there are an infinite amount of other people and if someone doesn’t fit your needs, just toss them and grab another. Possibly in part because “online” has opened us up to so many people.
Empathy and kindness used to be a survival trait because … well you had to deal with the consequences if you didn’t practice it. Now you just be a jerk, click ignore, and change the channel. On social media, in business, in politics, and in “MMO-x” (including x=RPG).
Trick is there are consequences, we just don’t get immediate feedback anymore. But we still end up living in the … environment … that attitude creates. The “toxicity” people are objecting to in game is one consequence.
Thank you for bringing this up. Gives me hope some folks want this online space to be better. Sure used to be and it could be again.
haha what a crybaby… l2p and get over it
you mean like when you all kick them
Are you familiar with the term “othering”?
What purpose but for dismissal would you have to insist we all kick players for any reason you personally find distasteful?
Any attempt to find common ground is often drowned out by your flood of posts and personal attacks on people therein.
Multiple times, I’ve offered solutions to problems you bring up. You ignore them each time to continue arguing against stances I haven’t taken. You do the same with others.
What about my suggestion for a delay on the “Yes” button? What about my older suggestion of removing the free text box for a multiple choice reason selection?
Wow Lio are you gonna take that from a lil fox boi!
I agree with most of this and came to this from being kicked from group randomly, after Thousands of PUGs in Timewalking with no issues.
The conversation after killing a boss with no issue, the tank randomly just puts in chat “Kick useless melees” and I get booted as an Elemental Shaman. (So I’m assuming someone was just trigger happy or stupid)
It wouldn’t even bother me as much, if as a DPS I didn’t have to wait 20 minutes to just get a group. But 30 additional minute cooldown to be kicked by a mindless process?
I can also attest that even in the worst case scenarios of groups, I rarely if ever saw a vote kick for actual major issues (trolling, afk, gaslighting, hostility, etc).
Most of the kicks were a majority of the time initiated by the most toxic individual of the group, and I would just ignore and generally the problem child would just remove themselves anyways.
I understand it is a hard balancing act of incentives and punishment, but I do think there needs to also be a transparent and possible accountability system to individuals/groups that initiate for toxic/non-reasons in random groups.
That, and even if the kick was for a genuine reason, 30 minutes is rather insane imo. Even if they voluntarily left and caused issues for the PUG, Requeuing itself is almost a punishment, especially for DPS.
I could see 10-15 minutes as a cooldown, and to prevent further trolling further groups within a short period of time.
But as I stated earlier, and as discussed by OP, I have seen far more abuse of the system by the actual toxic players than removing genuine problem players.
I have been kicked for doing too much DPS. Apparently, bosses dying fast, but not too fast, is a problem for some. I was leveling my character at the time. So, yes, people do kick just to kick, not only for valid reasons.
Suggestions for Improvement
Transparency in Vote Kick Reasons
Reform the Desertion Penalty
Stricter Review of Vote Kick Patterns
Encourage a More Supportive Community
I think these are good jumping off points for conversaion. I think one of the issues you’re running into is that TikTok brains didn’t read this far into your post - I’d suggest including this near the top in the future, or a tl;dr or something.
Feedback on your suggestions specifically:
- I don’t think Blizzard is going to introduce something that requires manual oversight (review of flags). They hardly do this for bots anymore, let alone vote kick reasons - players can also circumvent automated systems by choosing a reason that isn’t on paper “abusive”.
- Regarding “transparency in vote kick reasons” - I don’t see this solving any problems. Rather than kicked players being confused by lack of clarity, they’ll just be upset at the reasons they were kicked. Similarly for #1, I think an ideal system doesn’t require manual oversight as well.
- “Being kicked should not apply the same penalty as voluntarily leaving. Separate these two scenarios in the system.” How do you suggest preventing users afking deliberately to get kicked and circumvent the penalty, for example? This proposed system can also be abused.
I think they should make you type out a confirmation box (like typing delete to trash certain items) so the quick reaction would be to hit [decline] because aint nobody got time to stop to type out a codeword.
If someone is truely deserving of being kicked, people will take the time to type it out.